13.07.2015 Aufrufe

Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...

Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...

Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...


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337Wechselwirkung von Auge und Gehirn samt Augenmuskeln mit Kontrollzentrum zum Mittelhirn undschließlich bei den verschiedenen aufeinander abgest<strong>im</strong>mten Steuerungs- und Verarbeitungszentren <strong>im</strong>Gehirn mit ihren Wechselbeziehungen zum Organismus und dessen Umwelt. 663Das Prinzip zieht sich ebenso durch die Diskussionen zur Entstehung desFangmechanismus' von Utricularia 664 , der synorganisierten Strukturen vonOrchideen wie Coryanthes und Catasetum 665 , zur Brutpflege der Wabenkröte Pipaamericana 666 usw. 667"In genetic terms, this would approx<strong>im</strong>ate a polygenic effect” (Harjunmaa et al.2012; siehe oben). Kurz eine Erläuterung zum Thema polygenic inheritance:"Polygenic inheritance can be explained as Mendelian inheritance at many loci, resulting in a trait whichis normally-distributed.” 668"[F]or some traits with multifactorial inheritance, there is no gradation. Mendel studied these socalled"nonblending" traits, placing them in distinct categories (Olby, 2000). These traits showdiscontinuous variation, which occurs when there is an abrupt change from one phenotype to another, asin Mendel's round and wrinkled peas. Here, there was no intermediate variation between the round andwrinkled peas; rather, the peas fell into either one category or the other.” 669Siehe zur Historie weiter die Fußnote. 670Um den abrupten Wechsel zum komplexeren Phänotyp in der Zahnstruktur"beyond the normal variation present in a population" zu erreichen, bedarf esnach Harjunmaa et al. (2012) "multiple changes in developmental regulation”(siehe oben).Wenn wir <strong>im</strong> Sinne von Intelligent Design und des Grundtypkonzepts bei denCanidae von (zumindest) einer erschaffenen polyvalenten Art/Spezies mit einemumfangreichen Anpassungspotenzial – Startpunkt: vorprogrammierte Variabilitätund Komplexität – ausgehen, so findet die oben aufgeführte rekurrente Variation(die zahlreiche Reversals und Parallelisms) sowie die folgenden Beobachtungenund Feststellungen von Polly (2007) ("Palaeontologists know that mammals havelost and gained teeth in a regular evolutionary pattern:..") und von Kavanagh et663 http://www.weloennig.de/AuISam.html (1976, 1989)664 http://www.weloennig.de/Utricularia2011Buch.pdf665 http://www.weloennig.de/CorCat.html666 http://www.weloennig.de/NeoE.html667 Siehe die Arbeiten von Nachtwey, Kahle, Schmidt und vielen anderen.668http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantitative_trait_locus (Zugriff 18. Mai 2013). Be<strong>im</strong> Thema polygenic traits gibt es manchmal nochMissverständnisse. In demselben Beitrag heißt es: "Unlike monogenic traits, polygenic traits do not follow patterns of Mendelian inheritance(separated traits). Instead, their phenotypes typically vary along a continuous gradient depicted by a bell curve.” Die Betonung liegt hier jedoch"separated traits”.669 Das Zitat <strong>im</strong> Zusammenhang: "The first scientist to study multifactorial inheritance was Francis Galton, Charles Darwin's cousin. Like hiscontemporary, Gregor Mendel, Galton studied the inheritance of traits. However, unlike Mendel, Galton observed what he called "blending"characters (Galton, 1897). Blending is now known as continuous variation, describing a gradation in expression in which phenotypes (such ashuman height) do not fall into distinct categories. When a trait that exhibits continuous variation is plotted on a graph, the phenotypic distributionforms a bell-shaped curve. Accordingly, most individuals have an intermediate phenotype, and the majority of individuals group at the mean(Mossey, 1999). Traits with continuous variation are also called quantitative traits. With these traits, involvement of a wide range of genetic andenvironmental factors results in the production of wide-ranging genotypes.In contrast, for some traits with multifactorial inheritance, there is no gradation. Mendel studied these so-called "nonblending" traits, placingthem in distinct categories (Olby, 2000). These traits show discontinuous variation, which occurs when there is an abrupt change from onephenotype to another, as in Mendel's round and wrinkled peas. Here, there was no intermediate variation between the round and wrinkled peas;rather, the peas fell into either one category or the other.” http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/multifactorial-inheritance-and-geneticdisease-919(2008). Zugriff 18. Mai 2013.670 "For many years the argument raged between the "Mendelians" and the "Galtonians" as to which of the two paradigms was the correct one forhuman inheritance. There was no question that Mendelian inheritance was correct for some diseases, but these were rare, affecting only a smallportion of the population. They were considered trivial by the Galtonians. On the other hand, the inheritance of quantitative traits could not beused to predict outcomes, only average est<strong>im</strong>ates measured in large population studies. Mendelians considered the study of quantitative traits tobe trivial because they had no predictive value. R. A. Fisher resolved the dispute by showing that the inheritance of quantitative traits can bereduced to Mendelian inheritance at many loci." http://www.uic.edu/classes/bms/bms655/lesson11.html (Zugriff 18. Mai 2013). Siehe weiterLönnig: Mendel: http://www.weloennig.de/mendel07.htm und http://www.weloennig.de/mendel09.htm sowie http://www.weloennig.de/mendel06.htm

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