PDF Download - flexity 2 - Bombardier

PDF Download - flexity 2 - Bombardier PDF Download - flexity 2 - Bombardier

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13.07.2015 Aufrufe

FLEXITY OutlookGeneva, SwitzerlandSince October 2002 the Geneva Transport Authority(Transports publics genevois, TPB) ordered39 BOMBARDIER* FLEXITY* Outlook vehicles.Based on the successful FLEXITY Outlook concept for Linz,these innovative 100 per cent low-floor vehicles featureconventional wheel-set bogies in combination with a steplessinterior. This makes the vehicle especially suited to theneeds of passengers with restricted mobility. Additionally,a sliding step at each double-door allows for easy andeffortless boarding and exiting.The comfortable vehicle interior impresses with a friendlycolour scheme and features a novel indirect lighting systemas well as air-condition. In terms of equipment specialattention has been paid to the safety of passengers andsecurity for the operator: each vehicle is equipped with avideo-surveillance-system including eight cameras and avideo screen in the driver’s cab. This enables the driver toobserve the passenger area at a stop and to react quicklyin case of emergency. At off-peak times the rear part of thevehicle can be locked up with a partition door providingpassengers with closer contact to the driver. Anotherimportant feature of the new trams for Geneva is theinfotainment-system which consists of three monitors pervehicle and shows information on upcoming stops andconnections as well as news and advertisements.As part of the continuing extension of the TPGtram-network the new FLEXITY Outlook vehicles havebeen in operation in Geneva since autumn 2004.Light Rail Vehicles

FLEXITY OutlookGeneva, SwitzerlandSince October 2002 the Geneva Transport Authority(Transports publics genevois, TPB) ordered39 BOMBARDIER* FLEXITY* Outlook vehicles.Based on the successful FLEXITY Outlook concept for Linz,these innovative 100 per cent low-floor vehicles featureconventional wheel-set bogies in combination with a steplessinterior. This makes the vehicle especially suited to theneeds of passengers with restricted mobility. Additionally,a sliding step at each double-door allows for easy andeffortless boarding and exiting.The comfortable vehicle interior impresses with a friendlycolour scheme and features a novel indirect lighting systemas well as air-condition. In terms of equipment specialattention has been paid to the safety of passengers andsecurity for the operator: each vehicle is equipped with avideo-surveillance-system including eight cameras and avideo screen in the driver’s cab. This enables the driver toobserve the passenger area at a stop and to react quicklyin case of emergency. At off-peak times the rear part of thevehicle can be locked up with a partition door providingpassengers with closer contact to the driver. Anotherimportant feature of the new trams for Geneva is theinfotainment-system which consists of three monitors pervehicle and shows information on upcoming stops andconnections as well as news and advertisements.As part of the continuing extension of the TPGtram-network the new FLEXITY Outlook vehicles havebeen in operation in Geneva since autumn 2004.Light Rail Vehicles

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