13.07.2015 Aufrufe

Rauchgasreinigung Flue Gas Cleaning - Hitachi Power Europe ...

Rauchgasreinigung Flue Gas Cleaning - Hitachi Power Europe ...

Rauchgasreinigung Flue Gas Cleaning - Hitachi Power Europe ...


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<strong>Flue</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Cleaning</strong>Using electrostatic dust separatorsElectrostatic precipitator systems (ESPs) are used as plate, segment, pipe, or honeycombfilters for wet, dry, and misty flue gases at low as well as high temperature ranges. Theprinciple of the dust separation process is based on separating the dusts by means ofelectrostatic charging, in both the wet and dry electrostatic gas cleaning process.The flue gases are passed through a powerful electrical field generated between the sprayelectrodes (SE electrodes) and the collecting electrodes (CE electrodes) by applying a highDC voltage in the breakdown voltage range.As a result of the high field intensity, corona discharges occur in the area around the negativelypoled spray electrodes, and electrons are released which then attach themselves to the dustparticles or mist drops of the flue gas flowing by.Under the influence of the powerful electrical field, the negatively charged dust particles ormist drops are transported to the grounded collecting electrodes and intercepted there.Depending on the dust content of the raw gases, several high-voltage or dust separator fieldsare cascaded to achieve dust removal of 90% to 99% for fine dusts up to < 1 μm.Other advantages of electrostatic dust filters are the only slight pressure loss, the smallamount of necessary operating input, and the insensitivity to flying sparks.Schema AbscheideprinzipSchematic of separation method11 Sprühelektrode–Spray electrode2 NiederschlagselektrodeCollecting electrode+2<strong>Flue</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Cleaning</strong> 9

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