21.12.2015 Aufrufe

La Loupe St. Anton, St. Christoph & Stuben am Arlberg No. 4

Die traditionsreichsten und mondänsten Wintersportorte der Welt vereinen sich zum Mythos Arlberg. Und die Wiege des alpinen Skilaufs begeistert genauso im Sommer. Nun wollen auch wir ab dieser neuen Ausgabe von LA LOUPE nicht trennen, was der Arlberg ohnehin verbindet: Tirol und Vorarlberg. Also erweitern wir den Radius unserer „Lupe“ auf St. Anton, St. Christoph und Stuben. Aus gutem Grund: Genusskultur vom Feinsten, Gastlichkeit auf höchstem Niveau, dörflicher und doch weltoffener Charakter, die unbeschreibliche Schönheit der Arl-Bergwelt sowie die Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten einen alle drei Orte. Unternehmen Sie mit uns eine Reise hinter die Kulissen und finden Sie, was Sie sonst lange suchen würden… www.laloupe.com

Die traditionsreichsten und mondänsten Wintersportorte der Welt vereinen sich zum Mythos Arlberg. Und die Wiege des alpinen Skilaufs begeistert genauso im Sommer. Nun wollen auch wir ab dieser neuen Ausgabe von LA LOUPE nicht trennen, was der Arlberg ohnehin verbindet: Tirol und Vorarlberg. Also erweitern wir den Radius unserer „Lupe“ auf St. Anton, St. Christoph und Stuben. Aus gutem Grund: Genusskultur vom Feinsten, Gastlichkeit auf höchstem Niveau, dörflicher und doch weltoffener Charakter, die unbeschreibliche Schönheit der Arl-Bergwelt sowie die Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten einen alle drei Orte. Unternehmen Sie mit uns eine Reise hinter die Kulissen und finden Sie, was Sie sonst lange suchen würden… www.laloupe.com


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“In terms of storage<br />

one can say: the<br />

colder the cellar, the<br />

slower the wine will<br />

age. This knowledge<br />

is particularly important<br />

for old wines.<br />

The wine does not<br />

necessarily have to<br />

go with the food.”<br />

“I <strong>am</strong> really<br />

comfortable with my<br />

employer. Hospiz<br />

Alm basically is my<br />

home.”<br />

“In case of highly-priced<br />

wines one<br />

has to find a way to<br />

go beyond the glass.”<br />

“We make sure our<br />

staff learn how to<br />

conduct sales talks<br />

well and how to<br />

properly celebrate<br />

the sale of the wine.”<br />

it to them, in a nice and unobtrusive way. I’ve been working here<br />

for more than 30 years and some guests have become my friends. I<br />

even like to invite them to my house for a nice wine tasting and I<br />

go and visit them in Europe’s cities.<br />

L.L. What sort of training do the staff at Hospiz Resort get?<br />

K.P. We start the season with our traditional Christmas party<br />

where people get to know each other. And then there are different<br />

ways for different personalities. Some people lack self confidence,<br />

others may be too impressionable when it comes to popular n<strong>am</strong>es<br />

and brands. We try to make sure that the staff learn how to<br />

conduct sales talks well and how to properly celebrate them. Sometimes<br />

I send my colleagues on wine journeys. And there’s a nice<br />

g<strong>am</strong>e: one person goes down to the cellar to get a bottle of wine. We<br />

do a blind tasting and the person who does not recognise the wine<br />

after seven questions has to pay for it. During those kinds of activities<br />

you see right away what someone is made of. With the right<br />

motivation one can learn a lot about wine here. And all those who<br />

are interested can also learn about cigars and bar culture from<br />

me. Unfortunately there are few young people who are interested<br />

in this.<br />

L.L. How important is the right glass for enjoying a wine?<br />

Can the aromas be different, depending on the glass?<br />

K.P. A well-aged wine in a beautiful glass is something special.<br />

Of course in a restaurant with around 170 seats it’s not always<br />

easy to find the perfect glass for the wine. Particularly in case of<br />

high-quality wines one definitely has to find a way to go beyond<br />

the glass though. What’s very special here are our 3-litre glasses. A<br />

big wine needs a big glass in order to ensure that the aromas can<br />

develop perfectly. The 3 litre glasses are produced especially for us<br />

and they can be bought only at <strong>Arlberg</strong> Hospiz Resort and Hospiz<br />

Alm. With a glass like this you hope it won’t break every time you<br />

use it. We even have 5 personalised glasses that have the n<strong>am</strong>es of<br />

the guests that they belong to engraved in them.<br />


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