Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...

Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ... Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...

13.07.2015 Aufrufe

360around half an ounce (15 grams), making the creature lighter than a chipmunk. 736 "The greatevolutionary lineage that includes us had a very humble beginning, in terms of body mass," said Zhe-XiLuo, a paleontologist at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, who led the team thatdiscovered the fossil.”Nachdem nun die Welt Ende August 2011 mit Juramaia sinensis über diespitzmausähnliche Urmutter aller plazentaler Säugetiere (einschließlich derCarnivora/Canidae mit Wolf und Haushund sowie der Primaten samt Homosapiens) informiert worden war, folgte Anfang Februar 2013 (also nicht einmalganz eineinhalb Jahre später) eine erneute Rekonstruktion von “Humankind’scommon ancestor with other mammals“ 737 gemäß einem Science-Beitrag von M.A. O’Leary et al. (2013), der den soeben zitierten Behauptungen zur zeitlichenEinordnung und kontinuierlichen Evolution der plazentalen Säugetiere inentscheidenden Punkten diametral widerspricht 738 .O’Leary et al. führen uns zunächst in die Zeitfrage mit dem Hinweis auf dreiverschiedene Modelle ein, wobei ich schon von Anfang an die besondereAufmerksamkeit des Lesers auf das “explosive model“ lenken möchte, denn das istdas Modell, welches die Autoren mit ihrer umfangreichen Arbeit bestätigt findenund das wir auch bei der Entstehung der drei Unterfamilien der Canidae festgestellthaben. Sie schreiben (2013, p. 662):“It is disputed whether orders of placental mammals, the very diverse group of species that includeshumans, evolved before or after the significant extinction horizon known as the Cretaceous-Paleogene(K-Pg) event 66 to 65 million years ago (Ma). Different models have been proposed to describe ordinallevel diversification either before (short-fuse model), near (long-fuse model), or after (explosivemodel) this boundary.Darauf folgen Hinweise mit zahlreichen Literaturangaben 739 auf dieWidersprüche zwischen den Befunden der molekularen Uhren und demFossilbericht:“The hypothesis that the oldest members of crown Placentalia [the clade of all living placentalmammals] were present by ~100 Ma in the Mesozoic Era has been supported by molecular clockanalyses, which suggest that at least 29 mammalian lineages, including the stem lineages of Primates andRodentia, appeared in Late Cretaceous ecosystems and survived the massive K-Pg extinction event.However, fossil evidence has not corroborated this hypothesis, despite discovery of abundant, wellpreserved,small vertebrates. By contrast, phenomic phylogenies incorporating fossils have placed ordinaland intraordinal speciation of Placentalia after the K-Pg extinction event.”736 Zur Frage warum die First Mammals so klein blieben, lautet die Standartantwort in etwa wie folgt: "….it was only after the dinosaurs wentkaput that mammals were able to evolve beyond their tiny, mouselike forms into the widely specialized species that populate the world today.[…] Because of their tiny size, early mammals could survive on much less food [“tiny size” ist jedoch in der Regel erhöhtem Stoffwechsel unddaher mit “more food” verbunden], and their fur coats (and warm-blooded metabolisms) helped keep them warm in the plunging globaltemperatures.” http://dinosaurs.about.com/od/otherprehistoriclife/a/earlymammals.htm (Zugriff 22. Juni 2013.)737 John Noble Wilford: Rat-Size Ancestor Said to Link Man and Beast.: New York Times vom 7. Februar 2014:http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/08/science/common-ancestor-of-mammals-plucked-from-obscurity.html?pagewanted=all738 Maureen A. O'Leary, Jonathan I. Bloch, John J. Flynn, Timothy J. Gaudin, Andres Giallombardo, Norberto P. Giannini, Suzann L. Goldberg,Brian P. Kraatz, Zhe-Xi Luo, Jin Meng, Xijun Ni, Michael J. Novacek, Fernando A. Perini, Zachary S. Randall, Guillermo W. Rougier, Eric J.Sargis, Mary T. Silcox, Nancy B. Simmons, Michelle Spaulding, Paúl M. Velazco, Marcelo Weksler, John R. Wible and Andrea L. Cirranello(2013): The Placental Mammal Ancestor and the Post–K-Pg Radiation of Placentals. Science 339: 656-658 (8 February 2013):Abstract: “To discover interordinal relationships of living and fossil placental mammals and the time of origin of placentals relative to theCretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary, we scored 4541 phenomic characters de novo for 86 fossil and living species. Combining these datawith molecular sequences, we obtained a phylogenetic tree that, when calibrated with fossils, shows that crown clade Placentalia andplacental orders originated after the K-Pg boundary. Many nodes discovered using molecular data are upheld, but phenomic signals overturnmolecular signals to show Sundatheria (Dermoptera + Scandentia) as the sister taxon of Primates, a close link between Proboscidea (elephants)and Sirenia (sea cows), and the monophyly of echolocating Chiroptera (bats). Our tree suggests that Placentalia first split into Xenarthra andEpitheria; extinct New World species are the oldest members of Afrotheria.”Siehe auch: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/suppl/2013/02/07/339.6120.662.DC1/1229237OLeary.SM.pdf739 Die Zahlen zu den Literaturhinweisen habe ich mit wenigen Ausnahmen – da in den Zitaten nicht nachprüfbar – weggelassen (der daran weiterinteressierte Leser konsultiere dazu bitte die Originalarbeit der Autoren.).

361Das Hauptergebnis ihrer Arbeit lautet: “Placental orders originated after the K-Pg boundary” (einer der Untertitel). Nach Aufführung ihrer Arbeitsmethodenlautet das Resultat:“We find that only the stem lineage to Placentalia crossed the K-Pg boundary and then speciated in theearly Paleocene. We estimate that the minimum age of the diversification of crown Placentalia is justyounger than the K-Pg boundary, or ~36 My younger than molecular clock–based mean estimatesderived from supertree and supermatrix analyses.”Das ist die Umkehrung der Resultate und Interpretationen von Ji et al. (2002) zuEomaia und Luo et al. (2011) zu Juramaia mit der Annahme, dass sie mit ihrenFunden die gewaltige Kluft von Dutzenden von Millionen von Jahren zwischenden molekularen Postulaten und den paläontologischen Befunden geschlossenhätten. O’Leary et al. fahren fort mit dem Hinweis, dass selbst Protungulatumdonnae (“the oldest undisputed species within the crown Placentalia”) mindesten200 000 Jahre von der K-Pg Grenze entfernt im Paläozän aufgetreten ist (2013, pp.662 und 665):“We do not find support for the hypothesis that 29 to 39 mammalian lineages, including Afrotheria,Rodentia, Primates, Lipotyphla, Xenarthra, Artiodactyla, and Chiroptera, each crossed the K-Pg boundary.We recognize Protungulatum donnae as the oldest undisputed species within crown Placentalia (Fig. 1),and this species dates to the earliest Paleocene within an interval extending from the K-Pg boundary to~200,000 to ~400,000 years later.”Die anschließende Explosion der Formenvielfalt beschreiben sie wie folgt (p. 665):“Integration of fossils as primary data in the phylogeny indicates that ~10 interordinal speciation eventsmight have occurred in as little as 200,000 years. Most of the fossil species sampled across Placentalia falleither within ordinal crown clades or on the immediate stem to ordinal crown clades (exceptions are stemtaxa to Glires, Tethytheria, and Euungulata).”Und zu den Datierungen stellen sie weiter fest (ebenfalls p. 665), dass “the totalclade of Eutheria“ wesentlich jünger ist als bisher angenommen, dass Eomanianicht dazugehört und das Alter der Theria um 62,5 Mill. Jahre zu lang angesetztwurde:“Our results also imply that the total clade Eutheria (all species more closely related to Placentalia thanto any other living species) is younger than estimated from prior studies. The Cretaceous fossil Eomaiascansoria (125 Ma) has previously been called a placental (18) or eutherian (11, 18, 19); however, we findwith 100% jackknife support that Eomaia falls outside of Eutheria as a stem taxon to Theria. The oldestage of Eutheria in our study is constrained by taxa such as Maelestes and is 91 Ma. The age of Theria is127.5 Ma, a clade that some molecule-based estimates previously suggested to be 190 Ma.”Nach Feststellungen zur Biogeographie und “placental paleoenvironments” (wie:“The early Paleocene diversification of placentals occurred in a radicallytransformed terrestrial ecosystem lacking nonavian dinosaurs and other speciesterminated at the K-Pg event” – p. 667) kommen die Autoren zum Ergebnis, dasssich sowohl die “ordinal” als auch die “interordinal diversification of Placentalia”am genauesten/besten zum “explosive model” passt – wobei ich allerdings hinterder Behauptung von der Unvollständigkeit der Fossilüberlieferung einFragezeichen setzen möchte – wenn sie abschließend schreiben:“The incompleteness of the fossil record will always constrain what we can infer about the past, butintegration of phenomic and genomic data have here corroborated the hypothesis that ordinaland interordinal diversification of Placentalia most closely fits the explosive model and that therewas no Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution for Placentalia.”

360around half an ounce (15 grams), making the creature lighter than a chipmunk. 736 "The greatevolutionary lineage that includes us had a very humble beginning, in terms of body mass," said Zhe-XiLuo, a paleontologist at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, who led the team thatdiscovered the fossil.”Nachdem nun die Welt Ende August 2011 mit Juramaia sinensis über diespitzmausähnliche Urmutter aller plazentaler Säugetiere (einschließlich derCarnivora/Canidae mit <strong>Wolf</strong> und <strong>Haushund</strong> sowie der Pr<strong>im</strong>aten samt Homosapiens) informiert worden war, folgte Anfang Februar 2013 (also nicht einmalganz eineinhalb Jahre später) eine erneute Rekonstruktion von “Humankind’scommon ancestor with other mammals“ 737 gemäß einem Science-Beitrag von M.A. O’Leary et al. (2013), der den soeben zitierten Behauptungen zur zeitlichenEinordnung und kontinuierlichen Evolution der plazentalen Säugetiere inentscheidenden Punkten diametral widerspricht 738 .O’Leary et al. führen uns zunächst in die Zeitfrage mit dem Hinweis auf dreiverschiedene Modelle ein, wobei ich schon von Anfang an die besondereAufmerksamkeit des Lesers auf das “explosive model“ lenken möchte, denn das istdas Modell, welches die Autoren mit ihrer umfangreichen Arbeit bestätigt findenund das wir auch bei der Entstehung der drei Unterfamilien der Canidae festgestellthaben. Sie schreiben (2013, p. 662):“It is disputed whether orders of placental mammals, the very diverse group of species that includeshumans, evolved before or after the significant extinction horizon known as the Cretaceous-Paleogene(K-Pg) event 66 to 65 million years ago (Ma). Different models have been proposed to describe ordinallevel diversification either before (short-fuse model), near (long-fuse model), or after (explosivemodel) this boundary.Darauf folgen Hinweise mit zahlreichen Literaturangaben 739 auf dieWidersprüche zwischen den Befunden der molekularen Uhren und demFossilbericht:“The hypothesis that the oldest members of crown Placentalia [the clade of all living placentalmammals] were present by ~100 Ma in the Mesozoic Era has been supported by molecular clockanalyses, which suggest that at least 29 mammalian lineages, including the stem lineages of Pr<strong>im</strong>ates andRodentia, appeared in Late Cretaceous ecosystems and survived the massive K-Pg extinction event.However, fossil evidence has not corroborated this hypothesis, despite discovery of abundant, wellpreserved,small vertebrates. By contrast, phenomic phylogenies incorporating fossils have placed ordinaland intraordinal speciation of Placentalia after the K-Pg extinction event.”736 Zur Frage warum die First Mammals so klein blieben, lautet die Standartantwort in etwa wie folgt: "….it was only after the dinosaurs wentkaput that mammals were able to evolve beyond their tiny, mouselike forms into the widely specialized species that populate the world today.[…] Because of their tiny size, early mammals could survive on much less food [“tiny size” ist jedoch in der Regel erhöhtem Stoffwechsel unddaher mit “more food” verbunden], and their fur coats (and warm-blooded metabolisms) helped keep them warm in the plunging globaltemperatures.” http://dinosaurs.about.com/od/otherprehistoriclife/a/earlymammals.htm (Zugriff 22. Juni 2013.)737 John Noble Wilford: Rat-Size Ancestor Said to Link Man and Beast.: New York T<strong>im</strong>es vom 7. Februar 2014:http://www.nyt<strong>im</strong>es.com/2013/02/08/science/common-ancestor-of-mammals-plucked-from-obscurity.html?pagewanted=all738 Maureen A. O'Leary, Jonathan I. Bloch, John J. Flynn, T<strong>im</strong>othy J. Gaudin, Andres Giallombardo, Norberto P. Giannini, Suzann L. Goldberg,Brian P. Kraatz, Zhe-Xi Luo, Jin Meng, Xijun Ni, Michael J. Novacek, Fernando A. Perini, Zachary S. Randall, Guillermo W. Rougier, Eric J.Sargis, Mary T. Silcox, Nancy B. S<strong>im</strong>mons, Michelle Spaulding, Paúl M. Velazco, Marcelo Weksler, John R. Wible and Andrea L. Cirranello(2013): The Placental Mammal Ancestor and the Post–K-Pg Radiation of Placentals. Science 339: 656-658 (8 February 2013):Abstract: “To discover interordinal relationships of living and fossil placental mammals and the t<strong>im</strong>e of origin of placentals relative to theCretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary, we scored 4541 phenomic characters de novo for 86 fossil and living species. Combining these datawith molecular sequences, we obtained a phylogenetic tree that, when calibrated with fossils, shows that crown clade Placentalia andplacental orders originated after the K-Pg boundary. Many nodes discovered using molecular data are upheld, but phenomic signals overturnmolecular signals to show Sundatheria (Dermoptera + Scandentia) as the sister taxon of Pr<strong>im</strong>ates, a close link between Proboscidea (elephants)and Sirenia (sea cows), and the monophyly of echolocating Chiroptera (bats). Our tree suggests that Placentalia first split into Xenarthra andEpitheria; extinct New World species are the oldest members of Afrotheria.”Siehe auch: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/suppl/2013/02/07/339.6120.662.DC1/1229237OLeary.SM.pdf739 Die Zahlen zu den Literaturhinweisen habe ich mit wenigen Ausnahmen – da in den Zitaten nicht nachprüfbar – weggelassen (der daran weiterinteressierte Leser konsultiere dazu bitte die Originalarbeit der Autoren.).

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