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Adaptation bei Buntbarschen. Biodiversitätsforschung,<br />

Phylogenetik, vergleichende<br />

und evolutionäre Genomik.<br />

Mitgliedscha� en und Ehrungen (Auswahl)<br />

1990 Young Investigator Prize, American<br />

Society of Naturalists<br />

1996–1997 Miller Fellowship – Visiting<br />

Research Professorship, Departments<br />

of Integrative Biology and Molecular<br />

and Cell Biology, University of California<br />

at Berkeley<br />

1996–1997 John Simon Guggenheim<br />

Memorial Fellowship<br />

2000 Akademiepreis <strong>der</strong> <strong>Berlin</strong>-<strong>Brandenburgische</strong>n<br />

Akademie <strong>der</strong> Wissenscha�<br />

en<br />

2007 ISI Highly Cited – world’s 250 most<br />

cited researchers in Plant & Animal<br />

Sciences<br />

2008 EMBO Award for Communication<br />

in the Life Sciences<br />

2008–2009 Fellow des Wissenscha� skollegs<br />

zu <strong>Berlin</strong><br />

2009 Mitglied <strong>der</strong> Deutschen Akademie<br />

<strong>der</strong> Naturforscher Leopoldina<br />

2009 Carus-Medaille <strong>der</strong> Deutschen<br />

Akademie <strong>der</strong> Naturforscher Leopoldina<br />

2009 Member of the European Molecular<br />

Biology Organization (EMBO)<br />

Veröff entlichungen (Auswahl)<br />

Monophyletic origin of Lake Victoria<br />

cichlid � shes suggested by mitochondrial<br />

DNA sequences. In: Nature<br />

347 (1990); S. 550–553 (gem. mit T.D.<br />

Kocher, P. Basasibwaki, A.C. Wilson).<br />

Genetic divergence, speciation and<br />

morphological stasis in a lineage<br />

of African cichlid � shes. In: Nature<br />

358 (1992), S. 578–581 (gem. mit C.<br />

Sturmbauer).<br />

Revised phylogeny of whales suggested<br />

by mitochondrial ribosomal DNA<br />

sequences. In: Nature 361 (1993), S.<br />

346–348 (gem. mit M.C. Milinkovitch,<br />

G. Orti).<br />

Recurrent origin of a sexually selected<br />

trait in Xiphophorus � shes inferred<br />

from a molecular phylogeny. In: Nature<br />

368 (1994), S. 539–542 (gem. mit<br />

J. Morrissey, M. Schartl).<br />

� e origin of the super� ock of cichlid<br />

� shes from Lake Victoria, East<br />

Africa. In: Science 300 (2003),<br />

S. 325–329 (gem. mit E. Verheyen,<br />

W. Salzburger, J. Snocks).<br />

Post-mating clutch piracy in an amphibian.<br />

In: Nature 431 (2004), S. 305–<br />

308 (gem. mit D.R. Vieites, S. Nieto-<br />

Román, M. Barluenga, A. Palanca,<br />

M. Vences).<br />

Major events in the genome evolution of<br />

vertebrates: Paranome age and size<br />

diff ers consi<strong>der</strong>ably between ray-<br />

� nned � shes and land vertebrates. In:<br />

Proceedings of the National Academy<br />

of Sciences, USA, 101 (2004),<br />

S. 1638–1643 (gem. mit K. Vandepoele,<br />

W. De Vos, J. Taylor, Y. Van de<br />

Peer).<br />

Sympatric speciation in Nicaraguan<br />

crater lake cichlid � sh. In: Nature 439<br />

(2006), S. 719–724 (gem. mit M. Barluenga,<br />

K. Stölting, W. Salzburger,<br />

M. Muschick).<br />

Ordentliche Mitglie<strong>der</strong><br />

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