13.07.2015 Aufrufe

Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...

Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...

Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...


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182Worauf der Staffordshire Bull Terrier und der Labrador Retriever genannt werden als"two of the many examples of breeds that are affected by at least two autosomalrecessive disorders for which the causal mutations have been identified”. Anschließendführen die Autoren die Erbkrankheiten 320 und die Arbeiten dazu auf.Oder Pfeiffer (2006): "The domestic dog has more naturally occurring inheriteddiseases than any other species.” 321Oder konkretes Beispiel von Rak et al. (2003): "Many different dog breeds areaffected by congenital sensorineural deafness". 322Und dazu auch Sommerlad et al. (2010): "Congenital sensorineural deafness is aninherited condition found in many dog breeds, including Australian Stumpy-tail CattleDogs (ASCD). This deafness is evident in young pups and may affect one ear (unilateral)or both ears (bilateral).[…] Deafness in ASCD is an incompletely penetrant autosomalrecessive inherited disease that maps to CFA10." 323Oder Bannasch et at. (2010) zu den brachycephalic breeds (Kopf kurz und breit):Brachycephalic breeds such as the Boxer, Boston Terrier, Pekingese, and Bulldog exhibit prognathismand have wide-set, round eyes. Based on the history of many brachycephalic breeds, this phenotype wasoriginally selected in dogs that were used for fighting, based on the idea that this head shape is morepowerful for biting [2], [3]. Brachycephaly is associated with a number of medical conditions in the dogincluding breathing abnormalities, cleft palate and lip and, in some breeds, increased risk of gliomas [4],[5], [6], [7]. […] With the use of artificial insemination and Caesarean sections that allow somebrachycephalic breeds to reproduce, selection for more extreme versions of this phenotype has occurredand it is likely that genetic modifiers exist for this trait [9], [10]. There is little variation within these breedsfor brachycephaly, indicating that individuals are largely fixed for the causative allele. Based on crossesperformed between breeds, brachycephaly is a semi-dominant trait.” 324Vgl. weiter die 585 bisher (2012) festgestellten Disorders be<strong>im</strong> <strong>Haushund</strong> mitLiteraturhinweisen: http://omia.angis.org.au/home/ (Zugriff 1. Dezember 2012).Fazit: Was sich zu den Themen CNVs, SNPs sowie inherited deseases be<strong>im</strong><strong>Haushund</strong> <strong>im</strong> Vergleich zum <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>im</strong>mer wieder abzeichnet, ist der Abbau vonStrukturen und Funktionen auf der genetischen und/oder organismischen Ebene(accumulation of deleterious mutations: integration is lowered on the genetic andorganismal levels resulting in the plethora of the overall functionally less complexphenotypes and genotypes of the some 400 dog races – siehe oben). Sehen wir uns dazumit den Hypertrophien und Hyperplasien be<strong>im</strong> <strong>Haushund</strong> weitere Beispiele an:320 "[…] hereditary cataract and the metabolic disorder L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria in the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and exercise inducedcollapse and centronuclear myopathy in the Labrador Retriever.”321 Pfeiffer I (2006): Canine genomics: Inherited diseases in dogs. Kleintierpraxis 51: 527-530. Man könnte hier vielleicht einwenden, dass dieseKrankheiten be<strong>im</strong> Hund zum großen Teil gerade nicht "naturally occurring" sind, sondern die künstlichen Selektion voraussetzen (gilt auch fürdie Aussage von Forman et. al. (2012) – siehe oben. Vgl. http://garfield.library.upenn.edu/histcomp/cavallisforza-ll_citing/node/15188.html322 Rak SG, Drögemüller C, Leeb T, Quignon P, André C, Scott A, Breen M, Distl O. (2003): Chromosomal assignment of 20 candidate genes forcanine congenital sensorineural deafness by FISH and RH mapping. Cytogenet Genome Res. 101:130-5. (Vgl.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14610353323 Susan Sommerlad, Allan F. McRae, Brenda McDonald, Isobel Johnstone, Leigh Cuttell, Jennifer M. Seddon, Caroline A. O'Leary (2010):Congenital Sensorineural Deafness in Australian Stumpy-Tail Cattle Dogs Is an Autosomal Recessive Trait That Maps to CFA10.http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0013364324 Danika Bannasch, Amy Young, Jeffrey Myers, Katarina Truvé, Peter Dickinson, Jeffrey Gregg, Ryan Davis, Eric Bongcam-Rudloff, MatthewT. Webster, Kerstin Lindblad-Toh and Niels Pedersen (2010):Localization of Canine Brachycephaly Using an Across Breed Mapping Approach.http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0009632#pone.0009632-Nelson1 (Zugriff am 1. Dezember 2012.)

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