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VI Magazin Herbst 2013 download (pdf) - Vienna International ...

VI Magazin Herbst 2013 download (pdf) - Vienna International ...

VI Magazin Herbst 2013 download (pdf) - Vienna International ...


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DORnBIRn44 | <strong>VI</strong> 42 Autumn 13public space. the extraordinary design, the well-planneduse of natural materials, and the integration of modern artinto the hotel defi ne the style of this hotel property. With theMartinspark Hotel, international architect fi rm Baumschlager& Eberle created a successful combination of innovativearchitecture, contemporary art and top comfort for thedemanding guest. Artworks by eight renowned artists gracethe public space of the hotel – impressive encounters and apleasure for the guests during their stay.Butterflies! Vorarlberg artist Ingmar Alge, Jr. took matchboxeswith butterfl y motifs in various colours as the basis for a fascinatingart project. Before the opening of the Martinspark Hotel,the matchboxes were distributed around the city, wherepeople spontaneously transformed them into works of art.Water! Dornbirn performance artist Wolfgang Flatz surprisesvisitors to the Martinspark Hotel with two contrasting waterinstallations: one in front of the hotel entrance as an uncontrollableelement, another in the lobby in the form of anoversized pink bucket with individual units of dropping water.the works of art help push the reception into the backgroundand focus the view on art and architecture.Bodycheck! the bar area of the Martinspark is dominatedby the four-part sculpture Bodycheck/Physical SculptureNo. 5, one of Wolfgang Flatz’s most important works. Hehimself sees it as a “metaphor for the interaction betweenpower and mass, form and content, violence and provocation,aggressor and victim, artist and society, and asa piece of life”.Red! the abstract use of forms as a central element in artcan be seen on the second and third fl oor of the hotel with“Red Constellations” by famous German artist Imi Knoebel.the playful approach to geometry – square, rectangleand circular segment – leads to image formations of greatlightness and spatial presence.Chrysanthemums! Josef Frank, the famous Viennese designerand architect of Jewish ancestry, is also renownedfor his textile patterns. the large, free-standing chrysanthemumsat the Martinspark are a welcome change from theintricate boughs and fl owery vines that one often fi nds. Anunexpected reception!Borders! The art by Heinrich Dunst with the title “Borders”blends into the urbane modernity of the hotel’s conferencearea. Without falling victim to expressive digressions,these fascinating works help us to hone our awareness forreal borders and to accept them as they are.Light! László Moholy-nagy used light as a means of perceptionin the fi ne arts in order to capture expressive impressionson paper. He was one of the fi rst artists to establish photograms,photomontage and photography as legitimatemedia in the fi ne arts on a par with painting.Energy! the Vorarlberg textile artist Maria Baumschlager-Dünserdesigned the bed covers for the hotel – eachone an original! Individual and colourful, they are a minant eye-catcher in the rooms. Sewndotogetherby Bosnian refugees using thequilting technique, each cover tells a sto-r yand exudes its own positive energy.ab/from€ 135,-2 Nächte/NightsMartinspark Hotel DornbirnDornbirn – Das Wunder MenschDornbirn – The wonder of manMehr auf Seite 107 | More on page 107

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