3. Präptestat ‐ Becken‐Bein - wilmnet.de

3. Präptestat ‐ Becken‐Bein - wilmnet.de 3. Präptestat ‐ Becken‐Bein - wilmnet.de

13.07.2015 Aufrufe

Upgrading theKnowledgeInfrastructure22will greatly improve the commercial case for fibrebeing rolled out across Dublin. Dublin Chamberunderstands that such a proposal has beenincluded in a recent consultation paper onapartment living in the city by Dublin CityCouncil. Dublin Chamber warmly welcomes thisproposal and believes that it should be extendedto all new housing without delay.3.4 Migrate Government Services toBusiness Online ONLYKEY ACTIONMove key government services forbusiness to online onlyThe performance of Irish firms in ICT integrationhas been poor to date. This means that Irishbusiness is failing to translate improved technologyinto increased productivity. The 2006 InformationSociety and Telecommunications report preparedby the CSO, remarked that only 19% of Irishenterprises reported having a written ICT strategy.Failure by the vast majority of Irish companies tointegrate existing technologies into their day-todayactivities is a major concern for futurecompetitiveness and acts against creating thenecessary sea-change in business culture that is thebasis of a knowledge society. In view of this,Government should seek to pro-actively leadbusiness towards integrating ICT more fully intotheir day to day functions – for example by movingbusiness services online.Dublin Chamber believes that the RevenueCommission’s early success with Revenue Onlineindicates that it is possible to move a number ofkey Government services for business to beavailable online ONLY. To do so successfully,customer-focus and user-friendly process andDublin Chamber of Commerce80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0%interfaces must underpin all elements of design. This iswhat sets Revenue Online apart from other less popular e-Government initiatives. This has also clearly worked in theprivate sector where, for example, such a move has nothindered the sale of airline tickets. The Danish Governmenthas also shown how an excellent regulatory environmentand clear government leadership on ICT, coupled with highPC and broadband penetration and usage, can result in awinning strategy for competitiveness, through increasedcost saving and efficiencies.Public Services Available Online 2006( = 2003)SwedenUKFranceDenmarkFinlandItalyEU15SpainNetherlandsHungaryIrelandGermanyPolandSwitzerlandSource: National Competitiveness Council’sAnnual Competitiveness Report 2007.International Case Study:DenmarkLegislation was implemented in Denmark in 2004which required the entire public sector to move toelectronic invoicing. It was estimated that theDanish public sector made 18 million invoicetransactions to other public authorities annually.With 10 minutes being saved in the handling ofeach invoice when received electronically, itwas estimated that total savings of ¤94 millionwere achieved. Furthermore, when the DanishGovernment fully implements the system tofacilitate automatic matching between ordersand invoices, it is conservatively estimatedthat the total savings will increase to¤160 million annually.

Becken-Bein- Testat - LernzettelErarbeitet von Anne, Enno, Marcus, Ferdi, Leif, Till• F: Unterstützer d. M. flex. digit. long.▪ Mm. lumbricales• U: Sehnen d. M. flex. digit. long.• A: GPh IIV• I: s.o.• F: Add zur GZ▪ M. flex. digit. brevis• U: Tuber calcanei, PlantarAN• A: Mittelphalanx (MPh) IIV• I: N. plantaris med. (L5S1)• F: GG >> Plantflex, akt. Stabilisierung d. Längsgewölbes• B: M. perforatus >> Sehnen sind gespalten >> hindurch ziehen d. Sehnend. M. flex. digit. long.▪ M. interossei plant. IIIV• U: Medialfläche d. Ossa metatarsi IIIV• A: Medialseite d. GPh IIIV (gleicher Strahl)• I: N. plantaris lat. (S1S2)• F: GG >> Plantflex, Add nach II▪ M. interossei dors. IIV• U: einander zugewandte Flächen d. Ossa metatarsalia• A: GPh IIIV• I: s.o.• F: GG >> Plantflex IIV, AbdV. Plantaraponeurose / Septen• d. Plantaraponeurose (= PAN) zieht v. d. Unterseite d. Tuber calcanei zunächstkompakt nach vent.• teilt sich auf Höhe d. Basen d. Ossa metatarsi in 5 Längszüge (Fasciculi longitudinales)auf >> diese laufen Vförmig auseinander• im Bereich d. Köpfe d. Ossa metatarsi werden d. Längszüge durch Querzüge (Fasciculitransversi) verbunden• ausgehend v. d. PAN ziehen Septen in Richtung Fußskelett >> trennen d. 3Muskellogend. Fußes voneinander ab◦ Großzehenloge▪ Septum plantare med.◦ Mittelloge▪ Septum plantare lat.◦ KleinzehenlogeVI. GefäßNervenStraßen (= GNS)• US◦ GNS d. Extensorenloge >> A. tibialis ant. u. Begleitvv., N. fibularis prof.◦ GNS d. tiefen Flexorenloge >> A. tibialis post. u. Begleitvv. (im dist. Drittel d. US >>A. fibularis u. Begleitvv.)- 25 -

Becken-Bein- Testat - LernzettelErarbeitet von Anne, Enno, Marcus, Ferdi, Leif, Till• F: Unterstützer d. M. flex. digit. long.▪ Mm. lumbricales• U: Sehnen d. M. flex. digit. long.• A: GPh II<strong>‐</strong>V• I: s.o.• F: Add zur GZ▪ M. flex. digit. brevis• U: Tuber calcanei, PlantarAN• A: Mittelphalanx (MPh) II<strong>‐</strong>V• I: N. plantaris med. (L5<strong>‐</strong>S1)• F: GG >> Plantflex, akt. Stabilisierung d. Längsgewölbes• B: M. perforatus >> Sehnen sind gespalten >> hindurch ziehen d. Sehnend. M. flex. digit. long.▪ M. interossei plant. II<strong>‐</strong>IV• U: Medialfläche d. Ossa metatarsi III<strong>‐</strong>V• A: Medialseite d. GPh III<strong>‐</strong>V (gleicher Strahl)• I: N. plantaris lat. (S1<strong>‐</strong>S2)• F: GG >> Plantflex, Add nach II▪ M. interossei dors. I<strong>‐</strong>IV• U: einan<strong>de</strong>r zugewandte Flächen d. Ossa metatarsalia• A: GPh II<strong>‐</strong>IV• I: s.o.• F: GG >> Plantflex II<strong>‐</strong>V, AbdV. Plantaraponeurose / Septen• d. Plantaraponeurose (= PAN) zieht v. d. Unterseite d. Tuber calcanei zunächstkompakt nach vent.• teilt sich auf Höhe d. Basen d. Ossa metatarsi in 5 Längszüge (Fasciculi longitudinales)auf >> diese laufen V<strong>‐</strong>förmig auseinan<strong>de</strong>r• im Bereich d. Köpfe d. Ossa metatarsi wer<strong>de</strong>n d. Längszüge durch Querzüge (Fasciculitransversi) verbun<strong>de</strong>n• ausgehend v. d. PAN ziehen Septen in Richtung Fußskelett >> trennen d. 3Muskellogend. Fußes voneinan<strong>de</strong>r ab◦ Großzehenloge▪ Septum plantare med.◦ Mittelloge▪ Septum plantare lat.◦ KleinzehenlogeVI. Gefäß<strong>‐</strong>Nerven<strong>‐</strong>Straßen (= GNS)• US◦ GNS d. Extensorenloge >> A. tibialis ant. u. Begleitvv., N. fibularis prof.◦ GNS d. tiefen Flexorenloge >> A. tibialis post. u. Begleitvv. (im dist. Drittel d. US >>A. fibularis u. Begleitvv.)- 25 -

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