21.12.2015 Aufrufe

La Loupe St. Anton, St. Christoph & Stuben am Arlberg No. 4

Die traditionsreichsten und mondänsten Wintersportorte der Welt vereinen sich zum Mythos Arlberg. Und die Wiege des alpinen Skilaufs begeistert genauso im Sommer. Nun wollen auch wir ab dieser neuen Ausgabe von LA LOUPE nicht trennen, was der Arlberg ohnehin verbindet: Tirol und Vorarlberg. Also erweitern wir den Radius unserer „Lupe“ auf St. Anton, St. Christoph und Stuben. Aus gutem Grund: Genusskultur vom Feinsten, Gastlichkeit auf höchstem Niveau, dörflicher und doch weltoffener Charakter, die unbeschreibliche Schönheit der Arl-Bergwelt sowie die Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten einen alle drei Orte. Unternehmen Sie mit uns eine Reise hinter die Kulissen und finden Sie, was Sie sonst lange suchen würden… www.laloupe.com

Die traditionsreichsten und mondänsten Wintersportorte der Welt vereinen sich zum Mythos Arlberg. Und die Wiege des alpinen Skilaufs begeistert genauso im Sommer. Nun wollen auch wir ab dieser neuen Ausgabe von LA LOUPE nicht trennen, was der Arlberg ohnehin verbindet: Tirol und Vorarlberg. Also erweitern wir den Radius unserer „Lupe“ auf St. Anton, St. Christoph und Stuben. Aus gutem Grund: Genusskultur vom Feinsten, Gastlichkeit auf höchstem Niveau, dörflicher und doch weltoffener Charakter, die unbeschreibliche Schönheit der Arl-Bergwelt sowie die Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten einen alle drei Orte. Unternehmen Sie mit uns eine Reise hinter die Kulissen und finden Sie, was Sie sonst lange suchen würden… www.laloupe.com


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L.L. In the course of your career you’ve seen many musical<br />

eras – particularly the formative 1980s. Hits from back then,<br />

some of them yours, are evergreens. Other chart hits that<br />

come out today however, are short-lived. Why is that?<br />

K.W. The 80’s was a time of transformation; new technology<br />

was inspiring song writers, young and old, to create in a new<br />

way. Young writers like my brother, Ricky, embraced it wholeheartedly<br />

at the s<strong>am</strong>e time as older writers such as Bowie. Many<br />

of the songs written then have stood the test of time as a result.<br />

Fokus & Fakten<br />

L.L. What are the biggest changes in the music businesses,<br />

if your compare today and back then, keyword internet?<br />

K.W. The Internet is the biggest change of course; unimaginable<br />

now to think how we lived without it? I love that vinyl is making<br />

a big comeback whilst at the s<strong>am</strong>e time being able to download an<br />

album in seconds on my mobile phone.<br />

L.L. And what do you think will the<br />

future bring? Will artists only be able to<br />

earn money by playing concerts?<br />

K.W. Live music is certainly the best place<br />

for musicians from a creative as well as<br />

financial perspective. Most people I know in<br />

the music business are in it because they love<br />

music first, and would always find a way to<br />

do that irrespective of financial gain. The<br />

music world is changing so fast, but I believe<br />

an authentic passion for music will take you<br />

anywhere you want to go in life.<br />

L.L. When you’re on tour now, do you<br />

feel like you’re playing for acquaintances,<br />

meaning fans that have grown up with<br />

you?<br />

K.W. Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.<br />

There’s great chemistry between audience<br />

and performer, it’s indescribable, really.<br />


In the 1980s hits like “Kids in<br />

America”, “C<strong>am</strong>bodia” or “You Keep<br />

Me Hangin’ On” made the young<br />

British singer a superstar. In the<br />

1990s the multitalented pop-icon<br />

took a f<strong>am</strong>ily break and increasingly<br />

appeared as a landscape gardener.<br />

The much desired comeback followed<br />

in spring 2003 in the form of a duet<br />

with Nena: “Anyplace, Anywhere,<br />

Anytime” was in the charts for weeks.<br />

In 2006 the album “Never Say Never”<br />

c<strong>am</strong>e out and Kim Wilde was finally<br />

back on the big stage of the world of<br />

music. In 2010 followed the album<br />

“Come out and play” which was almost<br />

as successful as the hits of the 1980s<br />

and in 2011 the cover album titled<br />

“Snapshots” c<strong>am</strong>e out.<br />

The singer is married to Hal Fowler<br />

and mother to Harry Tristan (17)<br />

and Rose Elisabeth (15).

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