13.07.2015 Aufrufe

IT Governance Implementation mit COBIT und ITIL am Beispiel von ...

IT Governance Implementation mit COBIT und ITIL am Beispiel von ...

IT Governance Implementation mit COBIT und ITIL am Beispiel von ...


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1 What Are the Driver?Need for new or improved <strong>IT</strong> governance organisation is usuallyrecognised by organisation pain points and/or trigger eventsPain points should be identified by management, audit, and riskand compliance processesBoard and executive management personnel should:– Analyse pain points to identify root cause– Look for opportunities during trigger eventsCombination of realised trigger events and existing pain pointsprovide the business case for improved or new <strong>IT</strong> governanceinitiativesThe goal of this phase of the life cycle includes:– Outlining the business case– Identification of stakeholders and roles and responsibilities– <strong>IT</strong> governance progr<strong>am</strong>me ‘wake-up call’ and kick-offcommunications

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