Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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with an overgrowth phenotype of bovine fetuses derived by in vitro techniques. Biol Reprod 71, 217-223 Hoeflich A, Bunger L, Nedbal S, Renne U, Elmlinger MW, Blum WF, Bruley C, Kolb HJ, Wolf E (2004) Growth selection in mice reveals conserved and redundant expression patterns of the insulin-like growth factor system. Gen Comp Endocrinol 136, 248-259 Hoeflich A, Reisinger R, Schuett BS, Elminger MW, Russo VC, Vargas GA, Jehle PM, Lahm H, Renner-Müller I, Wolf E (2004) Peri/nuclear localization of intact insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 and a distinct carboxyl-terminal IGFBP-2 fragment in vivo. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 324, 705-710 Hofmann A, Zakhartchenko V, Weppert M, Sebald H, Wenigerkind H, Brem G, Wolf E, Pfeifer A (2004) Generation of transgenic cattle by lentiviral gene transfer into oocytes. Biol Reprod 71, 405-409 Kölle S, Stojkovic M, Reese S, Reichenbach HD, Wolf E, Sinowatz F (2004) Effects of growth hormone on the ultrastructure of bovine preimplantation embryos. Cell Tissue Res 317, 101-108 Krampert M, Bloch W, Sasaki T, Bugnon P, Rulicke T, Wolf E, Aumailley M, Parks WC, Werner S (2004) Activities of the matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin-2 (MMP10) in matrix degradation and keratinocyte organization in wounded skin. Mol Biol Cell 15, 5242-5254 Kremer P, Nüske S, Scholz A, Förster M (2004) Influence of different floor conditions on claw development, metabolism and milk yield in dairy cows housed in stalls with free cow traffic. In: Proceedings of the 13 th International symposium and 5 th Conference on lameness in Ruminants, 210 - 212, (ISBN 961-91247-0-7), Maribor, Slovenija, 2004 Lahm H, Andre S, Hoeflich A, Kaltner H, Siebert HC, Sordat B, Von Der Lieth CW, Wolf E, Gabius HJ (2004) Tumor galectinology: insights into the complex network of a family of endogenous lectins. Glycoconj J 20, 227-238 Leucht C, Vana K, Renner-Müller I, Lasmézas CI, Wolf E, Weiss S (2004) Knock-down of the 37-kDa laminin receptor in mouse brain by transgenic expression of specific antisense LRP RNA. Transgenic Res 13, 81-85 Mohr M, Klempt M, Rathkolb B, Hrabé de Angelis M, Wolf E, Aigner B (2004) Hypercholesterolemia in ENU-induced mouse mutants. J Lipid Res 45, 2132-2137 Nicholls J, Hahn P, Kremmer E, Frohlich T, Arnold GJ, Sham J, Kwong D, Grasser FA (2004) Detection of wild type and deleted latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) of Epstein-Barr virus in clinical biopsy material. J Virol Methods 116, 79-88 Nüske S, Scholz A, Förster M (2004) Examinations of the digit of slaughtered bulls in comparison to their development in the first three months using dual energy x-ray apsorptiometry (DXA). In: Proceedings of the 13 th International Symposium and 5 th Conference on Lameness in Ruminants, 96-97, (ISBN 961-91247-0-7), Maribor, Slovenija, 2004 25. Nüske S, Scholz A, Förster M (2004) The claws of heifers and bulls within the first two years of their lives – a contribution to the development of the horn capsula considering different breeding lines and genders. In: Proceedings of the 13 th International Symposium and 5 th Conference on Lameness in Ruminants, 73-75, (ISBN 961-91247-0-7), Maribor, Slovenija, 2004 Platz S, Bahrs E, Ahrens F, Nüske S, Erhard MH (2004) The effect of elastic coated slatted concrete floor on some behavioural elements of fattening bulls. In: The effect on herd health 34

of cattle, sheep and goat on production efficiency (Ed. O. Szenci et al.; ISBN 9632162005), 437-440 Reichenbach H-D, Arnold GJ, Bauersachs S, Beier HM, Blum H, Einspanier R, Fröhlich T, Herrler A, Hiendleder S, Kölle S, Prelle K, Stojkovic M, Wenigerkind H, Sinowatz F, Wolf E (2003) Mortalidade embrionária na TE: redução através da melhor compreensão dos mecanismos da comunicação materno-embrionária? O Embrião 17, 3-6 Renner-Müller I (2004) Ausbildung zum/zur Tierpfleger/in – die Neuordnung eines Berufes. DVG-forum 2/2004 Scholz AM, Heller P, Waldmann K-H, Wolf P, Kamphues J, Förster M (2004) Eignung der Dualenergie-Röntgenabsorptiometrie zur Erfassung der Knochenmineralisierung von Ebern. Züchtungskunde 76, 94-107 Shi W, Dirim F, Wolf E, Zakhartchenko V, Haaf T (2004) Methylation reprogramming and chromosomal aneuploidy in in vivo fertilized and cloned rabbit preimplantation embryos. Biol Reprod 71, 340-347 Tamassia M, Nuttinck F, May-Panloup P, Reynier P, Heyman Y, Charpigny G, Stojkovic M, Hiendleder S, Renard JP, Chastant-Maillard S (2004) In vitro embryo production efficiency in cattle and its association with oocyte adenosine triphosphate content, quantity of mitochondrial DNA, and mitochondrial DNA haplogroup. Biol Reprod 71, 697-704 Teppner I, Aigner B, Schreiner E, Müller M, Windisch M (2004) Polymorphic microsatellite markers in the outbred stocks CFW and ICR for the generation of speed congenic mice on C57BL/6 background. Lab Anim 38, 406-412 Thorey IS, Hinz B, Hoeflich A, Kaesler S, Bugnon P, Elmlinger M, Wanke R, Wolf E, Werner S (2004) Transgenic mice reveal novel activities of growth hormone in wound repair, angiogenesis, and myofibroblast differentiation. J Biol Chem. 279, 26674-26684 Tronche F, Opherk C, Moriggl R, Kellendonk C, Reimann A, Schwake L, Reichardt HM, Stangl K, Gau D, Hoeflich A, Beug H, Schmid W, Schutz G (2004) Glucocorticoid receptor function in hepatocytes is essential to promote postnatal body growth. Genes Dev 18, 492-497 Willer T, Prados B, Falcón JM, Renner-Müller I, Przemeck GKH, Coloma A, Valero MC, Hrabé de Angelis M, Tanner W, Wolf E, Strahl S, Cruces J (2004) Targeted disruption of the Walker-Warburg syndrome gene Pomt1 in mouse results in embryonic lethality. PNAS 101, 14126-14131 Wolf E, Schönfeld R, Zakhartchenko V (2004) Erfahrungen bei der Erzeugung klonierter Tiere. In: Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (Hrsg): Konferenzband „Klonen in biomedizinischer Forschung und Reproduktion“, pp 112-124 Wolf E, Schreiner R (2004) Therapeutisches Klonen – Alternative zur Organtransplantation? In: Verband deutscher Biologen und biowissenschaftlicher Fachgesellschaften e.V. (Hrsg): Stammzellen – Heiler der Zukunft? (ISBN 3-9806803-55), pp 46-53 Wolf E, Klose R, Pfeifer A (2004) Von Klon-Kühen und Fluoreszenz-Ferkeln. In: Zukunft im Brennpunkt. abayfor (Hrsg), Band 3, pp 51-54 Wolf E, Schneider M, Zhou R, Fisch T, Herbach N, Dahlhoff M, Wanke R, Hoeflich A (2004) Functional consequences of IGFBP excess – lessons from transgenic mice. Pediatr Nephrol [Epub ahead of print 16.12.2004] Zhou R, Flaswinkel H, Schneider MR, Lahm H, Hoeflich A, Wanke R, Wolf E (2004): Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-4 inhibits growth of the thymus in transgenic mice. J Mol Endocrinol 32, 349-364 35

with an overgrowth phenotype of bovine fetuses derived by in vitro techniques. Biol Reprod<br />

71, 217-223<br />

Hoeflich A, Bunger L, Nedbal S, Renne U, Elmlinger MW, Blum WF, Bruley C, Kolb HJ,<br />

Wolf E (2004) Growth selection in mice reveals conserved and redundant expression patterns<br />

of the insulin-like growth factor system. Gen Comp Endocrinol 136, 248-259<br />

Hoeflich A, Reisinger R, Schuett BS, Elminger MW, Russo VC, Vargas GA, Jehle PM, Lahm<br />

H, Renner-Müller I, Wolf E (2004) Peri/nuclear localization of intact insulin-like growth<br />

factor binding protein-2 and a distinct carboxyl-terminal IGFBP-2 fragment in vivo. Biochem<br />

Biophys Res Commun 324, 705-710<br />

Hofmann A, Zakhartchenko V, Weppert M, Sebald H, Wenigerkind H, Brem G, Wolf E,<br />

Pfeifer A (2004) Generation of transgenic cattle by lentiviral gene transfer into oocytes. Biol<br />

Reprod 71, 405-409<br />

Kölle S, Stojkovic M, Reese S, Reichenbach HD, Wolf E, Sinowatz F (2004) Effects of<br />

growth hormone on the ultrastructure of bovine preimplantation embryos. Cell Tissue Res<br />

317, 101-108<br />

Krampert M, Bloch W, Sasaki T, Bugnon P, Rulicke T, Wolf E, Aumailley M, Parks WC,<br />

Werner S (2004) Activities of the matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin-2 (MMP10) in matrix<br />

degradation and keratinocyte organization in wounded skin. Mol Biol Cell 15, 5242-5254<br />

Kremer P, Nüske S, Scholz A, Förster M (2004) Influence of different floor conditions on<br />

claw development, metabolism and milk yield in dairy cows housed in stalls with free cow<br />

traffic. In: Proceedings of the 13 th<br />

International symposium and 5 th<br />

Conference on lameness in<br />

Ruminants, 210 - 212, (ISBN 961-91247-0-7), Maribor, Slovenija, 2004<br />

Lahm H, Andre S, Hoeflich A, Kaltner H, Siebert HC, Sordat B, Von Der Lieth CW, Wolf E,<br />

Gabius HJ (2004) Tumor galectinology: insights into the complex network of a family of<br />

endogenous lectins. Glycoconj J 20, 227-238<br />

Leucht C, Vana K, Renner-Müller I, Lasmézas CI, Wolf E, Weiss S (2004) Knock-down of<br />

the 37-kDa laminin receptor in mouse brain by transgenic expression of specific antisense<br />

LRP RNA. Transgenic Res 13, 81-85<br />

Mohr M, Klempt M, Rathkolb B, Hrabé de Angelis M, Wolf E, Aigner B (2004)<br />

Hypercholesterolemia in ENU-induced mouse mutants. J Lipid Res 45, 2132-2137<br />

Nicholls J, Hahn P, Kremmer E, Frohlich T, Arnold GJ, Sham J, Kwong D, Grasser FA<br />

(2004) Detection of wild type and deleted latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) of Epstein-Barr<br />

virus in clinical biopsy material. J Virol Methods 116, 79-88<br />

Nüske S, Scholz A, Förster M (2004) Examinations of the digit of slaughtered bulls in<br />

comparison to their development in the first three months using dual energy x-ray<br />

apsorptiometry (DXA). In: Proceedings of the 13 th<br />

International Symposium and 5 th<br />

Conference<br />

on Lameness in Ruminants, 96-97, (ISBN 961-91247-0-7), Maribor, Slovenija, 2004<br />

25. Nüske S, Scholz A, Förster M (2004) The claws of heifers and bulls within the first two<br />

years of their lives – a contribution to the development of the horn capsula considering<br />

different breeding lines and genders. In: Proceedings of the 13 th<br />

International Symposium and<br />

5 th<br />

Conference on Lameness in Ruminants, 73-75, (ISBN 961-91247-0-7), Maribor, Slovenija,<br />

2004<br />

Platz S, Bahrs E, Ahrens F, Nüske S, Erhard MH (2004) The effect of elastic coated slatted<br />

concrete floor on some behavioural elements of fattening bulls. In: The effect on herd health<br />


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