13.07.2015 Aufrufe

Rauchgasreinigung Flue Gas Cleaning - Hitachi Power Europe ...

Rauchgasreinigung Flue Gas Cleaning - Hitachi Power Europe ...

Rauchgasreinigung Flue Gas Cleaning - Hitachi Power Europe ...


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<strong>Flue</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Cleaning</strong>Dry flue gasesIn dry ESP, the flue gases are passed over baffle plates before entering the filters. Thesebaffle plates as well as a corresponding design of the filter entry port ensure an optimalflow profile as well as a uniform distribution of the flue gases on the filter lanes, anessential prerequisite for obtaining high degrees of separation.The individual filter lanes each consist of two collecting electrodes between which the sprayelectrodes are installed. The row of collecting electrodes of each separation field are equippedwith rappers consisting of free-falling hammers which are installed at displaced intervals onhammer shafts. Due to their spacing arrangement, the hammers fall one after another on theanvils of the plate head linkage, setting the collecting electrodes in oscillatory motion, whichin turn cleans off the adhering dust.The freely swinging installation of the collecting electrodes, also at variations in temperature,ensures a free mobility and thus an optimal dedusting.An essential criterion for optimal electrostatic precipitation is the different electrical characteristicsof the dusts, which call for the use of different types of spray electrode designs.Bars with smooth edges are used for dusts with low levels of dust resistance or low dustburden of filter space, whereas spike electrodes are employed for high-impedance dusts orhigh dust burden of filter spaces.NiederschlagsplatteCollecting plateSprühelektrodeSpray electrode<strong>Flue</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Cleaning</strong> 11

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