12.07.2015 Aufrufe

listino prezzi price list tarif de prix preisliste - Coral Instal

listino prezzi price list tarif de prix preisliste - Coral Instal

listino prezzi price list tarif de prix preisliste - Coral Instal


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IN LEGNO E CERAMICA - MADE OF WOOD AND CERAMICSEN BOIS ET CERAMIQUE - AUS HOLZ UND KERAMIKMATHILDEMo<strong>de</strong>lloMo<strong>de</strong>lMo<strong>de</strong>leMo<strong>de</strong>llDescrizioneDescriptionDescriptionBeschreibungCodiceCo<strong>de</strong>ReferenceCo<strong>de</strong>EAN CodiceEAN ReferenceEAN Co<strong>de</strong>STRICHCODEPrezzoPricePrixPreisImballoPackingEmballageVerpackung35IMBALLOPACKINGEMBALLAGEVERPACKUNGCOLORECOLOURCOLORISFARBEIVA ESCLUSAN. PZ DIM. CM. - VOL. M3UNITS PESO LORDO - GROSSUNITES WEIGHT - POIDSBRUTSTÜCKE BRUTTO - GEWICHT17,5 x h 6 x 1317,5 x h 11,5 x 1356 x h 6 x 12,540 x h 6 x 1056 x h 6 x 1025,5 x h 26 x 9,517,5 x h 6,5 x 615,5 x h 6 x 10,5882Porta saponeSoap dishPorte-savonSeifenablage870Porta spazzoliniTooth brush hol<strong>de</strong>rPorte-brosse à <strong>de</strong>ntsZahnbürstenhalter874Mensola 56Shelf 56Tablette 56Ablage 56871Portas asciugamani 40Towel rail 40Porte-serviette 40Ba<strong>de</strong>tuchhalter 40872Porta asciugamani 56Towel rail 56Porte-serviette 56Ba<strong>de</strong>tuchhalter 56873Porta asciugamani adanelloTowel ringAnneau porte-servietteHandtuchring875AppendiabitiRobe-hooksPorte habitHaken876Porta rotoloPaper hol<strong>de</strong>rPorte-papierPapierhalter877Porta scopinoBrush hol<strong>de</strong>rPorte-balaiBürstenhalter101 882 326 8003062083358 € 19,00 4 26,5X19,5X17,50,00902,34101 870 326 8003062089091 € 19,00 4 31X22,5X26,50,01852,72101 874 326 8003062083082 € 28,00 4 67,5X17,5X180,02134,67101 871 326 8003062083051 € 20,00 4 52X20,5X140,01492,03101 872 326 8003062083068 € 25,00 4 67,5X20,5X140,01942,43101 873 326 8003062083075 € 24,00 4 51X23X280,03282,03101 875 326 8003062083099 € 14,00 4 29X20,5X120,00710,85101 876 326 8003062083105 € 14,00 4 25X20,5X15,50,00791,19101 877 326 8003062083112 € 40,00 4 40,5X29,5X31,50,03767,7514,5 x h 36 x 15,5Imballo, Packing, Emballage, Verpackung101. B<strong>list</strong>erColore, Colour, Coloris, Farbe.326 Noce AnticatoBrown WalnutNoyerWalnuss Baum

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