12.07.2015 Aufrufe

Atmosphärischer Gasbrenner AE124L - Buderus

Atmosphärischer Gasbrenner AE124L - Buderus

Atmosphärischer Gasbrenner AE124L - Buderus


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ÜbersetzungslisteList of translationsPos Description6 Tapping screw DIN7981 C ST3,5x9,57 Cable clamping plate Fa.Satronic8 Automatic gas firing unit DKG972-219 Connecting cable for ignition10 Connecting cable for Timed ignition11 Igniter- E3713/5 S0312 Line kit for pressure monitor13 Connecting cable for BM valve14 Cylinder head screw DIN912 M5x12 (10x)15 Flange C 3/4" V4400 angular without16 O-ring17 Gas train BM762-014 EG18 Gasket D27x38x2mm C4400 Klinger SIL,19 Burner control G 91W BM20 Kit automatic gas firing unit L&S LGA21 Base for LGA/LOA company L&S22 Cable entry for LGA/LOA company L&S23 Gas firing unit LGA 63191 A277 Element of construction1 Burner ctrl G123W2 connecting lead 950mm3 Connecting terminal 7-pol green4 plinth S 98 9-polig Nr 753005 Tapping screw DIN7981 C ST3,5x9,56 Cable clamping plate Fa.Satronic7 Connecting cable for ignition8 Connecting cable for Timed ignition9 Connecting cable for Solenoid valve10 Igniter- E3713/5 S0311 Connecting cable for Gas governor 800mm12 Retrofitted G124C VR4905 shorten VR460513 Flange C 3/4" V 4400 angular with14 Gas control valve VR4605 CB15 Gasket flat 45x45x1 asbestos-free.16 O-ring17 Adapter 230 Honeywell18 cover plug19 Pan-head screw ISO7045 M3x60 4,8 H A3K21 Cylinder head screw DIN912 M5x12 (10x)22 Gasket D27x38x2mm C4400 Klinger SIL,Pipe parts kit for armature VR490519.01.2010 19 4651870

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