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Destination - CIM

Destination - CIM

Destination - CIM


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[news destination]Das Convention Bureau Tirol machtTagungs planern Appetit, indem esHaubenkoch Fankhauser auftischen undHotelier Simonitsch erzählen lässt.Delicious storiesThe Tyrol Convention Bureau stimulates theappetite of meetings planners by presentingtoque-awarded chef Fankhauser and letting hoteldirector Simonitsch tell stories.n Delightful export. When Christine Stelzer continues her culinaryroad show through Germany in March, then she will beaccompanied by her partners from the Tyrol Convention Bureauand Alexander Fankhauser. The Tyrolese chef, winner of atoque, ensures that guests try out what is told. Stelzer, directorof the Tyrol Convention Bureau, relies on story telling. And thereare a wealth of them about Tyrol’s hospitality and cuisine.Stelzer recalls: “An Austrian on Jamaica – we have to gothere.” She is referring to Prof. Heinz E.W. Simonitsch, whofrom 1963 to 2002 managed the Half Moon Hotel on Jamaica.“I was born in Austria, studied at the hotel school, worked inSwitzerland and in Canada, and then exported Austrian wineand beer to the Bermudas and to Jamaica,” recounts Simonitsch.He founded two SOS Children’s Villages and aschool there, in recognition of which the Austrian Presidentnamed him honorary counsel for Austria on Jamaica.When Simonitsch was visiting his wife’s family in Tyrol heliked what he saw. Together with his brother-in-law HugoWestreicher he opened the five-star Grandhotel Lienz with 76suites, the Kulinarium run by a toque-awarded chef, and conferencefacilities for 100. For Simonitsch it is obvious that goodfood and meetings belong together. “Thanks to our cuisine wehave been able to build up a regular customer base in just fouryears.” Clients who have returned include Rolls Royce and FerrariClub, but also football clubs from Russia and Saudi Arabia.“A healthy mind lives in a healthy body, and vice versa,” observesChristine Stelzer. “The unique combination of regionalfood and a healthy natural environment are our guarantee forsuccessful conferences and congresses.” Organically grown,seasonal, and regional foods are according to Stelzer “moreand more usual. People are eating more healthily and beingmore careful with natural resources.” Something the CongressCentrum Alpbach emphasises in its bids.Events in theheart of the Alps<strong>CIM</strong> 6/201389· Convention Bureau TirolTirol / Herz der AlpenConvention Bureau Tirol · +43.512.5320-670 · convention@tirol.at · www.convention.tirol.at

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