13.07.2015 Aufrufe

VI Magazin Herbst 2013 download (pdf) - Vienna International ...

VI Magazin Herbst 2013 download (pdf) - Vienna International ...

VI Magazin Herbst 2013 download (pdf) - Vienna International ...


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Day 12.00 p.m. Check-in at the 4-star superior Dvořák Spa Hotel.2.30 p.m. Midday lunch at the Restaurant Dvořák with achoice of regional specialities or international cuisine.3.00 p.m. Guided tour through the spa zone with a visit ofthe drinking colonnades and a taste of the mineral waters.4.30 p.m. Back at the hotel, we take some time out to swim,relax or enjoy the large selection of spa treatments.6.30 p.m. Dinner with a view of Carlsbad’s lively hustle andbustle – the kitchen team unites traditional and modern cuisinewhile respecting the wishes of the health-conscious spa guest.8.00 p.m. Still not tired? then check out the local nightlife!the hotel’s own Café & Bar Opera offers a relaxing atmospherein the Viennese tradition, with piano music to accompanycoffee specialities, plus pastries and cakes thatare served until 1:00 a.m.11.30 p.m. A nightcap at the Café & Bar Opera – and thenit’s off for a good night’s sleep in our comfortable room!Day 27.00 a.m. Freshness and variety at the breakfast buffet – agood way to start your day!10.30 a.m. In Carlsbad, a wealth of discoveries awaits: theMoser Glass Museum explains the history of glass crafting,while the Becherovka Museum offers plenty of interestingfacts about world-famous herbal liqueur.2.00 p.m. Hungry? Stick around at “Becherplatz”. The museumalso is home to the Restaurant Karel IV, which servesexcellent ale house cuisine and even has its own brewery.4.00 p.m. time for an afternoon stroll – through the historiccentre of town, along the river teplá, then by cable car upto the Diana observation tower for a breathtaking view.6.00 p.m. Shopping time! A number of small boutiques andlittle souvenir shops along the colonnade sell brand namegoods and local trinkets. Plan to spend some time here!7.30 p.m. Let the day’s impressions pass in review during aleisurely dinner at the Restaurant Dvořák – with a fi ne Austrianwine to end the day on a high note!Day 38.30 a.m. After a half-hour swim to get the day started, thewell-deserved breakfast tastes that much better.12.00 noon Check-out from the 4-star superior Dvořák SpaHotel. time to head home, loaded up with memories andimpressions from beautiful Carlsbad!<strong>VI</strong>-Hoteltipp: Spa Hotel Dvořák**** sNová Louka 11, 360 21 Karlovy Vary, Tel. +420 353 102 111info@dvorak-hotel.cz, www.hotel-dvorak.cz<strong>VI</strong> 42 Autumn 13 | 17

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