09.12.2012 Aufrufe

Leibniztag - edoc-Server der BBAW - Berlin-Brandenburgische ...

Leibniztag - edoc-Server der BBAW - Berlin-Brandenburgische ...

Leibniztag - edoc-Server der BBAW - Berlin-Brandenburgische ...


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Figure 8<br />

The genetic architecture of the traits associated with the pollen hoarding syndrome, and ovary size (number<br />

of ovarioles). Ovary size is believed to be the cause of much of the pleiotropy observed.<br />

and low-pollen-hoarding strains (Fig. 8). Next, with Olav Rueppell 24, we mapped the<br />

individual foraging and sucrose response traits, found a fourth QTL. We also found<br />

that all QTL aff ected all traits (pleiotropy) and all QTL aff ected each other (epistasis).<br />

� e honey bee genome sequence allowed us to look into these regions and seek candidate<br />

genes that we are currently testing for eff ects on foraging behavior. However, our<br />

attention has refocused on something that we believe gives us a broad explanation for<br />

the complex phenotypic and genetic architectures.<br />

24 Rüppell O., T. Pankiw, D. I. Nielsen, M. K. Fondrk, M. Beye, and R. E. Page (2004): � e genetic<br />

architecture of the behavioral ontogeny of honey bee workers. In: Genetics 167:1767–<br />

1779. – Rueppell, O., S. Chandra, T. Pankiw, M. K. Fondrk, M. Beye, G. Hunt and R. E. Page<br />

(2006): � e genetic architecture of sucrose responsiveness in the honey bee (Apis mellifera<br />

L.). In: Genetics 172: 243–251.<br />

528 | Ernst Mayr Lecture 2009

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