04.12.2012 Aufrufe

AE Lebensmittel_ok.indd - Advantageaustria.org

AE Lebensmittel_ok.indd - Advantageaustria.org

AE Lebensmittel_ok.indd - Advantageaustria.org


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AUSTRI<strong>AE</strong>XPORT<br />

peaks in the company’s history. The main reason was strong<br />

trends in the core market, Europe (+25%), and the future<br />

markets of Africa (+59%), South America (+48%) and Australia<br />

(+44%). The focus of expansion in the future will be<br />

Russia, India and Japan.<br />

Jagatee is a traditional Austrian product consisting of<br />

domestic rum, tea, fruits and spices. Similar drinks in Germany,<br />

which are made with rum produced abroad, must be<br />

called Hüttentee from now on. According to Bruno Mayer<br />

of the Economic Chamber’s professional association of the<br />

food industry (Fachverband der <strong>Lebensmittel</strong>industrie), an<br />

average of one million litres of Jagatee are produced in Austria<br />

each year.<br />

With an export quota of 95%, Fruchtsaft GmbH of<br />

Ybbs Valley sends its products to more than 40 different<br />

countries, its most important foreign market being Germany.<br />

And expansion is planned: the fruit-juice specialist<br />

of Lower Austria is entering a new area. “In the future, we<br />

want to supply even more basic materials to the beverage<br />

industry”, said managing director Stephan Büttner.<br />

The company have their eyes on one particular sales<br />

channel, the Schorle, the German name for Austria’s beloved<br />

apple juice with sparkling water, the Obi g‘spritzt.<br />

“Germany has a total of about 200 bottlers of mineral<br />

water, and almost every one of them produces their own<br />

brand of Schorle. We want to enter this large market”,<br />

said Büttner.<br />

From a small producer of cider to an innovative global<br />

player: with annual turnover of approximately half a billion<br />

euros, the Rauch Group is by far the largest producer of<br />

fruit juice and iced-tea drinks in Austria, and the company<br />

plays a signifi cant role internationally too.<br />

Together with the Fohrenburg brewery, which it purchased<br />

in 1998, Rauch currently employs a total of 1100<br />

employees and exports its products to 50 countries around<br />

the globe. Its export share of over 55% refl ects its position<br />

as an international brand-name company.<br />

Pfanner is one of Europe’s largest fruit processors and<br />

producers of fruit juice: each year, 260 mn litres are bottled<br />

in Enns, and 50,000 metric tons of apples and pears are<br />

processed. More than 80% of the company’s juices and teas<br />

are exported to 70 countries - providing an excellent example<br />

of a successful Austrian company in the opinion of<br />

Economic Chamber President Leitl: “Pfanner has knowhow<br />

and produces the best possible quality, which is why<br />

it’s so successful worldwide and has no reason to fear global<br />

competition!”<br />

Food manufacturer Spitz was founded 150 years ago and<br />

now produces 300 products, from juice, mustard and ketchup<br />

to energy drinks.<br />

Its product line currently includes both brand-name<br />

items and its own brands. Power Horse, which is similar to<br />

Red Bull, is at the centre of its efforts to increase business<br />

abroad.<br />

At present, Spitz’s most important export market is the<br />

Middle East, and its export quota amounts to approximately<br />

35%, or about 80 mn euros annually.<br />

Klosterquell in Gutenstein produces and sells Dreh und<br />

Trink soft drinks, which are aimed at children, and soon<br />

“High-quality nature for a high-quality life”: over the past 150 years,<br />

Pfanner of Vorarlberg has earned the trust of millions of consumers<br />

around the world.<br />

Umsatz stieg um 16,6 Prozent auf mehr als drei Milliarden<br />

Euro, und auch Produktivität und Gewinn haben sich gegen<br />

über dem bereits sehr guten Jahr 2006 weiter verbessert<br />

und neue Bestmarken in der Firmengeschichte dargestellt.<br />

Hauptgrund für die positiven Zahlen sind die hervor ragende<br />

Entwicklung im Kernmarkt Europa (+25 %) sowie auf den<br />

Zukunftsmärkten Afrika (+59 %), Südamerika (+48 %) und<br />

Australien (+44 %). Den F<strong>ok</strong>us weiterer Expansion legt Red<br />

Bull auf die Märkte Russland, Indien und Japan.<br />

Wo „Jagatee“ draufsteht, ist ein österreichisches Traditions<br />

produkt aus Inländerrum, Tee, Früchten und Gewürzen<br />

drin. Ähnli che Getränke aus Deutschland, hergestellt<br />

mit Rum aus Übersee, müssen künftig als „Hüttentee“ verkauft<br />

werden. Laut Bruno Mayer vom Fachverband der<br />

<strong>Lebensmittel</strong>industrie der WKÖ werden hierzulande jährlich<br />

im Durchschnitt eine Million Liter Jagatee hergestellt.<br />

Mit einer Exportquote von 95 Prozent beliefert die Ybbstaler<br />

Fruchtsaft GmbH Markenartikelhersteller in mehr als<br />

40 Staaten. Wichtigster Auslandsmarkt ist Deutsch land. Zur<br />

20 www.advantageaustria.<strong>org</strong><br />


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