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Mitgliedscha� en und Ehrungen<br />

(Auswahl)<br />

2002–2003 Fellow am Wissenscha� skolleg<br />

zu <strong>Berlin</strong><br />

2002–2006 Chair, Executive Board of<br />

the Council for European Studies<br />

(based at Columbia University)<br />

2003 Max-Planck-Forschungspreis für<br />

Geistes- und Sozialwissenscha� en<br />

2005 Ernennung zum Auswärtigen Wissenscha�<br />

lichen Mitglied des Max-<br />

Planck-Instituts für Gesellscha� sforschung,<br />

Köln<br />

2007 Elected to Senior Research Fellowship<br />

at Nuffi eld College, Oxford<br />

University, Oxford UK<br />

2007–2008 President, Organized section<br />

on Politics and History of the American<br />

Political Science Association<br />

seit 2008 Mitglied des Kuratoriums des<br />

Wissenscha� szentrums <strong>Berlin</strong> für<br />

Sozialforschung<br />

seit 2008 Mitglied des Wissenscha� -<br />

lichen Beirats des Wissenscha� skollegs<br />

zu <strong>Berlin</strong><br />

2008–2009 President, Society for the<br />

Advancement of Socioeconomics<br />

(SASE)<br />

2009–2011 President-Elect, Comparative<br />

Politics Organized Section, American<br />

Political Science Association<br />

Veröff entlichungen (Auswahl)<br />

Union of Parts: Labor Politics in Postwar<br />

Germany. Ithaca, NY 1991.<br />

(Hg.) Structuring Politics: Historical<br />

Institutionalism in Comparative<br />

Analysis. New York 1992 (gem. mit<br />

Sven Steinmo und Frank Longstreth).<br />

88 | Zuwahlen<br />

Historical Institutionalism in Comparative<br />

Politics. In: Annual Review of<br />

Political Science, Vol. 2, (Palo Alto:<br />

Annual Reviews, Inc., 1999).<br />

How Institutions Evolve: � e Political<br />

Economy of Skills in Germany, Britain,<br />

the United States and Japan. New<br />

York 2004. (Winner [2006] of the<br />

Mattei Dogan Award for best book<br />

published in the � eld of comparative<br />

research in 2004/2005 and Co-winner<br />

[2005] of the Woodrow Wilson<br />

Foundation Award of the American<br />

Political Science Association for<br />

the best book published in 2004 on<br />

government, politics, or international<br />

aff airs.)<br />

(Hg.) Beyond Continuity: Institutional<br />

Change in Advanced Political<br />

Economies. Oxford 2005 (gem. mit<br />

Wolfgang Streeck).<br />

Coordination as a Political Problem in<br />

Coordinated Market Economies. In:<br />

Governance 19: 1 (January 2006),<br />

S. 11–42 (gem. mit Ikuo Kume).<br />

Institutional Change in Advanced Political<br />

Economies. In: British Journal of<br />

Industrial Relations 47: 3 (September<br />

2009), S. 471–498.<br />

(Hg.) Explaining Institutional Change:<br />

Ambiguity, Agency, and Power. New<br />

York 2010 (gem. mit James Mahoney).

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