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Dissertation Klaus Heitkamp 1999

Dissertation Klaus Heitkamp 1999

Dissertation Klaus Heitkamp 1999


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184 6 Anhang949596979899100101102103104Y. Yamamoto, B. N. Ames: Detection of lipid hydroperoxides and hydrogen peroxide atpicomole levels by an HPLC isoluminol chemiluminescence assay; Free Radical. Biol.Med. 3, 359-361 (1987)T. Miyazawa, K. Yasuda, K. Fujimoto: Chemiluminescence - High performance liquidchromatography of phosphatidylcholine hydroperoxide; Anal. Lett. 20, 915-925 (1987)Y. Yamamoto, B. Frei, B. N. Ames: Assay of Lipid Hydroperoxides Using High-PerformanceLiquid Chromatography with Isoluminol Chemiluminescence Detection; MethodsEnzymol. 186, 371-381 (1990)A. Mullertz, A. Schmedes, G. Holmer: Separation and Detection of Phospholipid Hydroperoxidesin the Low Nanomolar Range by a High Performance Liquid Chromatography/IronthiocyanateAssay; Lipids 25, 415-418 (1990)K. Akasaka, T. Suzuki, H. Ohrui, H. Meguro: Study on aromatic phosphines for novelfluorometry of hydroperoxides (II) - The determination of lipid hydroperoxides withdiphenyl-1-pyrenylphosphin; Analyt. Lett. 20, 797-807 (1987)K. Akasaka, H. Ohrui, H. Meguro: An aromatic phosphine reagent for the HPLC-fluorescencedetermination of hydroperoxides - Determination of phosphatidylcholine hydroperoxidesin human plasma; Analyt. Lett. 21, 965-975 (1988)K. Akasaka, T. Suzuki, H. Ohrui, H. Meguro: Study on aromatic phosphines for novelfluorometry of hydroperoxides (I) - Synthesis and spectral properties of diphenyl arylphosphines and their oxides; Analyt. Lett. 20, 731-745 (1987)K. Akasaka, H. Ohrui, H. Meguro: Normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatographywith a fluorimetric postcolumn detection system for lipid hydroperoxides; J. Chromatogr.628, 31-35 (1993)K. Akasaka, H. Ohrui, H. Meguro: Measurement of Cholesterol Ester Hydroperoxide ofHigh and Combined Low and Very Low Density Lipoprotein in Human Plasma, Biosci.Biotech. Biochem. 58, 396-399 (1994)J. R. Wagner, M. Berger, J. Cadet, J. E. van Lier: Analysis of thymidine hydroperoxidesby post column reaction high-performance liquid chromatography; J. Chromatogr. 504,191-196 (1990)A. Boddenberg: Entwicklung neuer Nachsäulenreaktionssysteme zur UV/VIS-Detektionvon Hydroperoxiden in der HPLC; <strong>Dissertation</strong>, Bergische Universität-GesamthochschuleWuppertal 1998

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