21.12.2015 Aufrufe

La Loupe St. Anton, St. Christoph & Stuben am Arlberg No. 4

Die traditionsreichsten und mondänsten Wintersportorte der Welt vereinen sich zum Mythos Arlberg. Und die Wiege des alpinen Skilaufs begeistert genauso im Sommer. Nun wollen auch wir ab dieser neuen Ausgabe von LA LOUPE nicht trennen, was der Arlberg ohnehin verbindet: Tirol und Vorarlberg. Also erweitern wir den Radius unserer „Lupe“ auf St. Anton, St. Christoph und Stuben. Aus gutem Grund: Genusskultur vom Feinsten, Gastlichkeit auf höchstem Niveau, dörflicher und doch weltoffener Charakter, die unbeschreibliche Schönheit der Arl-Bergwelt sowie die Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten einen alle drei Orte. Unternehmen Sie mit uns eine Reise hinter die Kulissen und finden Sie, was Sie sonst lange suchen würden… www.laloupe.com

Die traditionsreichsten und mondänsten Wintersportorte der Welt vereinen sich zum Mythos Arlberg. Und die Wiege des alpinen Skilaufs begeistert genauso im Sommer. Nun wollen auch wir ab dieser neuen Ausgabe von LA LOUPE nicht trennen, was der Arlberg ohnehin verbindet: Tirol und Vorarlberg. Also erweitern wir den Radius unserer „Lupe“ auf St. Anton, St. Christoph und Stuben. Aus gutem Grund: Genusskultur vom Feinsten, Gastlichkeit auf höchstem Niveau, dörflicher und doch weltoffener Charakter, die unbeschreibliche Schönheit der Arl-Bergwelt sowie die Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten einen alle drei Orte. Unternehmen Sie mit uns eine Reise hinter die Kulissen und finden Sie, was Sie sonst lange suchen würden… www.laloupe.com


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My favourite c<strong>am</strong>era/lens?<br />

Arca Swiss Rm3Di/Rodenstock 70 mm.<br />

Three traits of a good photographer?<br />

Patience in preparation, speed in<br />

implementation, and a feeling for the<br />

right place and the right time.<br />

My favourite travel destination?<br />

<strong>No</strong> one in particular. There are so<br />

many beautiful spots.<br />

Three powerful places at the <strong>Arlberg</strong>?<br />

Spullersee/Goppenspitze/Rohnspitze,<br />

<strong>St</strong>einernes Meer/Formaletsch, Erzberg.<br />

I <strong>am</strong> … addicted to new impressions.<br />

I <strong>am</strong> not … satisfied easily.<br />

Romantic or real? Some of both<br />

(with Gemini as my zodiac sign,<br />

that is quite easy).<br />

L.L. How important is photographic<br />

technology in your outdoor projects? Do<br />

photographers somehow also have to be<br />

meteorologists or survival experts? You<br />

certainly need to be athletic …<br />

A.K. You need to be a hobby meteorologist<br />

for sure. Listening to and reading the weather<br />

report is part of my routine work. You need to<br />

find your way around and feel safe in alpine<br />

terrain. So you could say that st<strong>am</strong>ina as well as<br />

climbing and skiing skills are basic requirements<br />

to work effectively and stay safe.<br />

L.L. Do you prefer summer or winter for<br />

your pictures?<br />

A.K. Every season has a charm of its own:<br />

storms and thunder in summer, driving snow<br />

and cloudy skies in winter, foehn atmosphere etc.<br />

L.L. How much Photoshop can a picture take?<br />

A.K. I think we should consider and communicate<br />

this as an art form of its own. There is a<br />

progr<strong>am</strong>me called Photoshop with its countless<br />

features – so why should not we photographers use it? A photographer<br />

cannot survive without a good “digital background”<br />

anymore. After all, you need to be able to turn the “captured”<br />

pixels into a picture. In former times, this work was done based<br />

on laboratories, chemicals and various film materials. And I<br />

also believe that digital photography is by no means easier than<br />

analog photography. A great picture always comes first – you<br />

cannot edit what is not there.<br />

52<br />

L.L. And what about the highly edited models you find in the<br />

fashion industry?<br />

A.K. Well, of course this is something completely different. As I<br />

have said, I consider it to be an art form of its own. In this case,<br />

a new virtual being full of dre<strong>am</strong>s and desires of beauty and<br />

perfection is born. I always like taking a look at such projects and<br />

<strong>am</strong> impressed by what you can do already. The final product is a

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