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13.07.2015 Aufrufe

102 DAGA 2012 Programmwerden Daten über die Schallemission europäischer Schienenfahrzeugeerhoben. Die Daten werden in Abhängigkeit der Schienenfahrzeugkategorienach TSI, hinsichtlich neu- und neuzugelassenen interoperablenFahrzeugen (ohne Straßen- und U-Bahn), den Betriebszuständenund den zugrundeliegenden Mess- und Betriebsbedingungen klassiertund bewertet. Die Auswertung der Daten gibt einen Überblick über dieSchallemission europäischer aktuell neu zugelassener Schienenfahrzeuge.Diese Daten sind von besondere Bedeutung, da die durchschnittlicheLebensdauer von Schienenfahrzeugen ca. 40 Jahre beträgt. DieErkenntnisse werden den Ergebnissen von Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeitengegenübergestellt und bewertet. Dabei wird das Lärmminderungspotentialeuropäischer Schienenfahrzeuge herausgearbeitetund es werden Vorschläge für die Neuformulierung von Grenzwerten imZuge der Fortschreibung der TSI-Lärm gegeben. Die vorbildliche Umsetzungvon Lärmminderungsmaßnahmen an Schienenfahrzeugen kannanhand von Best-Practice-Fahrzeugen gezeigt werden.Di. 16:05 palladium 2.05 Minderung des Schienenverkehrslärms 1Die Positionen der Verkehrs- und Lärmschutzverbände zur Bekämpfungdes SchienenverkehrslärmsM. Jäcker-CüppersArbeitsring Lärm der DEGA (ALD)Der Schienenverkehr kann seine ihm von Politik und Gesellschaft zugewiesenewichtige Rolle für einen nachhaltigen Verkehr nur dann wahrnehmen,wenn er seine gravierenden Lärmprobleme löst. Die UmweltundVerkehrsverbände in Deutschland und Europa haben dazu Forderungenund Lösungsvorschläge entwickelt, die im Detail erläutert werden:So müssen unter Anderem die lauten Güterwagen (mit Grauguss-Bremsklötzen) umgehend umgerüstet und mittelfristig der Verkehr dieserWagen in Europa unterbunden werden. Es muss eine integrierteStrategie umgesetzt werden, die vorrangig Lärmminderungsmaßnahmensowohl an den Fahrzeugen wie an den Fahrwegen umfasst. Dierechtlichen Regelungen müssen weiter entwickelt (z. B. durch Einführungvon Geräuschimmissionsgrenzwerten für bestehende Eisenbahnstrecken)und die Finanzierung von Maßnahmen langfristig gesichertwerden. Über den europäischen Verkehrsdachverband Transport & Environmentsind die Verbände in Arbeitsgruppen der EU zu lärmabhängigenTrassenpreisen (WG NDTAC) und zur Revision der Geräuschvorschriften(ERA-WP Noi-TSI) durch den Arbeitsring Lärm der DEGA offiziellvertreten. Die dort vertretenen Positionen werden dargestellt undbegründet.

Programm DAGA 2012 103Sitzung „Psychoakustik 1“Di. 14:00 aurum 2.07 Psychoakustik 1A computational model of auditory stream segregation based on atemporal coherence analysisT. Dau, S. Christiansen und M. JepsenTechnical University of DenmarkThe ability to perceptually separate acoustic sources and to focus one’sattention on a single source at a time is essential for our communication.In this study, a physiologically inspired model of human auditory processing(Jepsen et al., 2008) was used as a front end of a model for auditorystream segregation. A temporal coherence analysis (Elhilali et al., 2009)was applied at the output of the preprocessing, using the coherenceacross tonotopic channels to group activity across frequency. Using thisapproach, the described model is able to quantitatively account for classicalstreaming phenomena relying on frequency separation and tonepresentation rate, such as the temporal coherence boundary and thefission boundary (van Noorden, 1975). The same model also accountsfor the perceptual grouping of distant spectral components in the case ofsynchronous presentation. The most essential components of the frontendand back-end processing in the framework of the presented modelare analyzed and future perspectives discussed.Di. 14:25 aurum 2.07 Psychoakustik 1Differential contribution of interaural time and level differences tothe precedence effect at high frequenciesB.U. SeeberMRC Institute of Hearing Research (UK)The precedence effect (PE) allows us to locate sound sources correctlyin rooms despite the presence of interfering reflections. It was shown tofunction at high frequencies with highly modulated stimuli. These studieswere done in the free-field where interaural time (ITDs) and level(ILDs) differences are in their natural combination. The present studyinvestigated the relative contribution of ILDs and ITDs to the PE withhigh-frequency zero-phase harmonic complex tones. A localization dominancetask was used where participants indicated the location of thelead-lag stimuli and rated if sounds were perceived as fused. Preliminaryresults showed that the PE exists with either ITDs or ILDs applied tolead and lag while the other binaural cue was held at zero. Patterns forlocalization dominance and fusion were nearly identical for ITD and ILDconditions. Fusion of lead and lag extended to longer delays with smallercue magnitudes, i.e. the more binaural cues differed between leadand lag the stronger was the tendency for their segregation. The resultssupport the idea that the PE shares the same mechanism for ITDs andILDs.

Programm <strong>DAGA</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 103Sitzung „Psychoakustik 1“Di. 14:00 aurum 2.07 Psychoakustik 1A computational model of auditory stream segregation based on atemporal coherence analysisT. Dau, S. Christiansen und M. JepsenTechnical University of DenmarkThe ability to perceptually separate acoustic sources and to focus one’sattention on a single source at a time is essential for our communication.In this study, a physiologically inspired model of human auditory processing(Jepsen et al., 2008) was used as a front end of a model for auditorystream segregation. A temporal coherence analysis (Elhilali et al., 2009)was applied at the output of the preprocessing, using the coherenceacross tonotopic channels to group activity across frequency. Using thisapproach, the described model is able to quantitatively account for classicalstreaming phenomena relying on frequency separation and tonepresentation rate, such as the temporal coherence boundary and thefission boundary (van Noorden, 1975). The same model also accountsfor the perceptual grouping of distant spectral components in the case ofsynchronous presentation. The most essential components of the frontendand back-end processing in the framework of the presented modelare analyzed and future perspectives discussed.Di. 14:25 aurum 2.07 Psychoakustik 1Differential contribution of interaural time and level differences tothe precedence effect at high frequenciesB.U. SeeberMRC Institute of Hearing Research (UK)The precedence effect (PE) allows us to locate sound sources correctlyin rooms despite the presence of interfering reflections. It was shown tofunction at high frequencies with highly modulated stimuli. These studieswere done in the free-field where interaural time (ITDs) and level(ILDs) differences are in their natural combination. The present studyinvestigated the relative contribution of ILDs and ITDs to the PE withhigh-frequency zero-phase harmonic complex tones. A localization dominancetask was used where participants indicated the location of thelead-lag stimuli and rated if sounds were perceived as fused. Preliminaryresults showed that the PE exists with either ITDs or ILDs applied tolead and lag while the other binaural cue was held at zero. Patterns forlocalization dominance and fusion were nearly identical for ITD and ILDconditions. Fusion of lead and lag extended to longer delays with smallercue magnitudes, i.e. the more binaural cues differed between leadand lag the stronger was the tendency for their segregation. The resultssupport the idea that the PE shares the same mechanism for ITDs andILDs.

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