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170 DAGA 2012 ProgrammMi. 14:50 chromium 2.02 Virtuelle Akustik 2Map projections for the graphical representation of spherical measurementdataB. BernschützFachhochschule Köln - Institut für NachrichtentechnikMany tasks in acoustics and audio entail capturing spatial measurementdata on a sphere and require an appropriate graphical representationof the data. For a circular dataset the polar plot is a very popular diagramtype. The corresponding diagram type for a spherical dataset isa three-dimensional balloon plot. However, the latter requires a threedimensionalillustration to present the full dataset simultaneously. Actualscreens and print media typically only represent two dimensions.The balloon must be rotated or be printed in different angles in orderto achieve an overview of a full dataset. A very similar problem arisesin cartography where e.g. the spherical earth surface must be reducedto two-dimensional plane maps. This problem engaged cartographers,geographers and mathematicians for centuries and a large set of differentmap projections has been developed. Some of the proposals arevery convenient to the problem of three-dimensional measurement datarepresentation. Different projection types and their suitability to the presentedproblem are discussed. The projections can be applied to anykind of spherical measurement data. In acoustics it can be helpful fordata visualization in sound field analysis or e.g. to illustrate radiationpattern of instruments and loudspeakers.Mi. 15:15 chromium 2.02 Virtuelle Akustik 2A new omni-directional source based on a ring radiatorR. Kruse a ,A.Häußler b und S. van de Par ba TU Braunschweig; b Universität Oldenburg, Institut für Physik - AkustikIn this contribution a new omni-directional source is presented that isring radiator like. The ring radiator is created by mounting the front oftwo dynamic loudspeakers opposite to one another and by closing ofthe rear sides of the loudspeakers with a quasi-conical closure. In thisway a small volume of air is enclosed between the two cones whichcan irradiate sound symmetrical along the circular ring that separatesthem. Measurements show that the radiation pattern is rather directionindependent up to frequencies of about 10 kHz for a cone diameter of6.5 cm. As should be expected, the radiation pattern does not depend on(horizontal) rotations around the (vertical) symmetry axis going throughthe centers of the loudspeakers. Interestingly, (vertical) rotations towardsthe symmetry axis show only small variations of the sound pressure levelof on average 2 dB and maximal 7 dB. The new omni-source is rathersuitable for the measurement of room impulse responses because: 1)the direct sound path is hardly influenced by the chosen horizontal angle,2) the spectral coloration is hardly dependent on angle leading to a veryuniform excitation of the reverberant sound field.

Programm DAGA 2012 171Mi. 15:40 chromium 2.02 Virtuelle Akustik 2Employing a Binaural Auditory Model to Classify Everyday SoundEventsS. Ciba a , K. Helwani b , H. Wierstorf b , K. Obermayer a , A. Raake c und S.Spors ba TU Berlin, Fachgebiet Neuronale Informationsverarbeitung; b DeutscheTelekom Laboratories, TU Berlin; c Assessment of IP-based Applications,T-Labs, TU BerlinHumans benefit considerably from exploiting two ears in everyday listeningtasks. It therefore seems to be a promising concept for machinelistening approaches to emulate the biological mechanisms of binauralsignal processing before applying methods of artificial intelligence. Tothis aim, research can draw from psychoacoustics and physiology whichoffer a substantial repertory of computational models mimicking parts ofthe human auditory system. In this paper we present an approach forautomatic classification of elementary everyday sound events which isbased on a pre-processing by a binaural auditory model. The relevantfeatures are extracted from the model’s output data according to a heuristicscheme. Given a set of training data, a classifier is then constructedusing support vector machine learning. The proposed method is validatedin binary classification experiments performed on a taxonomically organizeddata base of natural sounds. Both discrimination and detectiontasks are considered, yielding an average prediction accuracy of about0.95 and 0.9, respectively. Moreover, we investigate the robustness ofthe classification against variation of room acoustics. By including in thelearning process the acoustics underlying the prediction task, averageaccuracy decreases by 0.053 (discrimination) and 0.069 (detection) atmost.Sitzung „Räumliches Hören“Mi. 16:30 chromium 2.02 Räumliches HörenLeistungsrichtige Interpolation von binauralen SignalenM. Weitnauer a ,M.Meier a ,J.Groh a und G. Krump ba IRT GmbH, München; b Hochschule DeggendorfDas Institut für Rundfunktechnik (IRT) entwickelte im Rahmen des EU-Forschungsprojektes ”3D VIVANT” ein 8-kanaliges Kugelflächenmikrofonzur Aufnahme von räumlichen Signalen. Mit dieser Aufnahmetechnikkann unter anderem eine dynamisch nachgeführte binaurale Wiedergaberealisiert werden. Um trotz dieser relativ geringen Anzahl vonMikrofonen eine Wiedergabe mit hoher Interpolationsqualität zu ermöglichen,wurde ein neuartiger Interpolationsalgorithmus entwickelt. Die Basisfür diesen Interpolationsalgorithmus stellt eine leistungsrichtige Summierungdar. In zwei Hörversuchen wurden drei Varianten des neuenAlgorithmus gegen bereits bekannte Algorithmen auf ihre Lokalisationsqualitätund Klangfarbe hin untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass die vom IRT

170 <strong>DAGA</strong> <strong>2012</strong> ProgrammMi. 14:50 chromium 2.02 Virtuelle Akustik 2Map projections for the graphical representation of spherical measurementdataB. BernschützFachhochschule Köln - Institut für NachrichtentechnikMany tasks in acoustics and audio entail capturing spatial measurementdata on a sphere and require an appropriate graphical representationof the data. For a circular dataset the polar plot is a very popular diagramtype. The corresponding diagram type for a spherical dataset isa three-dimensional balloon plot. However, the latter requires a threedimensionalillustration to present the full dataset simultaneously. Actualscreens and print media typically only represent two dimensions.The balloon must be rotated or be printed in different angles in orderto achieve an overview of a full dataset. A very similar problem arisesin cartography where e.g. the spherical earth surface must be reducedto two-dimensional plane maps. This problem engaged cartographers,geographers and mathematicians for centuries and a large set of differentmap projections has been developed. Some of the proposals arevery convenient to the problem of three-dimensional measurement datarepresentation. Different projection types and their suitability to the presentedproblem are discussed. The projections can be applied to anykind of spherical measurement data. In acoustics it can be helpful fordata visualization in sound field analysis or e.g. to illustrate radiationpattern of instruments and loudspeakers.Mi. 15:15 chromium 2.02 Virtuelle Akustik 2A new omni-directional source based on a ring radiatorR. Kruse a ,A.Häußler b und S. van de Par ba TU Braunschweig; b Universität Oldenburg, Institut für Physik - AkustikIn this contribution a new omni-directional source is presented that isring radiator like. The ring radiator is created by mounting the front oftwo dynamic loudspeakers opposite to one another and by closing ofthe rear sides of the loudspeakers with a quasi-conical closure. In thisway a small volume of air is enclosed between the two cones whichcan irradiate sound symmetrical along the circular ring that separatesthem. Measurements show that the radiation pattern is rather directionindependent up to frequencies of about 10 kHz for a cone diameter of6.5 cm. As should be expected, the radiation pattern does not depend on(horizontal) rotations around the (vertical) symmetry axis going throughthe centers of the loudspeakers. Interestingly, (vertical) rotations towardsthe symmetry axis show only small variations of the sound pressure levelof on average 2 dB and maximal 7 dB. The new omni-source is rathersuitable for the measurement of room impulse responses because: 1)the direct sound path is hardly influenced by the chosen horizontal angle,2) the spectral coloration is hardly dependent on angle leading to a veryuniform excitation of the reverberant sound field.

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