12.07.2015 Aufrufe

The World is Changing - Liceo Sesto Properzio

The World is Changing - Liceo Sesto Properzio

The World is Changing - Liceo Sesto Properzio


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He was looking for ‘moral rights’ and he finally found it. He realized how to show h<strong>is</strong> feelings, emotions, due toh<strong>is</strong> care of rose and mother planet. By meeting a lot of people, tame a fox, hero showed what <strong>is</strong> sadness andhappiness.Next I am also keeping in my mind stories from series of books about Harry Potter andh<strong>is</strong> friends (J. K. Rowling).<strong>The</strong>se books taught me creative thinking, expanded the imagination. <strong>The</strong> maincharacter of that story-Harry was meeting on everyday life a lot of fabulous <strong>is</strong>sues,threats and fight with h<strong>is</strong> weakness to achieve intended purposes, assignments and toreach the true.Finally I want to describe the recent famous book which title <strong>is</strong>“Twilight” (Stephe nie Meyer). Th<strong>is</strong> story <strong>is</strong> about a girl whomoved to Phoenix to her dad, and started going there to school.One day in a class she meets a boy, who after a while turned outto be a vampire. And there wasn’t anything strange, butunfortunately they fell in love with each other that relationship was danger for them. <strong>The</strong>book <strong>is</strong> full of love and sacrifice. On their way to happiness they have a lot of troubles,inconvenient situations, because of th<strong>is</strong> their love become stronger. In my opinion itcould be romantic love and some kind of modern version well known novel “Romeo andJuliet”. Th<strong>is</strong> story taught that love can be really strong. What <strong>is</strong> more the further volumesshow how many things we can change for other person, who <strong>is</strong> really important for us.In conclusion I would like to stress that even nowadays books play important role in my life. Reading lot of booksprovide me with many examples of problems and solutions. From other perspective reading various types ofliterature influence on wilder knowledge and imagination.posted on Tuesday, February 5th, 2013Movies influence meby Agnieszka TWARDOSZ (1995), 8LO Kraków/PolandI believe that everything we have touched, affects us. <strong>The</strong>re are some movies which have the biggest influenceon me, my personal development and the way I see the world now. I decided to choose a few of them and sharewith you.ChildhoodEverybody has a favorite animation from thepast. For me it’s Pocahontas. I have watchedth<strong>is</strong> a thousands of times and I will never getbored. It’s a beautiful story about nature,racial conflicts and forbidden love, with nohappy ending. Sometimes people ask me ifI’m not too old to watch it again and again,but I know I’m not. Another one <strong>is</strong> Birds. Iwas about 8 years old, alone at home, when Iwas watching that. Nothing ever scared me somuch and some scenes still appear in my head in most improper moments. I think I will be scared of ravens andcrows forever.Breakthrough<strong>The</strong>re’s a movie which <strong>is</strong> the reason I started to be interested in cinema. <strong>The</strong>re’s a movie which <strong>is</strong> enchanted andfull of magic. <strong>The</strong>re’s a movie which taught me tolerance and understanding. <strong>The</strong>re’s a movie after watchingwhich I couldn’t stop crying for half an hour. And the movie title <strong>is</strong> Edward Sc<strong>is</strong>sorhands.AdolescenceAnother movie I love <strong>is</strong> Picnic at Hanging Rock. It’s that kind of film, while I was watching it, I had thrills. In thestory, a group of students from a school for girls with their teacher decided to watch a famous rock closer, butsome of them never come back. It reminds a dream-the plot <strong>is</strong> enveloped of the mystery, it’s almost poetic. Ithink that drama formed my sense of beauty. <strong>The</strong> second one totally shocked me, and was probably the bestI’ve ever seen and its name <strong>is</strong> Breaking the waves. Someone may say it’s sick, but for me it’s like holiness. Tosuch an extent that I watched it only once. It’s really hard to say what it <strong>is</strong> about, for me about women’sstrength, devotion and sacrifice. Warning! After watching it you have a feeling as it someone hit you with an axe.Maybe now something more gentler - <strong>The</strong> bridges of Mad<strong>is</strong>on County. It’s probably one of the most beautiful,not-sugary h<strong>is</strong>tory of impossible love. Two mature people after ordeals fell in love, but they have to make atragic dec<strong>is</strong>ion-be happy or let someone else be happy. It’s a very sad story, but it brings hope too. Because of itI know that everything can happen. An apparently, boring day can be t h a t day. And now the film about theend of the world (21.12.2012!?),no, about people’s behaviors in the face of the end of the world. I have foundmyself in each of characters of Melancholia. And then sadness came over me - so huge and deep. Because it’sreally hard to say what that movie brings. Maybe reflections, maybe nothingness. Now it’s time for a legend.Casablanca <strong>is</strong> a cure for a bad mood. It takes so many universal subjects such as love triangle, war, longing forlost freedom and sacrifice, but it’s the funniest film in the world, too! I also have a fondness for it, because itstarted my fascination with Humphrey Bogart (what a man!).n° 9/2013, page 174

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