13.07.2015 Aufrufe

Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...

Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...

Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...


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278Wiederholen und vergleichen wir dazu einige der oben dokumentierten Behauptungen:"From various lineages within the miacids, a number of, or possibly all, modern families of Carnivora arose.”"Carnivorans evolved from miacoids about 55 million years ago (Mya) during the late Paleocene.”"Carnivorans apparently evolved in North America out of members of the family Miacidae (miacids) about 42million years ago.""The transition from miacids to Carnivora was a gradual trend during the Paleocene to late Eocene….”"Carnivorans evolved from members of the paraphyletic family Miacidae (miacids). The transition from Miacidae toCarnivora was a general trend in the middle and late Eocene,…”"Uintacyon rudis Matthew, 1915 is the oldest miacid [latest Paleocene] […] the morphology exhibited by early Miacis[early Eocene] is more generalized than U. rudis and closer to that of the ancestral miacid condition (Rose, 1981).”Evolutionstheoretisch unerwartet: Erst die spezialisierte Form, später die generalisierte.Sprunghaftes Auftreten von 4 Gattungen: Miacis rosei, Uintacyon gingerichi, Vassacyon bowni, Xinyuictis tenius: earlyEocene. Postulat: Lange kontinuierliche Entwicklung <strong>im</strong> Paleocene. Beweise fehlen bisher.Die evolutionstheoretisch als fortschrittlich eingestuften Viverravidae ("a true pair of carnassial teeth. […] reduced setof dentition (loss of the last, or third, molars) from the very beginning”) treten früher auf als Miacidae (letztere"more generalized… pr<strong>im</strong>itive possession of a full complement of check teeth.”)Die Familien der Viverravidae und Miacidae existierten nach geologischer Zeitrechnung über große Zeiträumegleichzeitig (ca. 21,5 Mill. Jahre: 58.5 bis 37.0). Viverravidae ausgestorben: Selektionsnachteil durch fortschrittlicheMerkmale?"Neuere Studien weisen allerdings darauf hin, dass die Miaciden und Viverraviden nicht die direktenVorfahren der beiden Raubtierlinien sind, sondern sogar ganz außerhalb der Carnivora anzusiedeln sind.""…Carnivora must have evolved from a form even more pr<strong>im</strong>itive than Creodonta, and thus these two orders maynot even be sister groups.”"Creodonts were traditionally considered ancestors to Carnivora, but are now considered to have shared a commonancestor further back – possibly a C<strong>im</strong>olesta such as C<strong>im</strong>olestes. They share with the Carnivora the carnassial shear…[…] Some researchers argue that the creodonts represent a group of mammals of diverse biological ancestry thatresemble one another via convergent evolution, rather than being the descendants of a single common ancestor.”Creodonts: "Their origins lie at least as far back as the late Cretaceous…”C<strong>im</strong>olesta: Ebenfalls late Cretaceous (also geologisch gleichzeitig). Außerhalb der Plazentalier. ("it seems now arenot even placentals"). Beide Gruppen treten sprunghaft (diskontinuierlich) auf.C<strong>im</strong>olestes: "This tiny mammal was the ancestor of all modern-day carnivores.”"…c<strong>im</strong>olestids began to develop progressively more bladelike cheek teeth […] C<strong>im</strong>olestes cerberoides… the upperforth premolar began to assume the form of an upper carnassial tooth with the development of a shearing crestformed by the paracone and the metacone – the tooth that was to become typical of carnivorans.”Zu den carnassial teeth gehören jedoch zwei."C<strong>im</strong>olestes […] has a s<strong>im</strong>ple p4” […] "A link showing miacid reduction of the M 2-3 /2-3 and increased functionalemphasis on the P 4 M 1 carnassial pair is still missing.”"Hunt and Tedford (1993) suggested that C<strong>im</strong>olestes is more closely related to Carnivora than to Creodonta and thatdifferent lineages of the genus may have given rise to the two families of miacoids (Viverravidae and Miacidae).[..] Fox and Youzwyshyn (1994) disagreed, however, and postulated a more pr<strong>im</strong>itive eutherian ancestry ofCarnivora involving neither Creodonta nor C<strong>im</strong>olestidae.”"…carnivorans have an excellent fossil record […] We know nearly three t<strong>im</strong>es as many extinct carnivorangenera as extant genera (approx<strong>im</strong>ately 355 and 129, respectively; […] Nach der Evolutionstheorie unerwartet(angesichts eines exzellenten Fossilberichts): "The precise origins of Carnivora are poorly understood.”Und: "…the precise t<strong>im</strong>ing of the origin of Carnivora is [also] unknown.”Feliformia.” "Crown-group” definiert er mit Bryant, Wyss and Flynn wie folgt: "…the crown-group Carnivora is defined as the "most recent commonancestor of Feloidea, all species referred to Canidae by Wilson and Reeder, and Arctoidea and all of its descendants””, Siehe:http://www.ploscollections.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0024146;jsessionid=91AFC96A98B9754ACF518397627730EE.ambra01

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