13.07.2015 Aufrufe

GPO-Hafenauftrag - DAKOSY Datenkommunikationssystem AG

GPO-Hafenauftrag - DAKOSY Datenkommunikationssystem AG

GPO-Hafenauftrag - DAKOSY Datenkommunikationssystem AG


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EDIFACT Guide zur <strong>GPO</strong>German Port OrderLfd. Nr. Tag Stat. Wdh. InhaltsangabeSG15 C 145 RFF M 1 FOB position no.SG11 C 146 NAD M 1 Name TallySG11 C 147 NAD M 1 Name FOB-SpediteurSG11 C 148 NAD M 1 Name of the truck companySG17 C 149 TSR M 1 Transport service requirements50 FTX C 1 Comments to delivery or distributionSG18 R 99951 GID M 1 Consignment description (1st consignment level)52 HAN C 99 Handling specifications53 LOC D 9 Country of dispatch, export or origin54 LOC R 9 Country of destination55 PIA D 9 Produkt ID (BHT) / WarencodeProduct ID (BHT) / commodity code56 PIA D 9 Customs article number57 FTX C 10 Comments to consignment description58 FTX R 5 Description of content59 FTX R 10 Comments to export informationSG19 D 960 NAD D 1 Customs - Name of declarantSG20 R 161 MEA M 1 Gross weightSG20 C 162 MEA C 1 VolumenSG20 D 163 MEA M 1 Net weight; EigenmasseSG22 D 964 RFF M 1 Vehicle - identification no.SG22 C 965 RFF M 1 BHT reference/ header/ positionSG22 D 166 RFF R 1 MRN-Nr.SG22 D 167 RFF R 1 Shipping statusSG22 D 168 RFF R 1 Preceding documentSG22 D 169 RFF R 1 Customs authorisation numberStand: 02.04.2012 <strong>GPO</strong> EDIFACT Guide AES V 4.2.1 D.doc Seite 9 von 163

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