01.12.2012 Aufrufe

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Abstract<br />

The primary goal of this dissertation was to examine if soil-gas concentrations are indicators<br />

for shallow rock-salt deposits. The examinations were based on the assumption that rock-salt<br />

is a barrier with respect to ascending gas of geogenic origin. Therefore, the lateral<br />

extensions of rock-salt formations are characterized by increased carbon-dioxid<br />

concentrations within the soil. The study area under consideration comprises an area of 12<br />

km 2 located above the salt-mine Stetten near Haigerloch (Baden Württemberg). The rock-salt<br />

occurs in a depth of 100 to 200m below surface („Mittlerer Muschelkalk). Below the salt layer<br />

the CO2-pressure is 5 to 10 bars. Using existing pneumatic, lithologic and hydraulic data a<br />

model has been developed to explain the overall vertical transport mechanism of geogenic<br />

gases and to generate estimates for the velocities of the ascending carbon dioxide. The<br />

model revealed that the hydrostatic pressure and therefore the thickness of the aquifer within<br />

the Oberen Muschelkalk is the most important mechanism controlling the advective transport<br />

of geogenic carbon dioxid towards the surface. Advective transport of gas only occurs<br />

towards the direction of decreasing pressure. If the hydrostatic pressure on the basis of the<br />

aquifer (located within the Oberer Muschelkalk) is higher than the gas pressure within the<br />

rock formations of the Mittlerer Muschelkalk there is no incline of pressure towards the<br />

surface. Therefore geogenic carbon dioxide within the study area is likely to occur only where<br />

valleys incise the Mittleren Muschelkalk.<br />

To verify the calculations based on this model a location with rocksalt in the sub-surface was<br />

compared to a location where no rocksalt occurs below the surface. Both locations are in<br />

floodplains of streams which incise the Oberen Muschelkalk. The stable isotope<br />

compositions of carbon derived from the CO2 of the soil-gas and the O2 / CO2 ratios of both<br />

locations have been compared. Only the location where no rocksalt occurs in the sub-surface<br />

displays carbon dioxid of geogenic origin. This indicates that rocksalt acts as a barrier with<br />

regard to ascending geogenic CO2 .<br />

The exploration of rock-salt with help of soil-gas meassurements in the study area is severly<br />

limited because only a small fraction of the area is incises the Oberen Muschelkalk.<br />

CO2 concentrations in soils in the Mittleren Keuper were mapped on a larger scale. The<br />

evaluation of this mapping with GIS ArcView revealed two lineaments that parallel the<br />

swabian strike and are characterized by CO2 concentrations which are 50 – 100% higher<br />

than the average carbon dioxide concentrations. One of the lineaments occured where there<br />

is no rock-salt in the Mittleren Keuper. The other lineament follows a geologic fault-line.<br />

Analisis of the stable isotopes of carbon and the concentrations of CO2 and O2 revealed that<br />

the geogenic carbon dioxid induced only a 15% increase in the carbon dioxid concentration<br />

in the soil gas. Therefore, the geogenic carbon dioxide can not explain the marked increase<br />

of the carbon dioxide concentration of this lineament.

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