21.12.2015 Aufrufe

La Loupe St. Anton, St. Christoph & Stuben am Arlberg No. 4

Die traditionsreichsten und mondänsten Wintersportorte der Welt vereinen sich zum Mythos Arlberg. Und die Wiege des alpinen Skilaufs begeistert genauso im Sommer. Nun wollen auch wir ab dieser neuen Ausgabe von LA LOUPE nicht trennen, was der Arlberg ohnehin verbindet: Tirol und Vorarlberg. Also erweitern wir den Radius unserer „Lupe“ auf St. Anton, St. Christoph und Stuben. Aus gutem Grund: Genusskultur vom Feinsten, Gastlichkeit auf höchstem Niveau, dörflicher und doch weltoffener Charakter, die unbeschreibliche Schönheit der Arl-Bergwelt sowie die Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten einen alle drei Orte. Unternehmen Sie mit uns eine Reise hinter die Kulissen und finden Sie, was Sie sonst lange suchen würden… www.laloupe.com

Die traditionsreichsten und mondänsten Wintersportorte der Welt vereinen sich zum Mythos Arlberg. Und die Wiege des alpinen Skilaufs begeistert genauso im Sommer. Nun wollen auch wir ab dieser neuen Ausgabe von LA LOUPE nicht trennen, was der Arlberg ohnehin verbindet: Tirol und Vorarlberg. Also erweitern wir den Radius unserer „Lupe“ auf St. Anton, St. Christoph und Stuben. Aus gutem Grund: Genusskultur vom Feinsten, Gastlichkeit auf höchstem Niveau, dörflicher und doch weltoffener Charakter, die unbeschreibliche Schönheit der Arl-Bergwelt sowie die Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten einen alle drei Orte. Unternehmen Sie mit uns eine Reise hinter die Kulissen und finden Sie, was Sie sonst lange suchen würden… www.laloupe.com


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L.L. What events are particularly intense and which events<br />

are closest to your heart?<br />

P.M. Each event has its own characteristics. The Weisser<br />

Rausch in winter and the <strong>Arlberg</strong> Giro in summer are definitely<br />

most challenging for the organisers. The concerts for the winter<br />

opening can have a very long lead time; sometimes you book<br />

artists a year and a half in advance. I can’t say that one event<br />

is especially dear to me. I simply love my job and I’m passionate<br />

about it and I’m happy about every participant and onlooker<br />

who enjoys our offer.<br />

L.L. How many members of staff do you have to help you<br />

with your tasks? And what is the stress-factor in this job?<br />

P.M. We work with a fantastic core te<strong>am</strong>. You can see and feel<br />

that every one of them is in it with a lot of enthusiasm and commitment.<br />

Depending on the event we hire additional people who<br />

work on the day of the event. For the opening concert which will<br />

take place with the German band Sportfreunde <strong>St</strong>iller this year<br />

there will be about 30 to 40 additional people. I like working with<br />

people and having fun with them. I like going to the office because<br />

my work is my passion. Which is why I never experience negative<br />

stress. When I need some time off, I take it, as far as time permits.<br />

L.L. In January the FIS ladies World Cup will stop in<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anton</strong> – under the n<strong>am</strong>e <strong>Arlberg</strong> Kandahar Race. Where<br />

does the n<strong>am</strong>e come from and what’s so special about that race?<br />

P.M. Sir Arnold Lunn was a co-founder of the British<br />

Kandahar Ski Club in Mürren in Switzerland and in 1928 he<br />

and our skiing pioneer Hannes Schneider c<strong>am</strong>e up with the idea<br />

of organising a large-scale ski race. And today the Kandahar<br />

race still has big significance in the entire ski circus. The venue<br />

changes ever year and in January it once more is the turn of<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anton</strong> <strong>am</strong> <strong>Arlberg</strong>. The Karl Schranz slope is one of the most<br />

challenging ones. Here you can really see which skiers have what<br />

it takes and which don’t. For us it’s sh<strong>am</strong>e that Anna Fenninger<br />

is injured. But Mikaela Shiffrin will start in the Super G for<br />

the first time and of course we hope that “our” Nina Ortlieb will<br />

participate, too.<br />

Sport & Freizeit<br />

“I like working with<br />

people and having<br />

fun with them. I like<br />

going to the office<br />

because my work is<br />

my passion.”<br />

“You can really say<br />

that we live skiing all<br />

year round here on<br />

the <strong>Arlberg</strong>.”<br />

“I had the film<br />

Der Weisse Rausch –<br />

White Frenzy – with<br />

its spectacular mass<br />

ski race in my head<br />

and I thought: Wow,<br />

cool idea!”<br />

“Our ARLBERG-well.<br />

com impresses<br />

with its fresh<br />

architecture and<br />

– most importantly –<br />

its multifunctional<br />

character.”<br />


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