Destination - CIM

Destination - CIM Destination - CIM
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13.07.2015 Aufrufe

[Destination austria]Die Lange Tafel Graz mit700 Gästen zeigt, wasGraz möglich macht.The long table in Grazwith 700 guests showswhat Graz can do.Lange TafelMit „Genussvoll Tagen“ serviert Steiermark Conventionnicht nur regionale, saisonale Speisen: Die Teilnehmerkönnen sehen, wie Käse und Kürbis entstehen.n Rathausplatz. Wenn am 16. August 2014die fünfte Lange Tafel in Graz zu Tisch bittet,sind unter den 700 Gästen Dieter Hardt-Stremayr, Geschäftsführer von Graz Tourismus,und Andrea Sajben, Leiterin von SteiermarkConvention. Nicht nur, um beimsteirischen Vier-Gänge-Menü genussvoll zunetworken, sondern um kulinarische Kompetenzzu zeigen. „27 Grazer Betriebe arbeitenan einem Projekt. Was wir an einem Tag94 CIM 6/2013

[austria destination]Long tableSteiermark Convention not only serves regional, seasonal food attheir “Delightful Meetings”: Participants can see how cheese ismade and pumpkins grown.n Town square. When on 16 August 2014 the fifth “Long Table” in Graz is celebrated,then the 700 guests will include Dieter Hardt-Stremayr, Managing Director ofGraz Tourismus (Graz Tourism Office), and Andrea Sajben, Director of SteiermarkConvention. Not only to network with Lucullan pleasure during the Styrian fourcoursemenu, but to demonstrate their cultural competence as well. “27 Graz restaurantswork on one project. What we can do on one day our chefs do 365 days ayear,” comments Hardt-Stremayr.His table-mate Andrea Sajben confirms this: “The incorporation of culinaryevents such as the Long Table in Graz in conferences, events, and incentives emphasisesthe positioning of Styria as a destination for enjoyment.” Aside from the famousLong Table, just as popular are the “Aufsteirern” (the Styrian folk festival), thenumerous regional festivals such as the Kürbinarische Wochen (Culinary PumpkinWeek) in South and West Styria, and the innumerable harvest celebrations.Consequently, Steiermark Convention and its partners place their high-quality,regional, and seasonal culinary offerings at the centre of every business event underthe motto of “Delightful Meetings”. For Sajben the slogan is a unique sellingpoint among the Austrian federal states and an aspect she likes to demonstrate withdégustations at trade fairs. At the 10th Meetings Exhibitions held by SteiermarkConvention she had the 260 visitors prepare their own desserts during the “FunCooking Challenge” at roomz Graz.können, leisten unsere Küchenchefs an 365Tagen pro Jahr“, bemerkt Hardt-Stremayr.Tischnachbarin Andrea Sajben bekräftigt:„Die Einbindung der kulinarischen Veranstaltungen,wie die Lange Tafel in Graz beiKongressen, Events und Incentives, unterstreichtdie Positionierung der Steiermarkals Genussdestination.“ Bekannt ist nebender Tafel das „Aufsteirern“ (Volkskulturfest),beliebt sind die vielen regionalen Feste Photos: Graz Tourismus, Harry Schiffer 2013“Delightful Meetings” stands for regional, seasonal delights during the event –from a reception with Schilcher sparkling wine from the South Styrian wine area toregional delicacies that energise one’s thinking, from for example pumpkin seeds,apple chips, apples, grapes, and nuts to a gourmet menu with Vulkano ham, pumpkinand apple specialties. Using local products adheres to the ideals of green meetings.Sajben: “Styria is known within Austria for its good price-quality relationshipin all areas, which also applies to Styrian culinary offerings.”And these culinary attractions include a fringe programme: Visits and tastingsin places such as the wineries in the wine area of South Styria or in the schnappsdistillery and vinegar maker Gölles, vintner rallies, and cooking workshops. “Thecombination of games such as stomping grapes and rolling barrels with culinaryprogramme items like wine tastings or traditional wine-grower snacks transformevery business event and every teambuilding activity into a special happening,” declaresSajben. She adds that “with the slogan of ‘transparent eating’ we want toshow guests that we closely work together with agriculture, for example by visitinggrowers, touring a cheese curing chamber or directly picking your pumpkin from thefield with the chef.”Will Johann Lafer, the most renowned chef and culinary ambassador of Styria,also sit at the Long Table? Kerstin Wünschwww.steiermark-convention.comwww.genusshauptstadt.atwww.graztourismus.atCIM 6/201395

[austria destination]Long tableSteiermark Convention not only serves regional, seasonal food attheir “Delightful Meetings”: Participants can see how cheese ismade and pumpkins grown.n Town square. When on 16 August 2014 the fifth “Long Table” in Graz is celebrated,then the 700 guests will include Dieter Hardt-Stremayr, Managing Director ofGraz Tourismus (Graz Tourism Office), and Andrea Sajben, Director of SteiermarkConvention. Not only to network with Lucullan pleasure during the Styrian fourcoursemenu, but to demonstrate their cultural competence as well. “27 Graz restaurantswork on one project. What we can do on one day our chefs do 365 days ayear,” comments Hardt-Stremayr.His table-mate Andrea Sajben confirms this: “The incorporation of culinaryevents such as the Long Table in Graz in conferences, events, and incentives emphasisesthe positioning of Styria as a destination for enjoyment.” Aside from the famousLong Table, just as popular are the “Aufsteirern” (the Styrian folk festival), thenumerous regional festivals such as the Kürbinarische Wochen (Culinary PumpkinWeek) in South and West Styria, and the innumerable harvest celebrations.Consequently, Steiermark Convention and its partners place their high-quality,regional, and seasonal culinary offerings at the centre of every business event underthe motto of “Delightful Meetings”. For Sajben the slogan is a unique sellingpoint among the Austrian federal states and an aspect she likes to demonstrate withdégustations at trade fairs. At the 10th Meetings Exhibitions held by SteiermarkConvention she had the 260 visitors prepare their own desserts during the “FunCooking Challenge” at roomz Graz.können, leisten unsere Küchenchefs an 365Tagen pro Jahr“, bemerkt Hardt-Stremayr.Tischnachbarin Andrea Sajben bekräftigt:„Die Einbindung der kulinarischen Veranstaltungen,wie die Lange Tafel in Graz beiKongressen, Events und Incentives, unterstreichtdie Positionierung der Steiermarkals Genussdestination.“ Bekannt ist nebender Tafel das „Aufsteirern“ (Volkskulturfest),beliebt sind die vielen regionalen Feste Photos: Graz Tourismus, Harry Schiffer 2013“Delightful Meetings” stands for regional, seasonal delights during the event –from a reception with Schilcher sparkling wine from the South Styrian wine area toregional delicacies that energise one’s thinking, from for example pumpkin seeds,apple chips, apples, grapes, and nuts to a gourmet menu with Vulkano ham, pumpkinand apple specialties. Using local products adheres to the ideals of green meetings.Sajben: “Styria is known within Austria for its good price-quality relationshipin all areas, which also applies to Styrian culinary offerings.”And these culinary attractions include a fringe programme: Visits and tastingsin places such as the wineries in the wine area of South Styria or in the schnappsdistillery and vinegar maker Gölles, vintner rallies, and cooking workshops. “Thecombination of games such as stomping grapes and rolling barrels with culinaryprogramme items like wine tastings or traditional wine-grower snacks transformevery business event and every teambuilding activity into a special happening,” declaresSajben. She adds that “with the slogan of ‘transparent eating’ we want toshow guests that we closely work together with agriculture, for example by visitinggrowers, touring a cheese curing chamber or directly picking your pumpkin from thefield with the chef.”Will Johann Lafer, the most renowned chef and culinary ambassador of Styria,also sit at the Long Table? Kerstin Wü<strong>CIM</strong> 6/201395

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