Jahresbericht 2010 - Kölner Zoo

Jahresbericht 2010 - Kölner Zoo Jahresbericht 2010 - Kölner Zoo

01.12.2012 Aufrufe

FORSTER, B., M. VOGT, T. ZIEGLER, M. SCHRUDDE & M. RAFFEL (2010): Langurs in Vietnam: rescued at the very last minute? In: DICK, G. & M. GUSSET (Hrsg.): Building a future for wildlife: zoos and aquariums committed to biodiversity conservation. WAZA Executive Office, Gland: 133 – 138. KOCH, A., M. AULIYA & T. ZIEG- LER (2010): Updated checklist of the living monitor lizards of the world (Squamata: Varanidae). Bonn zoological Bulletin 57 (2): 127 –136. KOCH, A., K. PHILIPP & T. ZIEG- LER (2010): The monitor man: A story of stunning discoveries and charismatic creatures. Biawak 4 (4): 132 –152. MAU, M., P. FASHING, A. JO- HANN, A. SLIWA, T. M. KAISER & K.-H. SÜDEKUM (2010): Salivary proteins and their role in primate feeding ecology. In: Research Advances in Primatology, Volume 1. R. M. MOHAN (ed.). Global Research Network,Kerala, India, p. 1–9. MAU, M., K.-H. SÜDEKUM, A. JO- HANN, A. SLIWA & T. M. KAISER. (2010): Indication of higher salivary a-amylase expression in hamadryas baboons and geladas compared to chimpanzees and humans. Journal of Medical Primatology 39: 187–190. NGUYEN QUANG TRUONG, A. KOCH & T. ZIEGLER (2010): A new species of reed snake, Calamaria Boie, 1827 (Squamata: Colubridae), from central Vietnam. Hamdryad 34 (1): 1–8. NGUYEN QUANG TRUONG, NGUYEN THIEN TAO, W. BÖH- ME & T. ZIEGLER (2010): First record of the mountain ground skink Scincella montiola (Schmidt, 1925) (Squamata: Scincidae) from Vietnam. Russ. J. Herpetol. 17 (1): 67– 69. NGUYEN QUANG TRUONG, NGUYEN THIEN TAO, A. SCHMITZ, N. L. ORLOV & T. ZIEGLER (2010): A new species of the genus Tropidophorus Duméril & Bibron, 1839 (Squamata: Sauria: Scincidae) from Vietnam. Zootaxa 2439: 53–68. NGUYEN QUANG TRUONG, NGUYEN VAN SANG, W. BÖHME & T. ZIEGLER (2010): A new species 36 of Scincella (Squamata: Scincidae) from Vietnam. Folia Zool. 59 (2): 115 –121. NGUYEN QUANG TRUONG, NGUYEN VAN SANG, NIKOLAI ORLOV, HOANG NGOC THAO, W. BÖHME & T. ZIEGLER (2010): A review of the genus Tropidophorus (Squamata, Scincidae) from Vietnam with new species records and additional data on natural history. Zoosyst. Evol. 86 (1): 5 –19. NGUYEN, Q. T., P. DAVID, T. T. TRAN, Q. V. LUU, K. Q. LE & T. ZIEGLER (2010): Amphiesmoids ornaticeps (Werner, 1924), an addition to the snake fauna of Vietnam, with a redescription and comments on the genus Amphiesmoides Malnate, 1961 (Squamata: Natricidae). Rev. Suisse de Zoologie 117 (1): 45 –56. NGUYEN, T. Q., P. KINGSADA, H. RÖSLER, M. AUER & T. ZIEGLER (2010): A new species of Cyrtodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from northern Laos. Zootaxa 2652: 1 –16. OLBRICHT, G. & A. SLIWA (2010): Elefantenspitzmäuse – die kleinen Verwandten der Elefanten? Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoos 53 (3): 135–147. PAGEL, T. & W. SPIESS (2010): 150 Jahre Vogelhaltung im Kölner Zoo. Gef. Welt 12: 24 –27. PAGEL, T. (2010): Biodiversität erhalten – können wir das? Editorial ZGAP Mitteilungen 26 (1): 2 –3. PAGEL, T. (2010): Der Zoologische Garten Köln – 150 Jahre Tiergärtnerei. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoos 54 (4): 183 –216. PAGEL, T. (2010): Jahresbericht 2009 der AG Zoologischer Garten Köln. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoos 54 (1): 4–47. PAGEL, T. (2010): Kölner Zoo – 150 Jahre jung. Meso, 1: 14 –15. PAGEL, T. (2010): Kölner Zoo. Begeistert für Tiere. In: Musica Zoologica. Ein musikalischer Spaziergang durch den Zoo. Köln, 23 –28. PAGEL, T., R. RECKEWITZ & W. SPIESS (2010): Kölner Zoo. Begeistert für Tiere. Bachem-Verlag. - Köln, 256 pp. RÖSLER, H., Q. T. NGUYEN, V. K. DOAN, T. C. HO, T. T. NGUYEN & T. ZIEGLER (2009): A new species of the genus Gekko laurenti (Squamata: Sauria: Gekkonidae) from Vietnam with remarks on G. japonicus (Schlegel). Zootaxa 2329: 56–68. SLIWA, A. (2010): Das Swasiland-Projekt des Kölner Zoos – Schutz von Flusspferden und Nilkrokodilen. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoos 53 (4): 171–178. SLIWA, A. (2010): Die Schwarzfußkatze – Eine Katze mit Dickkopf. Rodentia 10 (1): 28 – 33. SLIWA, A., B. W. WILSON & A. LAWRENZ (2010): Black-footed Cat Working Group. Report on surveying and catching black-footed cats (Felis nigripes) on Benfontein Nature Reserve /Nuwejaarsfontein. 10 pp SLIWA, A., M. HERBST & M. G. MILLS (2010): Black-footed cats (Felis nigripes) and African wild cats (Felis silvestris): a comparison of two small felids from South African arid lands. Case study 26, in: The Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids, Editors. MACDONALD, D. & A. LOVERIDGE, Oxford University Press, 736 pp. SOMMERLAD, R., D. JELDEN, NGUYEN QUANG TRUONG, R. B. STUEBING, W. BÖHME & T. ZIEGLER (2010): Natural history of reintroduced and natural Siamese crocodile populations: implications for protection and conservation breeding. WAZA News 3/10: 28–29. TRAN ANH THI DAO, LE KHAC QUYET, LE VU KHOI, VU NGOC THANH, NGUYEN QUANG TRUONG, W. BÖHME & T. ZIEG- LER (2010): First and preliminary frog records (Amphibia: Anura) from Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam. Herpetology Notes 3: 111 –119. WILDT, D., W. SWANSON, J. BROWN, A. SLIWA & A. VARGAS (2010): Felids ex situ: managed programmes, research, and species recovery. Chapter 8 in: The Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids, Editors. MAC- DONALD, D. & A. LOVERIDGE, Oxford University Press 736 pp. ZIEGLER, T. & T. Q. NGUYEN (2010): New discoveries of amphibians

and reptiles from Vietnam. Bonn zoological Bulletin 57 (2): 137 –147. ZIEGLER, T. (2010): Amphibian and reptilian diversity research, conservation and breeding projects in Vietnam. In: DICK, G. & M. GUSSET (Hrsg.): Building a future for wildlife: zoos and aquariums committed to biodiversity conservation. – WAZA Executive Office, Gland: 117–122. ZIEGLER, T. (2010): Forschung als wichtige Aufgabe der Zoos zur Erhaltung der Biodiversität. Verhandlungsbericht des IV. Rigi-Symposiums, Goldau-Rigi, 75–80. ZIEGLER, T. (2010): Keeping, breeding and natural history of barely known monitor lizards. WAZA News 1/10: 24. ZIEGLER, T., R. NAZAROV, N. ORLOV, NGUYEN QUANG TRUONG, VU NGOC THANH, DANG NGOC KIEN, DINH HUY TRI & A. SCHMITZ (2010): A third new Cyrtodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park, Vietnam. Zootaxa 2413: 20–36. ZIEGLER, T., N. ORLOV, T. T. GIANG, T. Q. NGUYEN, T. T. NGUYEN, Q. K. LE, K. V. NGUYEN & T. N. VU (2010): New records of cat snakes, Boiga Fitzinger, r 1826 (Squa- mata, Serpentes, Colubridae), from Vietnam, inclusive of an extended diagnosis of Boiga bourreti TILLACK, LE & ZIEGLER, 2004. Zoosyst. Evol. 86 (2): 263–274. ZIEGLER, T., N. RÜTZ, J. OBER- REUTER & S. HOLST (2010): First F2 Breeding of the Quince monitor lizard Varanus melinus BÖHME & ZIEGLER, 1997 at the Cologne Zoo Aquarium. Biawak 4 (3): 82–92. Teilnahme an Tagungen, etc. Rigi-Symposium „Der Countdown 2010 und die Rolle der Zoos“. 28.–30.1. 2010: Dr. T. Ziegler AEECL-Meeting im Zoo Mulhouse 4. 3. 2010: B. Marcordes EAZA Felid TAG Mid-year meeting, Vorsitz und Leitung, Erfurt, 5.–7.3.2010: Dr. A. Sliwa Abb. 68: Teilnehmer des ersten „Executive Elephant Management & Facility Design Course“ bei Hagenbeck. Participants of the first “Executive Elephant Management & Facility Design Course” at Hagenbeck (Foto: Hagenbeck) EEP-Komitee, Amsterdam (Niederlande), 17. –19.3.2010: T. Pagel Tagung der Zoologischen Gesellschaft für Arten- und Populationsschutz (ZGAP), Aquazoo Düsseldorf, 26.–27. 3. 2010: B. Marcordes, T. Pagel Kuratorium Museum Koenig, Bonn, 21. 4. 2010: T. Pagel Great Ape TAG, Arnheim (Niederlande), 22.4. 2010: Dr. A. Sliwa EAZA Amphibian and Reptile TAG meeting, Barcelona. 27.–30.4.2010: Dr. T. Ziegler EAZA Midyear Meeting, Beauval (Frankreich) 7.–10. 5.2010: T. Pagel Eröffnung des Yukon Territory im Zoo Hannover, 19.5.2010: Chr. Landsberg, T. Pagel Symposium 100 Jahre Aquarium im Zoo Leipzig 28. –30.5.2010: P. Klaas Jahrestagung des Verbands Deutscher Zoodirektoren e.V., Köln, 2.–5.6.2010: Dr. L. Kolter, B. Marcordes, T. Pagel, Dr. A. Sliwa, Dr. T. Ziegler Gruiformes-TAG Tagung im Weltvogelpark Walsrode, 13. – 14. 6.2010: B. Marcordes Jahrestagung DGHT AG IG-Afrikanische Prachtfinken, Tagung Köln, 28.–29.8.2010: B. Marcordes DGHT Jahrestagung in Frankfurt 2.–5.9. 2010: P. Klaas WPA-Tagung Köln 4. – 5. 9.2010: B. Marcordes, T. Pagel EAZA Felid TAG in Verona, 23.9. 2010: Dr. S. Sliwa Elephant TAG und EEP Asiat. Elefant Treffen, Wien, 18. –19.9.2010: T. Pagel Anuren in Marktheidenfeld 5.–7.11.2010: P. Klaas 37

FORSTER, B., M. VOGT, T.<br />


RAFFEL (<strong>2010</strong>): Langurs in Vietnam:<br />

rescued at the very last minute? In:<br />

DICK, G. & M. GUSSET (Hrsg.):<br />

Building a future for wildlife: zoos and<br />

aquariums committed to biodiversity<br />

conservation. WAZA Executive<br />

Office, Gland: 133 – 138.<br />

KOCH, A., M. AULIYA & T. ZIEG-<br />

LER (<strong>2010</strong>): Updated checklist of the<br />

living monitor lizards of the world<br />

(Squamata: Varanidae). Bonn zoological<br />

Bulletin 57 (2): 127 –136.<br />

KOCH, A., K. PHILIPP & T. ZIEG-<br />

LER (<strong>2010</strong>): The monitor man: A story<br />

of stunning discoveries and charismatic<br />

creatures. Biawak 4 (4): 132 –152.<br />

MAU, M., P. FASHING, A. JO-<br />

HANN, A. SLIWA, T. M. KAISER &<br />

K.-H. SÜDEKUM (<strong>2010</strong>): Salivary<br />

proteins and their role in primate feeding<br />

ecology. In: Research Advances<br />

in Primatology, Volume 1. R. M.<br />

MOHAN (ed.). Global Research<br />

Network,Kerala, India, p. 1–9.<br />

MAU, M., K.-H. SÜDEKUM, A. JO-<br />

HANN, A. SLIWA & T. M. KAISER.<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>): Indication of higher salivary<br />

a-amylase expression in hamadryas<br />

baboons and geladas compared to<br />

chimpanzees and humans. Journal of<br />

Medical Primatology 39: 187–190.<br />


KOCH & T. ZIEGLER (<strong>2010</strong>): A new<br />

species of reed snake, Calamaria Boie,<br />

1827 (Squamata: Colubridae), from<br />

central Vietnam. Hamdryad 34 (1):<br />

1–8.<br />



ME & T. ZIEGLER (<strong>2010</strong>): First record<br />

of the mountain ground skink<br />

Scincella montiola (Schmidt, 1925)<br />

(Squamata: Scincidae) from Vietnam.<br />

Russ. J. Herpetol. 17 (1): 67– 69.<br />



SCHMITZ, N. L. ORLOV & T.<br />

ZIEGLER (<strong>2010</strong>): A new species of the<br />

genus Tropidophorus Duméril & Bibron,<br />

1839 (Squamata: Sauria: Scincidae)<br />

from Vietnam. <strong>Zoo</strong>taxa 2439: 53–68.<br />



& T. ZIEGLER (<strong>2010</strong>): A new species<br />

36<br />

of Scincella (Squamata: Scincidae)<br />

from Vietnam. Folia <strong>Zoo</strong>l. 59 (2):<br />

115 –121.<br />




W. BÖHME & T. ZIEGLER (<strong>2010</strong>): A<br />

review of the genus Tropidophorus<br />

(Squamata, Scincidae) from Vietnam<br />

with new species records and additional<br />

data on natural history. <strong>Zoo</strong>syst.<br />

Evol. 86 (1): 5 –19.<br />

NGUYEN, Q. T., P. DAVID, T. T.<br />

TRAN, Q. V. LUU, K. Q. LE &<br />

T. ZIEGLER (<strong>2010</strong>): Amphiesmoids<br />

ornaticeps (Werner, 1924), an addition<br />

to the snake fauna of Vietnam, with a<br />

redescription and comments on the<br />

genus Amphiesmoides Malnate, 1961<br />

(Squamata: Natricidae). Rev. Suisse de<br />

<strong>Zoo</strong>logie 117 (1): 45 –56.<br />

NGUYEN, T. Q., P. KINGSADA, H.<br />


(<strong>2010</strong>): A new species of Cyrtodactylus<br />

(Squamata: Gekkonidae) from<br />

northern Laos. <strong>Zoo</strong>taxa 2652: 1 –16.<br />

OLBRICHT, G. & A. SLIWA (<strong>2010</strong>):<br />

Elefantenspitzmäuse – die kleinen Verwandten<br />

der Elefanten? Zeitschrift des<br />

<strong>Kölner</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong>s 53 (3): 135–147.<br />

PAGEL, T. & W. SPIESS (<strong>2010</strong>): 150<br />

Jahre Vogelhaltung im <strong>Kölner</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong>.<br />

Gef. Welt 12: 24 –27.<br />

PAGEL, T. (<strong>2010</strong>): Biodiversität erhalten<br />

– können wir das? Editorial ZGAP<br />

Mitteilungen 26 (1): 2 –3.<br />

PAGEL, T. (<strong>2010</strong>): Der <strong>Zoo</strong>logische<br />

Garten Köln – 150 Jahre Tiergärtnerei.<br />

Zeitschrift des <strong>Kölner</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong>s 54 (4):<br />

183 –216.<br />

PAGEL, T. (<strong>2010</strong>): <strong>Jahresbericht</strong> 2009<br />

der AG <strong>Zoo</strong>logischer Garten Köln.<br />

Zeitschrift des <strong>Kölner</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong>s 54 (1):<br />

4–47.<br />

PAGEL, T. (<strong>2010</strong>): <strong>Kölner</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong> – 150<br />

Jahre jung. Meso, 1: 14 –15.<br />

PAGEL, T. (<strong>2010</strong>): <strong>Kölner</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong>. Begeistert<br />

für Tiere. In: Musica <strong>Zoo</strong>logica.<br />

Ein musikalischer Spaziergang durch<br />

den <strong>Zoo</strong>. Köln, 23 –28.<br />

PAGEL, T., R. RECKEWITZ & W.<br />

SPIESS (<strong>2010</strong>): <strong>Kölner</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong>. Begeistert<br />

für Tiere. Bachem-Verlag. - Köln, 256 pp.<br />

RÖSLER, H., Q. T. NGUYEN, V. K.<br />

DOAN, T. C. HO, T. T. NGUYEN &<br />

T. ZIEGLER (2009): A new species of<br />

the genus Gekko laurenti (Squamata:<br />

Sauria: Gekkonidae) from Vietnam<br />

with remarks on G. japonicus (Schlegel).<br />

<strong>Zoo</strong>taxa 2329: 56–68.<br />

SLIWA, A. (<strong>2010</strong>): Das Swasiland-Projekt<br />

des <strong>Kölner</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong>s – Schutz von<br />

Flusspferden und Nilkrokodilen. Zeitschrift<br />

des <strong>Kölner</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong>s 53 (4): 171–178.<br />

SLIWA, A. (<strong>2010</strong>): Die Schwarzfußkatze<br />

– Eine Katze mit Dickkopf.<br />

Rodentia 10 (1): 28 – 33.<br />

SLIWA, A., B. W. WILSON & A.<br />

LAWRENZ (<strong>2010</strong>): Black-footed Cat<br />

Working Group. Report on surveying<br />

and catching black-footed cats<br />

(Felis nigripes) on Benfontein Nature<br />

Reserve /Nuwejaarsfontein. 10 pp<br />

SLIWA, A., M. HERBST & M. G.<br />

MILLS (<strong>2010</strong>): Black-footed cats (Felis<br />

nigripes) and African wild cats<br />

(Felis silvestris): a comparison of two<br />

small felids from South African arid<br />

lands. Case study 26, in: The Biology<br />

and Conservation of Wild Felids,<br />

Editors. MACDONALD, D. & A.<br />

LOVERIDGE, Oxford University<br />

Press, 736 pp.<br />



B. STUEBING, W. BÖHME & T.<br />

ZIEGLER (<strong>2010</strong>): Natural history of<br />

reintroduced and natural Siamese crocodile<br />

populations: implications for<br />

protection and conservation breeding.<br />

WAZA News 3/10: 28–29.<br />





LER (<strong>2010</strong>): First and preliminary frog<br />

records (Amphibia: Anura) from<br />

Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam. Herpetology<br />

Notes 3: 111 –119.<br />

WILDT, D., W. SWANSON, J.<br />


(<strong>2010</strong>): Felids ex situ: managed programmes,<br />

research, and species recovery.<br />

Chapter 8 in: The Biology and Conservation<br />

of Wild Felids, Editors. MAC-<br />


Oxford University Press 736 pp.<br />

ZIEGLER, T. & T. Q. NGUYEN<br />

(<strong>2010</strong>): New discoveries of amphibians

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