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13.07.2015 Aufrufe

238 DAGA 2012 Programmnach drei Jahren Freiluftlagerung (bei korrekter Verfahrensweise!) abgeschlossenist. Hinzu kommt ein halbes Jahr Innenlagerung, um auf dieWerkstattfeuchte (Verarbeitungsfeuchte) herunter zu trocknen. Es stelltsich die Frage, was ab dem fünften Jahr Lagerung noch passiert. Verändernsich die akustischen Eigenschaften tatsächlich zum Positiven undwenn ja, welche Mechanismen sind dafür verantwortlich? Der Vortragbeschäftigt sich mit dem Studium der akustisch relevanten Eigenschaftenin Abhängigkeit vom Alter des Holzes. Unter Alter soll der Zeitraumvom Einschlag bis zum Zeitpunkt der Untersuchungen verstanden werden.Es geht u. A. um die Abhängigkeit der elastomechischen Größenvom Alter und dessen Einfluss auf die Reaktion des Holzes auf klimatischeVeränderungen, wie sie z.B. bei Konzertreisen oder auch dem Versandim klimatische anders geartete Regionen entstehen. Eine Diskussionder für die beobachteten Vorgänge verantwortlichen Mechanismenim Holz bleibt einer späteren Veröffentlichung vorbehalten.Mi. 8:55 neon 3.08 Physik von Musikinstrumenten 2Precision and Shifting Effects of Distance Hearing in ListeningTestsJ. KerkmannTU BerlinThis analysis uses data from a listening test on the relation of perceiveddistance to physical distance for violin sounds in semi-reverberantrooms. In the context of the listening test, subjects were asked to estimatethe perceived distance of a violin played along a discrete scalewhile they were blindfolded. The subjects were allowed to see the scaleand its optional playing positions before and after a series of playedsounds. The multitude of valuable responses facilitated violin researchbut also scale development and monitoring of perceptional drift duringlistening sessions. This analysis raises the questions: (i) How does thesurprising precision of responses relate to findings from earlier studieson distance perception? (ii) Is there any scale contraction, expansion orshift observable during sessions, as the subjects’ visual cue of the roomand its scale might fade during a session? The key factors to precisionare believed to be due to live performance and reasonable scaling. Theidentified scale expansion during the course of sessions might suggestthe existence of general intrinsic factors to be considered for human listeningtests under blindfolded conditions.

Programm DAGA 2012 239Sitzung „Robuste Spracherkennung“Mi. 9:20 neon 3.08 Robuste SpracherkennungMatching the Acoustic Model to Front-End Signal Processing forASR in Noisy and Reverberant EnvironmentsR. Maas, A. Schwarz, K. Reindl, Y. Zheng, S. Meier, A. Sehr und W.KellermannUniv. Erlangen-Nürnberg - Multimediakomm. u. SignalverarbeitungA complete automatic speech recognition (ASR) system consisting of atwo-channel acoustic front-end based on blind source separation (BSS)along with Wiener filtering and a matched off-the-shelf recognizer is presentedin this contribution. The BSS unit first separates all noise and interferencecomponents from the target speech and its reverberation. Ina second step, the estimated noise and interference signals containedin the mixtures are suppressed via single-channel Wiener filtering. Theintegration of the front-end into the ASR back-end represents a crucialelement in the system design and the main focus of this paper. Therefore,different matched and multi-style training techniques of the acousticmodel are compared. Moreover, the influence of the amount of trainingdata is outlined. For evaluation, we consider the PASCAL CHiME setup,which constitutes of recognizing speech commands uttered in noisy andreverberant living room-like environments. The highest recognition accuraciesare achieved if the training set comprises all noise conditions as inmulti-style training. In contrast, using noise-dependent acoustic modelstrained on matched data is shown to be less effective for the given scenario.The test results furthermore clearly show that both the acousticfront-end and the back-end training significantly contribute to the overallsystem performance.Mi. 9:45 neon 3.08 Robuste SpracherkennungTime-Frequency-Processing for ICA-Supported Speech Recognitionin Multitalker ConditionsE. Hoffmann a , D. Kolossa b und R. Orglmeister aa TU Berlin, Sekretariat EN3; b Ruhr-Universität BochumBlind source separation for mixtures of acoustic signals is usually performedin the frequency domain, where source separation by independentcomponent analysis (ICA) is applied separately in each frequency bin.However, due to the nature of frequency-domain ICA algorithms, therearise two problems. The first is obtaining a consistent ordering of therecovered signals, also known as the permutation problem. The otherproblem is caused by the corruption of separated signals by remaininginterferences and can be ameliorated by applying time frequency masking.In this paper, we present new developments for these two mainobstacles: a permutation correction based on the correntropy is described,followed by a time-frequency mask based on a modified Wiener filter.The time-frequency mask is based on an approximation of the source

238 <strong>DAGA</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Programmnach drei Jahren Freiluftlagerung (bei korrekter Verfahrensweise!) abgeschlossenist. Hinzu kommt ein halbes Jahr Innenlagerung, um auf dieWerkstattfeuchte (Verarbeitungsfeuchte) herunter zu trocknen. Es stelltsich die Frage, was ab dem fünften Jahr Lagerung noch passiert. Verändernsich die akustischen Eigenschaften tatsächlich zum Positiven undwenn ja, welche Mechanismen sind dafür verantwortlich? Der Vortragbeschäftigt sich mit dem Studium der akustisch relevanten Eigenschaftenin Abhängigkeit vom Alter des Holzes. Unter Alter soll der Zeitraumvom Einschlag bis zum Zeitpunkt der Untersuchungen verstanden werden.Es geht u. A. um die Abhängigkeit der elastomechischen Größenvom Alter und dessen Einfluss auf die Reaktion des Holzes auf klimatischeVeränderungen, wie sie z.B. bei Konzertreisen oder auch dem Versandim klimatische anders geartete Regionen entstehen. Eine Diskussionder für die beobachteten Vorgänge verantwortlichen Mechanismenim Holz bleibt einer späteren Veröffentlichung vorbehalten.Mi. 8:55 neon 3.08 Physik von Musikinstrumenten 2Precision and Shifting Effects of Distance Hearing in ListeningTestsJ. KerkmannTU BerlinThis analysis uses data from a listening test on the relation of perceiveddistance to physical distance for violin sounds in semi-reverberantrooms. In the context of the listening test, subjects were asked to estimatethe perceived distance of a violin played along a discrete scalewhile they were blindfolded. The subjects were allowed to see the scaleand its optional playing positions before and after a series of playedsounds. The multitude of valuable responses facilitated violin researchbut also scale development and monitoring of perceptional drift duringlistening sessions. This analysis raises the questions: (i) How does thesurprising precision of responses relate to findings from earlier studieson distance perception? (ii) Is there any scale contraction, expansion orshift observable during sessions, as the subjects’ visual cue of the roomand its scale might fade during a session? The key factors to precisionare believed to be due to live performance and reasonable scaling. Theidentified scale expansion during the course of sessions might suggestthe existence of general intrinsic factors to be considered for human listeningtests under blindfolded conditions.

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