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13.07.2015 Aufrufe

168 DAGA 2012 ProgrammMi. 9:45 chromium 2.02 Virtuelle Akustik 2Design and integration of a 3D WFS System in a cinema environmentincluding ceiling speakers - a case studyF. Melchior, S. Mauer und M. DauselIOSONO GmbHWith 3D picture being the driving force of today’s motion picture production,there is a growing need for adequate audio solutions with flexible3D loudspeaker setups. While these reproduction systems will have tofulfill high quality demands, the amount of loudspeakers should be keptas low as possible to optimize commercial aspects. Driven by the market,real 3D including loudspeakers mounted directly on the ceiling are arequirement for next generation cinema audio systems. This paper describesthe design and integration of a newly developed 3D spatial audiosolution based on wave field synthesis in a cinema environment. Thepaper discusses the acoustic design process of such a system basedon simulations and the integration based on an example installation in acommercial 400 seat cinema.Mi. 10:10 chromium 2.02 Virtuelle Akustik 2Ambisonic panning with constant energy constraintH. Pomberger und F. ZotterInstitut für Elektronische Musik und Akustik, KU GrazAmbisonics with height can be regarded as a panning technique forspherical loudspeaker arrangements surrounding the reproduction area.It applies a continuous panning function which is evaluated at each loudspeakerposition. A panning function with limited angular resolution isconveniently expressed by series of spherical harmonics of finite order.Ambisonics panning with uniformly arranged spherical loudspeakerarrays achieves good perceptual localization of virtual sound sources.However, panning performs unsatisfactorily with nonuniformly arrangedloudspeaker arrays. Virtual sources panned to directions with only sparseloudspeaker coverage appear with altered loudness levels. This contributiondiscusses a new Ambisonic panning approach which overcomesthis problem by imposing a constant energy constraint.

Programm DAGA 2012 169Mi. 14:00 chromium 2.02 Virtuelle Akustik 2Spherical Slepian functions for interpolation of spherical measurementdataF. Zotter und H. PombergerInstitut für Elektronische Musik und Akustik, KU GrazFar field radiation patterns of sound sources can only be measured atdiscrete directions. In many cases, the sound pressure between themeasurement points is also of interest. Radiation patterns are assumedto be smooth, hence permit interpolation with spherical harmonics of limitedorder. Spherical harmonic interpolation is well-behaved if discretemeasurements are available for sufficiently many, uniformly spaced directions.However, if the measurements cover only the directions of ahalf space or less, spherical harmonic interpolation is ill-posed. SphericalSlepian functions are useful for interpolating measurement data thatare available only for a limited angular domain. We show how to obtainsuitable spherical Slepian functions from the spherical harmonics.Applying these functions yields smooth interpolation within the measureddomain and a well-posed problem. These Slepian functions are alsoapplicable for Ambisonics and directional source description in spatialsound rendering.Mi. 14:25 chromium 2.02 Virtuelle Akustik 2Practical Aspects of the Calibration of Spherical Microphone ArraysT. Rettberg, K. Helwani, S. Spors und H. BuchnerDeutsche Telekom Laboratories, TU BerlinSpherical microphone arrays have been widely studied for acoustic sceneanalysis and beamforming. High resolution acoustic scene analysisrequires a high number of microphones. The analytical derivation of nonadaptivebeamforming filters for spherical arrays is based on the assumptionof identical spatio-temporal behavior of the individual microphones.In practice, an equalization stage for the array microphones is usedto cope for their individual characteristics.This paper presents practical calibration results for a 64-channel rigidspherical microphone array. The work is based on a recently proposedapproach using multiple-input/multiple-output system inversion. Practicalconsiderations regarding the measurement process and the numericalstability of the inversion are discussed. The performance of the obtainedbeamformer filters is evaluated and compared to analytically derived beamformerfilters with respect to the directivity gain and white noise gain.

168 <strong>DAGA</strong> <strong>2012</strong> ProgrammMi. 9:45 chromium 2.02 Virtuelle Akustik 2Design and integration of a 3D WFS System in a cinema environmentincluding ceiling speakers - a case studyF. Melchior, S. Mauer und M. DauselIOSONO GmbHWith 3D picture being the driving force of today’s motion picture production,there is a growing need for adequate audio solutions with flexible3D loudspeaker setups. While these reproduction systems will have tofulfill high quality demands, the amount of loudspeakers should be keptas low as possible to optimize commercial aspects. Driven by the market,real 3D including loudspeakers mounted directly on the ceiling are arequirement for next generation cinema audio systems. This paper describesthe design and integration of a newly developed 3D spatial audiosolution based on wave field synthesis in a cinema environment. Thepaper discusses the acoustic design process of such a system basedon simulations and the integration based on an example installation in acommercial 400 seat cinema.Mi. 10:10 chromium 2.02 Virtuelle Akustik 2Ambisonic panning with constant energy constraintH. Pomberger und F. ZotterInstitut für Elektronische Musik und Akustik, KU GrazAmbisonics with height can be regarded as a panning technique forspherical loudspeaker arrangements surrounding the reproduction area.It applies a continuous panning function which is evaluated at each loudspeakerposition. A panning function with limited angular resolution isconveniently expressed by series of spherical harmonics of finite order.Ambisonics panning with uniformly arranged spherical loudspeakerarrays achieves good perceptual localization of virtual sound sources.However, panning performs unsatisfactorily with nonuniformly arrangedloudspeaker arrays. Virtual sources panned to directions with only sparseloudspeaker coverage appear with altered loudness levels. This contributiondiscusses a new Ambisonic panning approach which overcomesthis problem by imposing a constant energy constraint.

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