13.07.2015 Aufrufe

Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...

Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...

Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...


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37425. Anhang 1Richard B. Goldschmidt:The Material Basis of Evolution. Yale UniversityPress (1940 pp. 279-282, Auszüge):"The influence upon human growth of the hormones of the thyroid and pituitary is well known, andthe conclusions derived from human pathology are substantiated by the exper<strong>im</strong>ents on mammals.The different types of giants and dwarfs show the strange morphogenetic effect upon all types oforgans, including the brain, which is exercised by the presence, absence, insufficiency orhyperproduction of certain hormones, or by a change in the coordination of the whole endocrinesystem. It has been frequently emphasized that s<strong>im</strong>ilar types occur as hereditary monstrosities inan<strong>im</strong>als and that, therefore, in the latter cases it may be assumed that the genetic change(mutation) acts via a changed condition in the hormonic equilibrium. (See literature and discussionin Mohr, 1934; Stockard, 1931.) As an example of pathological mutants of this type we maymention the achondroplastic Dexter calf, which, according to Crew, is due to a hereditaryhypophyseal defect. […] The best material for our discussion is found in Stockard's (see 1931)studies on the races of dogs. He pointed out that a considerable number of breeds of dogs are of apathological type which closely resembles the type of well-known abnormalities caused inmammals and man by hormonal insufficiencies or unbalance. Such forms as the St. Bernard, GreatDane, bulldog, and dachshund fall into this category, showing in growth habit, skeleton, andinstincts the conditions known in pathology as achondroplasia, dwarfism, gigantism, acromegaly,all caused by abnormal endocrines (figs. 49, 50). These racial traits in dogs are certainlyhereditary and they are based, as far as information goes, upon relatively s<strong>im</strong>ple Mendelianconditions. A study by Stockard of the endocrines of these races revealed them to be abnormal inmany different ways, so that the conclusion seems justified that the mutational changes act viaendocrine disturbances. Of the many details of the situation one ought to be mentioned inconnection with our problem. Some of the abnormalities which characterize the breeds involvethe whole organization of the body and therefore point to "some hereditary disturbance of pituitarygland secretions causing abnormal pituitary-thyroid-parathyroid gland coordinations." […]Whichever [hypothesis] is the correct concept, the decisive fact remains that a small genetic changeaffecting the endocrine system may lead to general or localized growth changes of a huge order ofmagnitude. The skeletal differences existing between a wild dog, a Great Dane, and a poodle wouldcertainly suffice for establishing genetic differences if found among extinct forms.”Darauf folgt Goldschmidts flagranter Fehlschluss gegen die von ihm selbstaufgeführten Tatsachen und Deutungen (hereditary monstrosities, pathologicalmutants of this type, hereditary hypophyseal defect, dogs … of a pathologicaltype, abnormalities … caused by hormonal <strong>im</strong>balance, the conditions known inpathology as achondroplasia, dwarfism, gigantism, acromegaly, abnormal inmany different ways, endocrine disturbances, abnormalities [again], hereditarydisturbance, abnormal coordinations), wenn er behauptet:"Actually differences of just this type must have played a considerable role in evolution, and Ihave not been the only one who has pointed to such facts.”Das ist in etwa vergleichbar mit dem Versuch, aus den zahlreichenVeränderungen durch Verkehrunfälle an noch leidlich fahrtüchtigen Automobilenauf den Modus ihrer Entstehung zu schließen: "Actually differences of just thistype must have played a considerable role in [the] evolution [of automobiles]."Im Gegensatz zu Dawkins und vielen anderen Evolutionsbiologen, siehtGoldschmidt jedoch deutlich die Richtung der Veränderungen – es ist wohl vorallem der Mediziner Goldschmidt, der die hereditary monstrosities, pathological

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