09.12.2012 Aufrufe

Johannes-Martin Kamp Kinderrepubliken - Wer nichts aus der ...

Johannes-Martin Kamp Kinderrepubliken - Wer nichts aus der ...

Johannes-Martin Kamp Kinderrepubliken - Wer nichts aus der ...


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Buffalo 252<br />

Bureau International Catholique<br />

de l'Enfance 565<br />

Bureau International d' Education 561<br />

Burkhardt, Carl 238; 373; 666<br />

Burkhardts Klassengemeinschaft 238<br />

Burt, Sir Cyril 378<br />

Bustos, José Maria Sanchez 617<br />

Butzell, F. M. 245<br />

694<br />

—C—<br />

Calais 326; 341<br />

Cal<strong>der</strong>, Ritchie 435<br />

California George Junior Republic<br />

225; 234<br />

Calvo, Angel 617<br />

Cambridge 324; 390<br />

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmarment<br />

177; 435<br />

Campo, Jose Luis (Pequeño) 614<br />

Caracas 615<br />

Carey, Charlotte 559<br />

Carol, Dr. Denis 276<br />

Carpi 562<br />

Carroll-Abbing, John Patrick 41; 72;<br />

176; 548; 564 - 580; 666<br />

Carstensen, Dr. Christoph 341<br />

Carter<br />

Geoffrey 356; 357; 370; 371<br />

Unternehmerfamilie 224<br />

William T. 224<br />

Carter Republic 84; 224<br />

Caruso, Enrico 360; 362<br />

CDU 81<br />

Celanova 613; 615; 619; 623; 626 - 631<br />

Chaplin, Charlie 325; 356; 357; 359; 361<br />

Chapman, Fre<strong>der</strong>ick Spencer 559<br />

Char'kov siehe: Charkow<br />

Charkow 476; 477; 484; 496; 499; 501;<br />

511 - 513; 516; 538<br />

Charleroi 581<br />

Charmouth 377<br />

Chateau des Filles 598<br />

Cheltenham 691<br />

Chemnitz 322<br />

Chicago 41; 201; 224; 682; 686<br />

Children's Town of Hajduhadhaz 598<br />

Children's Village at Dobbs Ferry 605<br />

Chino 225; 234<br />

Christliche Jugenddörfer 33<br />

Chur 193<br />

Circo Americana 624<br />

Circo Ciudad de los Muchachos 612; 614<br />

Circo Price 624; 625<br />

Cité de l'Enfance Marcinelle 581<br />

Città dei Ragazzi<br />

Boys Town 573<br />

Rom 548; 572 - 580; 673<br />

Santa Marinella 564<br />

Turin 563<br />

Città Giardino 574; 575; 578<br />

Città Industriale 574; 578; 579<br />

City Municipality 231<br />

City Republic 231<br />

Ciudad Central en Colombia 614<br />

Ciudad de los Muchachos 614; 623 - 626<br />

Ciudad Don Bosco (Medellin) 606<br />

Civitaveccia 562 - 574; 581; 595; 606;<br />

660<br />

Cizek, Prof. Franz 338; 342; 351<br />

Claparede, E. 561<br />

Clarenceville 246<br />

Claudel, Paul 334; 368<br />

Cleveland 41; 675<br />

CND siehe: Campaign for<br />

Nuclear Disarmarment<br />

Codignola, Prof. E. 560<br />

Colebank, Ruth 251<br />

Coleman, John 273<br />

College of Praeceptors 417<br />

College of the City of New York 82<br />

Collins, Mark 442<br />

Colonie d'Enfants de la<br />

Fondation Sociale Pax 598<br />

Colorado Junior Republic 233<br />

Committee of 100 177; 435<br />

Commonwealth 38; 254<br />

siehe auch: Starr Commonwealth for<br />

Boys; Little Commonwealth<br />

Commonwealth of Ford 247; 250<br />

Commonwealth of Nations 309<br />

Community school 561<br />

Company of St. Paul siehe:<br />

Gesellschaft des hl. Paulus (Orden)<br />

Connecticut George Junior Republic 32;<br />

224; 234; 235; 689<br />

Cook, Caldwell 324<br />

Cooley, Professor Charles Horton 247<br />

Cooman, René de 560; 581<br />

Copping, Robert 428; 429; 606; 667; 670<br />

Corkhill, George 177<br />

Corti, Walter Robert 559<br />

Cortizo, Emilio Cid 630<br />

Coué, Emile 324; 326; 327<br />

Courtland 211; 231<br />

Croall, Jonathan 150; 307; 310; 349; 445;<br />

667; 691<br />

Cromwell, Oliver 309<br />

Cundinamarca 614<br />

Curry, Bill 393; 394; 659

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