Zuchtbch 2016 / Stud Book 2016

Stud Book 2016 / Zuchtbuch 2016 Vorstellung der Besten Tauben der SG Steffl Stud Book 2016 / Zuchtbuch 2016 Vorstellung der Besten Tauben der SG Steffl

16.02.2016 Aufrufe

Vorwort As long as we are breeding 1st prize winners, Ace-pigeons and pigeons with more then 10 prize cards a year our breeding system concede a point to our success. The primary thing in pigeonsport is and stay the good pigeon. But only judging the pigeons by her pedigree is in our opinion a “ dead system” and did not lead into the results we want to have like a top racer with a lot of top positions and a strong continuity. If we can learn something we always add it to our breeding system. In fact we also like the pigeon with the good pedigree, but we favor a pigeon which is in the end of the year the champion. This is the only confirmation of the good and correct way to breed racing pigeons. Every year we stock our best racers. At same time we try to buy top pigeons with an enormous quality for our breeding loft. With one goal: to get better! The pigeons we purchase were should have top quality. Pigeons with only pedigree and where generations not were raced are no pigeons for our top quality breeding lofts. That’s the way why we always want to buy the champion bird itself, or a direct child out of the champ or if a family of champs out of this family. We do not only breed the common allround pigeon we use for the classic german program from 100 km up to 700 km , we also start breeding “ winners” for one loft races worldwide. The results of the last 2 years let us hope the best. On the following pages you can make yourself an impression about our pigeons. We are proud about every fancier that will come to visit us and convince yourself about the top quality in our lofts. Now convince yourself about our pigeons, their pedigrees and results in breeding in racing. Sincerely, SG Steffl, Franz + Martin Steffl Preamble

Vorw ort Solange unse r Syste m jäh rlich As – Taube n, 1. Konk urs – Sie ge r und „Z w e iste lige “ h e rvorbringt w ird uns de r Erfolg R e ch t ge be n! D ah e r w e rde n w ir, w arum auch nich t, in de r Z uk unft daran fe sth alte n.D as H aup tauge nm e rk je doch lie gt im m e r auf de r Taube ! Taube n le diglich nach ih re r Abstam m ung zu be urte ile n und zu züch te n ist, so unse re s Erach te ns, e in „tote s Syste m “ und bringt nich t als Erge bnis die to le R e ise taube m it vie lSp itze und Kontinuität! So lte n w ie e in ne ue s, be sse - re s Z uch tsyste m k e nne nle rne n dürfe n, se ie n Sie sich e r, w ir w e rde n e s übe rne h m e n! Klar, auch w ir se h e n e ine gute Abstam m ung ge rne , noch lie be r se h e n w ir je doch e ine Taube w e lch e die Pre isliste ode r am Ende de s Jah re e ine M e iste rsch aft anfüh rt! D ie s, und nur die s, ist die Be stätigung de r gute n und rich tige n Z uch t.Jah r für Jah r se tze n w ir unse re be ste n R e ise taube n in de n Z uch tsch lag.Gle ich - ze itig ve rsuch e n w ir uns abe r auch durch ge zie lte Ank äufe unse re Qualität im Z uch tsch lag und daraus re sultie re n auch im R e ise sch lag noch zu ste ige rn.Unse re Z uk äufe orie ntie re n sich abe r im m e r an Qualitätstaube n in Z uch t und R e ise .Taube n w e lch e übe r e in p aar Ge ne ratione n nich t m e h r durch de n Korb se le k tie rt w urde n sind, so unse re M e inung, nich t die R ich tige n für uns! So ve rsuch e n w ir im m e r das As se lbst ode r aus de m As und de sse n Fam ilie Nach zuch t zu be k om m e n. Abe r nich t nur die k lassisch e R V– Taube von 100 bis 700 k m w ird h ie r in Garnbe rg ge züch te t, ne in, w ir ve rsuch e n se it ge raum e r Z e it auch „W inne rtaube n“ auf de n „O ne – Loft – R ace s“ w e ltw e it zu ge ne rie re n.D ie jüngste n Erfolge lasse n h offe n dass auch die s ge linge n w ird! Auf de n nach folge n- de n Se ite n k önne n Sie sich se lbst e ine n e rste n Eindruck übe r die Taube n bilde n.W ir fre ue n uns abe r auch übe r je de n Sp ortfre und w e lch e r sich be i uns vor O rt von de r Qualität se lbst e in Bild m ach e n w i l.Nun übe rze uge n Sie sich e infach se lbst von unse re n Taube n, Abstam m unge n und Le istungsnach w e ise n. W ir w ünsch e n Ih ne n vie lSp aß be im D urch blätte rn. SG Ste ffl, Franz und M artin Ste ffl Pre am ble

Vorwort<br />

As long as we are breeding 1st prize winners, Ace-pigeons and pigeons with more then 10 prize<br />

cards a year our breeding system concede a point to our success.<br />

The primary thing in pigeonsport is and stay the good pigeon. But only judging the pigeons by her<br />

pedigree is in our opinion a “ dead system” and did not lead into the results we want to have like a<br />

top racer with a lot of top positions and a strong continuity. If we can learn something we always<br />

add it to our breeding system. In fact we also like the pigeon with the good pedigree, but we favor a<br />

pigeon which is in the end of the year the champion. This is the only confirmation of the good and<br />

correct way to breed racing pigeons. Every year we stock our best racers. At same time we try to<br />

buy top pigeons with an enormous quality for our breeding loft. With one goal: to get better! The<br />

pigeons we purchase were should have top quality. Pigeons with only pedigree and where generations<br />

not were raced are no pigeons for our top quality breeding lofts. That’s the way why we always<br />

want to buy the champion bird itself, or a direct child out of the champ or if a family of champs out<br />

of this family.<br />

We do not only breed the common allround pigeon we use for the classic german program from 100<br />

km up to 700 km , we also start breeding “ winners” for one loft races worldwide. The results of the<br />

last 2 years let us hope the best.<br />

On the following pages you can make yourself an impression about our pigeons. We are proud about<br />

every fancier that will come to visit us and convince yourself about the top quality in our lofts.<br />

Now convince yourself about our pigeons, their pedigrees and results in breeding in racing.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

SG Steffl, Franz + Martin Steffl<br />


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