06.12.2012 Aufrufe

Materialien für Designer The Magic of Materials - Creative Industries ...

Materialien für Designer The Magic of Materials - Creative Industries ...

Materialien für Designer The Magic of Materials - Creative Industries ...


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Lefteri schreibt: in „Making it“<br />

(Laurenc e King Publishing, 2007)<br />

über Herstellungsmethoden und<br />

immer wieder über spannende<br />

Mate rialien wie etwa Airglass<br />

(link e Seite), das zu 99,8 Prozent<br />

aus Luft besteht, somit das leichteste<br />

Festmaterial der Welt ist<br />

und wunderbar isoliert.<br />

Lefteri writes: in Making it (Laurence<br />

King Publishing, 2007) about production<br />

methods, and about materials<br />

such as Airglass (left page) which<br />

is 99.8% air, and thus the lightest<br />

solid material in the world and<br />

an excellent insulating material.<br />

Glauben Sie, dass in 100 Jahren viele Produkte aufgrund<br />

neuer <strong>Materialien</strong> völlig anders aussehen<br />

werden als heute?<br />

Wenn man versucht, solche Dinge vorauszusagen,<br />

läuft man Gefahr, völlig danebenz liegen, also lass e<br />

ich das lieber. In den nächsten 100 Jahren könnte es<br />

potenziell um das Verschwinden von Produkten gehen<br />

und darum, dass das, was wir unter dem Begriff<br />

„Produkt“ verstehen, etwas weit weniger Greifbares<br />

sein wird als heute. Im Augenblick ist unsere Beziehung<br />

zu Produkten und Objekten größtenteils von<br />

emotionalen Aspekten geprägt und nicht so sehr<br />

von der Erfüllung von Funktionen, wie es vor ungefähr<br />

100 Jahren der Fall war. Was <strong>Materialien</strong> angeht,<br />

glaube ich, dass Werkst<strong>of</strong>fe wie Kunstst<strong>of</strong>f,<br />

Holz und Metall obsolet werden und dass die einzigen<br />

Dinge, die aus diesen Werkst<strong>of</strong>fen gefertigt<br />

sein werden, Antiquitäten aus unserem Jahrhundert<br />

sind. Als ziemlich sichere Vorhersage könnte man<br />

festhalten, dass diese Materialfamilien sich so weit<br />

entwickelt haben werden, dass es Hybride und neue<br />

Biomaterialien geben wird, die durch Mischung verschiedener<br />

Rohmaterialien hergestellt wurden. Außerdem<br />

habe ich immer geglaubt, dass die Zukunft<br />

einem bestimmten Material gehören wird, das sich<br />

jeder beliebigen Anwendung anpassen kann, ein<br />

Material, das bei der Weiterverarbeitung in Produkte<br />

nur minimale Energie verbraucht.<br />

Mr. Lefteri, you have so far published seven books on<br />

materials. You work as a consultant, you blog about<br />

material s, give talks and have staged a number <strong>of</strong> exhibitions<br />

on the topic. What started your interest in materials<br />

in the first place?<br />

<strong>The</strong> same reason that I got into design, which was simply<br />

that I was curious to find out about stuff. It’s like that<br />

moment as a child when you stumble upon something,<br />

either natural or man-made, and you want to find out<br />

what it is, where it came from and what it’s made <strong>of</strong>.<br />

This curiosity has never abated, and when I had the<br />

opportunit y to write a book, it was like being invited to<br />

produce something that would get across what I knew,<br />

like having an excuse to find out about what I didn’t<br />

know. This first book was, in many ways, an experiment<br />

into how I could find interesting ways <strong>of</strong> telling stories<br />

about these materials that were relevant to design. <strong>The</strong><br />

more I played about with the ideas for images and layouts,<br />

the more I realized that there was something quite<br />

important about the way designers use materials that<br />

was missing at that point.<br />

What inspires you?<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the main points <strong>of</strong> inspiration comes from food.<br />

For example, I was recently asked to write a book on that<br />

topic, but approached it like a design project. I believed<br />

that if I could talk about materials and engage readers in<br />

a way that transmitted a very strong emotional connection<br />

with materials through text and images, then I would<br />

be able to get to the heart <strong>of</strong> this topic, and bridge the<br />

gap that exists when you don’t actually have a sample<br />

in your hands to feel, test, smell and all the other things<br />

we designers do when we play with materials. I always<br />

wanted to get away from the dry technical language <strong>of</strong><br />

the traditional approach to materials that comes from<br />

engineering and science. So I would use very sensorial<br />

words, like “finger skinny” to describe a thin-skinned<br />

material or “steamy shower” to describe a sort <strong>of</strong> translucency.<br />

Again I wanted to evoke in the reader a snapshot<br />

<strong>of</strong> the material that would make them want to embrace<br />

it in the same way that cookery books make us<br />

want to cook and eat.<br />

That sounds tasty! Why do you think the issue <strong>of</strong> materials<br />

has become so important in design lately?<br />

It’s a whole range <strong>of</strong> issues coming together at the same<br />

time. From one direction there is the focus on all areas<br />

<strong>of</strong> design that has become much more experiencebased.<br />

This means that designers need to have more<br />

design tools available so that they can create these experiences.<br />

This also feeds into branding and communication,<br />

and materials clearly have a very strong role to<br />

play in these areas. We also have this strong growth <strong>of</strong><br />

interest in the environment, and clearly the types, sourcing<br />

and processing <strong>of</strong> products and interiors and their<br />

14 <strong>Materials</strong> <strong>Materials</strong> 15

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