04.12.2016 Aufrufe


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11.2 You must handle the reserved goods carefully. You must insure the goods against fire, water and theft at your own expense in an amount<br />

sufficient to cover the reinstatement value. If maintenance and inspection work is necessary, you must conduct such work in due time at your<br />

own cost.<br />

11.3 You may use the reserved goods and sell them in the due course of business provided you are not in default of payment. However, you shall<br />

not have the right to pledge the reserved goods or assign them as security. All your claims against your customer from any sale of the reserved<br />

goods are hereby assigned to us in full by way of security, as well as all claims against your customer or another third party with respect to the<br />

reserved goods that accrue for another legal reason (especially claims founded on tort and insurance claims) and including all demands<br />

relating to the current account balance. We herewith accept this assignment of claims.<br />

11.4 You may collect the claims assigned to us for your own account and in your own name, provided we do not revoke this authorisation. Our right<br />

to collect the claims ourselves shall remain unaffected; however we will not assert the claims ourselves and will not revoke the direct debit<br />

order for as long as you duly fulfil your payment obligations.<br />

11.5 However, if you act in breach of the contract, especially if you are in default with payment of a claim for payment, we may demand that you in<br />

form us of the claims assigned and the names of the debtors, inform the debtors of the assignment and give us all documentation and all<br />

information required to assert the claims.<br />

11.6 In the event of reserved goods being processed or transformed, this shall be deemed as performed on our behalf. If the reserved goods are<br />

processed further together with other materials not belonging to us, we acquire a co-ownership to the new item in the ratio of the value of the<br />

reserved goods (invoice amount including VAT) to the value, at the time of use, of the other materials used. The provisions applying to the<br />

reserved goods shall apply accordingly to the new item resulting from such processing.<br />

11.7 If the reserved goods are inseparably joined or mixed with other materials not belonging to us, we acquire a co-ownership to the new item in<br />

the ratio of the value of the reserved goods (invoice amount including VAT) to the value, at the time of joining or mixing, of the other materials<br />

joined or mixed. Should the reserved goods be joined or mixed in such a way that the property of the purchaser is regarded as the principal<br />

good, we herewith agree that you shall transfer to us proportionate co-title to this item. We herewith accept this transfer.<br />

11.8 You shall store the resulting exclusively or jointly-held property on our behalf.<br />

11.9 Should third parties seize or assert any other claims to the reserved goods, you shall inform such third parties that the relevant goods are our<br />

property and notify us of the same immediately so that we can assert our property rights. Should the third party not be in a position to<br />

reimburse the judicial or extra-judicial costs incurred in this context, you shall be liable for such costs.<br />

12. Compliance with export controls<br />

12.1 When forwarding the goods delivered to third parties you shall comply with all applicable regulations of national and international (re-)export<br />

control regulations.<br />

12.2 If required in order to enable authorities or us to conduct export control checks, you shall, upon request, promptly provide us with all<br />

information pertaining to the end-user, the final destination and the intended use of the goods delivered by us, as well as any export control<br />

restrictions existing in relation to the goods.<br />

12.3 You shall further indemnify us and hold us harmless from and against any claims which authorities or other third parties may assert against us<br />

on grounds of your non-compliance with the afore-mentioned export control regulations and to compensate us for all losses and expenses<br />

resulting from such non-compliance.<br />

13. Requests for returns; handling charge<br />

13.1 Any product returns to which you are not legally entitled require our consent. Please always notify us in advance if you wish to return any<br />

goods. After we have received this notification from you, we will send you a form which is to be filled in and send back to us before you return<br />

the goods. After we have checked the information provided and approved the return you are entitled to send the goods back. This does not,<br />

however, constitute an acceptance of the return on our part. We do not accept any product returns that have not been approved in advance.<br />

After checking the returned goods we will notify you immediately if we accept the return of the goods or not.<br />

13.2 If we accept the return you are to bear the costs and expenses incurred in connection with processing the return and putting the returned<br />

goods back into storage. We are entitled to charge a flat rate of 15 % of the net invoice amount of the returned goods, but no less than EUR<br />

25.00. You are also obliged to bear the entire costs for the transport and return of the goods; furthermore, you also bear the risk of accidental<br />

loss of and accidental deterioration to the goods in transport.<br />

13.3 Your rights in the case of material or legal defects to the goods delivered are not affected by this provision.<br />

14. Place of jurisdiction; applicable law; place of performance<br />

14.1 The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising in connection with these GTCs and all legal and contractual relationships between us is the<br />

location of our registered office.<br />

14.2 These GTCs and all legal and contractual relationships between us shall be governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany<br />

excluding the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.<br />

14.3 Unless otherwise agreed in the order confirmation, the place of performance shall be the location of our registered office.<br />

14.4 All agreements concluded between us and the customer for the purpose of fulfilling the contract are settled in writing in the contract.<br />

Status: February 2015

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