Destination - CIM

Destination - CIM Destination - CIM
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13.07.2015 Aufrufe

[product trade shows]Ein neues Aussehen desMesseparketts kündigendie Veranstalter derEIBTM an.The organisers of EIBTMannounced a new lookfor the show floor inBarcelona.Photo: EIBTMNeuer LookZum zehnten Mal findet die EIBTM in Barcelona statt. Die Veranstalter führenBewährtes fort und greifen neue Themen in der Innovation Zone auf.n Branchentreff. Ein neues Aussehen desMesseparketts kündigen die Veranstalter fürdie kommende EIBTM an, die vom 19. bis 21.November 2013 nun zum zehnten Mal in derFira Gran Via in Barcelona stattfindet – dieMesse wird bereits zum 26. Mal veranstaltet.Zwei zentrale Gänge führen die Besucherströmekomfortabler durch die Messehalle,zwei neue Bereiche laden zum Netzwerkenein. „Als direkte Reaktion auf dasFeedback unserer wichtigsten Partner undMitglieder haben wir die beiden Piazzas inden Ausstellungsbereich integriert“, erläutertEIBTM Event-Director Graeme Barnett.Die beiden Bereiche sollen über das Schließenvon Kontakten hinaus auch ein kulinarischesErlebnis mit sich bringen. Die Piazzaim europäischen Sektor hält beispielsweisetraditionelle katalanische Tapas bereit.Die Neuheiten der Branche werden in derInnovation Zone präsentiert. „Dieser Ausstellungsbereichwurde umgestaltet, umeinige neue Initiativen zu präsentieren, z.B.eine Bühne für Spotlight Sessions – 45-sekündige,Elevator Pitch‘-Präsentationen – fürAussteller“, unterstreicht Barnett. In diesenSessions können Technikanbieter ihre Produkteund Themen vorstellen, die thematischvon Tag zu Tag variieren. In die InnovationZone ist der Genius Hub integriert, in demBesucher von Profis Tipps und Tricks zu aktuellenThemen wie Apps und Social Mediabekommen können.Das EIBTM Annual Forum findet 2013 zumzweiten Mal statt. Am Vortag der Show ladendie Veranstalter Interessierte zur Einstimmungauf die drei Messetage und alsKontaktplattform in die Fira Montjuic ein.„Unser renommierter Keynotespeaker istdieses Jahr James Woudhuysen, Professorfür Forecasting und Innovation an der De-Montfort-Universität in Leicester, der fürsein Gespür für Trends und kontra-intuitiveHandlungsvorschläge und dem Umgang damitbekannt ist“, informiert Barnett. WoudhuysensVortrag trägt den Titel: „Eine neuePerspektive für die Kongressbranche.“ ImAnschluss an das Forum können sich die Gästebeim Abend-event im Rey Juan CarlosHotel über aktuelle Themen austauschenund ihr Netzwerk erweitern.„Digital Marketing for Events“, „Social Media& Social Content: 10 Tips For Now …“oder „New Trends to Improve your Participationin Trade Shows“ sind einige Themendes umfangreichen Weiterbildungsprogramms,das während der Messe in unterschiedlichenSessions angeboten wird.News zur Show, Termine und den Messeplanfinden Interessierte auch in der EIBTM-App. Sie steht in den gängigen Portalen kostenloszum Download bereit und ist eine annehmlicheMöglichkeit, sich über die Messezu navigieren. Julia Bierwirth70 CIM 6/2013

[trade shows product]New lookEIBTM is set to take place in Barcelona for the tenth time. The organisers will be continuing with their establishedthemes and showcasing new ones in the Innovation Zone.n Industry meeting. The organizers forecast a new look for the showfloor of the next EIBTM, which will now be taking place for the tenthtime at Fira Gran Via in Barcelona from 19 to 21 November – the exhibitionalready takes place for the 26th time. Two central aisles willguide visitor flows more comfortably through the hall, with two newareas designated for networking. “We have integrated the two Piazzasinto the show floor as a direct result of feedback we received fromkey partners and our Advisory Board members,” explains EIBTMEvent Director Graeme Barnett. The two areas will not only be a spacefor making new contacts but also for culinaryexperiences. For example, the piazzain the European sector will offer traditionalCatalan tapas.Novelties of the industry will be presentedin the Innovation Zone. “This newarea on the show floor has been redesignedto feature a number of new initiativesincluding a stage for Spotlight Sessions– 45 second elevator pitches for exhibitors,”Barnett points out. In these sessionstechnology suppliers can presenttheir products and themes, which will varyfrom day to day. A Genius Hub will be integratedin the Innovation Zone where visitorscan get professional advice on the latesttopics like apps and the social media.The EIBTM Annual Forum will take placefor the second time in 2013. Staged at FiraMontjuic, it will set the tone for the threedayevent and serve as a contact platformfor visitors. “This year our esteemed keynotespeaker is James Woudhuysen, Professorof Forecasting and Innovation at DeMontfort University, Leicester, who is renownedfor his ability to spot trends andoffer counter-intuitive proposals on whatto do about them,” informs Barnett. Woudhuysen’slecture is titled: “A New Perspectiveon the Meetings Industry.” After theforum guests will be able to talk about thelatest trends and extend their networks atan event at Rey Juan Carlos Hotel.“Digital Marketing for Events”, “SocialMedia & Social Content: 10 Tips ForNow…” and “New Trends to Improve yourParticipation in Trade Shows” are just some of the topics of the generouseducation programme with a wide variety of sessions duringthe fair.The official EIBTM app offers a full event schedule and a floorplan map. You can also integrate your personalised agenda there forthe show. It is available free of charge on the usual portals and is intendedto enhance the experience of the fair. Julia Bierwirthwww.eibtm.coMore networking andlearning opportunitiesn CIM: You have announced a new look for EIBTM2013. How do you re-design the show floor andwhy?Graeme Barnett: The EIBTM floor plan has been designedto incorporate new features, which will facilitatemore networking and learning opportunities.We have integrated two Piazzas (one at either end ofthe main aisle) to facilitate the demand for informalnetworking areas, which will provide drinks and lightrefreshments. We have also introduced several otherfeature areas this year, all of which will showcase innovativeand inspirational concepts.How important are young people for the meeting industryand what do you offer them at this year’sshow?Engaging with the younger generation is vital toEIBTM and the meetings industry as a whole, as theirpreferences and tastes in destinations and venueswill determine where and how conferences are heldin the future. As a direct result of this trend, we haveintroduced the new Innovation Zone. EIBTM has alsopartnered with ICCA to deliver The Forum for YoungProfessionals, which is an initiative that has beendeveloped to reach out and help young meetingsprofessionals to enhance their professional skillsand connect and network with peers from aroundthe world. Julia BierwirthGraeme Barnett isexhibiting director ofEIBTM, which takesplace in Barcelona.www.eibtm.comPhoto: EIBTMCIM 6/201371

[trade shows product]New lookEIBTM is set to take place in Barcelona for the tenth time. The organisers will be continuing with their establishedthemes and showcasing new ones in the Innovation Zone.n Industry meeting. The organizers forecast a new look for the showfloor of the next EIBTM, which will now be taking place for the tenthtime at Fira Gran Via in Barcelona from 19 to 21 November – the exhibitionalready takes place for the 26th time. Two central aisles willguide visitor flows more comfortably through the hall, with two newareas designated for networking. “We have integrated the two Piazzasinto the show floor as a direct result of feedback we received fromkey partners and our Advisory Board members,” explains EIBTMEvent Director Graeme Barnett. The two areas will not only be a spacefor making new contacts but also for culinaryexperiences. For example, the piazzain the European sector will offer traditionalCatalan tapas.Novelties of the industry will be presentedin the Innovation Zone. “This newarea on the show floor has been redesignedto feature a number of new initiativesincluding a stage for Spotlight Sessions– 45 second elevator pitches for exhibitors,”Barnett points out. In these sessionstechnology suppliers can presenttheir products and themes, which will varyfrom day to day. A Genius Hub will be integratedin the Innovation Zone where visitorscan get professional advice on the latesttopics like apps and the social media.The EIBTM Annual Forum will take placefor the second time in 2013. Staged at FiraMontjuic, it will set the tone for the threedayevent and serve as a contact platformfor visitors. “This year our esteemed keynotespeaker is James Woudhuysen, Professorof Forecasting and Innovation at DeMontfort University, Leicester, who is renownedfor his ability to spot trends andoffer counter-intuitive proposals on whatto do about them,” informs Barnett. Woudhuysen’slecture is titled: “A New Perspectiveon the Meetings Industry.” After theforum guests will be able to talk about thelatest trends and extend their networks atan event at Rey Juan Carlos Hotel.“Digital Marketing for Events”, “SocialMedia & Social Content: 10 Tips ForNow…” and “New Trends to Improve yourParticipation in Trade Shows” are just some of the topics of the generouseducation programme with a wide variety of sessions duringthe fair.The official EIBTM app offers a full event schedule and a floorplan map. You can also integrate your personalised agenda there forthe show. It is available free of charge on the usual portals and is intendedto enhance the experience of the fair. Julia Bierwirthwww.eibtm.coMore networking andlearning opportunitiesn <strong>CIM</strong>: You have announced a new look for EIBTM2013. How do you re-design the show floor andwhy?Graeme Barnett: The EIBTM floor plan has been designedto incorporate new features, which will facilitatemore networking and learning opportunities.We have integrated two Piazzas (one at either end ofthe main aisle) to facilitate the demand for informalnetworking areas, which will provide drinks and lightrefreshments. We have also introduced several otherfeature areas this year, all of which will showcase innovativeand inspirational concepts.How important are young people for the meeting industryand what do you offer them at this year’sshow?Engaging with the younger generation is vital toEIBTM and the meetings industry as a whole, as theirpreferences and tastes in destinations and venueswill determine where and how conferences are heldin the future. As a direct result of this trend, we haveintroduced the new Innovation Zone. EIBTM has alsopartnered with ICCA to deliver The Forum for YoungProfessionals, which is an initiative that has beendeveloped to reach out and help young meetingsprofessionals to enhance their professional skillsand connect and network with peers from aroundthe world. Julia BierwirthGraeme Barnett isexhibiting director ofEIBTM, which takesplace in Barcelona.www.eibtm.comPhoto: EIBTM<strong>CIM</strong> 6/201371

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