13.07.2015 Aufrufe

Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...

Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...

Unser Haushund: Eine Spitzmaus im Wolfspelz? - Wolf-Ekkehard ...


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116were observed outside the l<strong>im</strong>its of the breeding season (Table 1) (20,28) which is normally stronglystabilized by natural selection.(11) Moreover, a few vixens have even matted twice in a year. The totalnumber of such an<strong>im</strong>als throughout the years of the exper<strong>im</strong>ent was small. However, their emergenceamong the tame foxes is of crucial <strong>im</strong>portance. Reproduction seasonality is under strong selectiveconstraint.(11) Variations in the mating dates of different an<strong>im</strong>als within this period are mainly due toenvironmental factors. As consequences, direct selection for mating t<strong>im</strong>ing during the season is ineffectiveand doesn't change the l<strong>im</strong>its of breading period. However, the data in Table 1 suggest that the capacity tobreed at any t<strong>im</strong>e throughout the year, characteristic of domestic an<strong>im</strong>als, might have occurred as acorrelated consequence of selection for tameability.Trut et al. (2012, pp. 23/24):"The mating season in foxes lasts from the first decade of January to the End of March. Males are in a stateof sexual activity during the whole of this period. Mating entirely depends on when the females are inoestrus. […] It is very <strong>im</strong>portant that some (tame) vixens showed oestral activity both in the autumn and thespring, i.e. that biannual oestration tended to form, although fertile extra-seasonal matings are extremelyrare (Fig. 2.15).”"tended to form" heißt ist noch dabei und ist noch nicht vollendet. Die Aussage"no offspring of an extraseasonal mating has survived to adulthood" wird in denletzteren Arbeiten nicht korrigiert. Für de Haustierwerdung generell sind die hiergeschilderten Veränderungen ohne Frage sehr aufschlussreich, doch die zahmenFüchse sind noch ein ganzen Stück vom <strong>Haushund</strong> entfernt ("dogs lost theirreproductive seasonality pattern, and they became able to reproduce in any seasonand more than once a year" – Trut et al. 2012, p. 23).Wenn der Verlust des strikten "reproductive seasonality pattern" als "acorrelated consequence of selection for tameability" zu verstehen ist, dann fügtsich dieses Verhalten nahtlos in die vielen anderen mit der Haustierwerdungverbundenen physiologischen und sonstigen Abbauprozesse ein.10) lost their musky "fox smell”In einer Pflegeanleitung für Rotfüchse ist Folgendes zu lesen 198 :"Well, no red fox owner can deny that their fox smells. These foxes contain a scent/musk gland that givesoff a pretty potent musky odor - some say it smells like a skunk, and even though I suppose that's s<strong>im</strong>ilar,you really just have to smell a fox to know what it smells like. The main odor comes from their urine - soif you wanted to descent them (as you would in a skunk or ferret for example), it still wouldn't completelytake away the odor. Let alone, that's a very risky procedure - as their glands are not as s<strong>im</strong>ple as a ferretor skunk's. They also have a couple other glands that aren't as potent. But the worst is if they get reallyscared - they can emit a dreadful odor that you just don't want to smell, but they usually do Not use thatthat often. ...So, even though their general smell is pretty bad, one can learn to get used to it - but be wearythat visitors most likely will not be. (So you may want to keep it outside when company is over and lightsome scented candles. ;) )”Oder Wikipedia zum Thema Scent glands be<strong>im</strong> Rotfuchs 199 :Red foxes have a pair of anal sacs lined by sebaceous glands, both of which open through a single duct.The anal sacs act as fermentation chambers in which aerobic and anaerobic bacteria convert sebum intoodorous compounds, including aliphatic acids. The oval-shaped caudal gland is 25 mm long and 13 mmwide, and reportedly smells of violets.[54][75] The presence of foot glands is equivocal. The interdigitalcavities are deep, with a reddish tinge and smell strongly. Sebaceous glands are present on the angle ofthe jaw and mandible.[54]198 http://foxesareamazing.webs.com/caresheets.htm (Zugriff 21. September 2012)199 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_fox (wieder 21. Sept. 2012)

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