15.04.2016 Aufrufe

Salzburger Hochschulwochen 2016

Programm der Salzburger Hochschulwochen 2016, zum Thema Leidenschaften. Vorlesungen, Workshops und Diskussionen vom 1.-7.August 2016

Programm der Salzburger Hochschulwochen 2016, zum Thema Leidenschaften. Vorlesungen, Workshops und Diskussionen vom 1.-7.August 2016


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Passions<br />

Inquiring after passions touches upon ambivalences of human existence. Passion,<br />

according to Kant’s level-headed verdict, no one can wish for – because who<br />

“wants to have himself put in chains when he can be free?” And yet at the same<br />

time one can ask: What could be worse than a dispassionate life? An existence<br />

devoid of passions?<br />

Passions are deeply ambiguous: They seem to be primordial and carry us away<br />

unexpectedly, yet they are profoundly social entities – culturally shaped, economically<br />

exploitable, politically utilisable. They subvert cost-benefit calculations and disenchant<br />

the alleged sovereignty of the subject – and yet they are conducive to what subjects<br />

so often strive for in their planning and reckoning: the experience of living intensely.<br />

However, the one who surrenders blindfoldedly seems to be doomed – since passions<br />

contain an element of destruction, are all-consuming, grow into obsessions.<br />

Literature is rife with them and forever arranges the dialectics of vitalising and<br />

destructive elements anew. Theologically the topos is irritating as well: God’s passion<br />

for man lies at the centre of faith – however, its enormousness irritates unvaryingly,<br />

its consequence is the Passion.<br />

In their 85 th year of existence the <strong>Salzburger</strong> <strong>Hochschulwochen</strong> face the questions<br />

that are related therewith. Join us in exploring passionately the political, artistic,<br />

religious, literary and other significances of passions!<br />

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Martin Dürnberger<br />

Chairman <strong>Salzburger</strong> Hochschul wochen

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