Testbericht Deutsch PDF 748 KB - Audio Physic

Testbericht Deutsch PDF 748 KB - Audio Physic Testbericht Deutsch PDF 748 KB - Audio Physic

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12.07.2015 Aufrufe

QualityGalore!Floorstanding loudspeakers in the price range of 2000Euro are built by many large and small manufacturers.The question is, which of them sound really good?We tested ten candidates to get the answerTest Review: Wolfram Eifert, Photos: Julian Bauer6 7 8 9 106Focal Chorus 826 V 7Jamo C 807 8Elac FS9T+A Criterion TS 35010 Quadral Platinum Ultra 91600 Euro 1800 Euro 247 2000 Euro 2000 Euro 2000 Eurowww.stereoplay.de stereoplay 6/2008 17

Test &Technology | LoudspeakerDear Reader,Please note that the text passagesin English are marked in yellow.In terms of budgetarychoices, with prices rangingfrom 1600 to 2400 Euro perpair, our test loudspeakerswere relatively homogeneous.With regards to size, soundperformance and design,however, the loudspeakerswhich indeed belong to ahigher segment of the marketwere far from uniform.Let us take a look at thenew Yara II Superior by AudioPhysic as the perfect example.The 1 meter high floorstanderwith its stunning slendercolumn, courtesy of the sidefiringwoofers, is one of tenloudspeakers that was testedextensively, published on thefollowing pages.The Yara Superior isavailable in real wood veneerand brushed aluminium andhas a different colouredbottom plate ensuring thestable positioning of the loudspeakeras well as achieving aBottom plate speciallydesigned for decouplingbetter decoupling from thefloor. Spikes and feet of allkind, see photo above, can bescrewed into the insertsprovided.The two 7” woofers on theleft and right side of thecabinet, covered by ovalshapedgrille cloths, are fittedwith extremely rigid aluminiumdiaphragms where the magnetsare designed to support eachAudio PhysicYara II Superior2000 EuroProfileThe visual appearanceof the Yara is straightforwardand yet notmainstream. The loudspeakershows thehighest degree ofmature, clear and cleansound, radiating delightin playing without everbecoming tiring on theears. A must buy!other. Due to a mechanical180 degree offset, thereciprocal movements canceleach other out, taking somestress off the stable cabinetwhich therefore takes up andrelieves substantially lessenergy.A new cone midrangedriver, designed according topurely audiophile aspects,delivers the mids whereas atraditional soft dome tweetertakes care of the higherfrequencies. All frequenciesare routed to the drivers by acrossover network featuring asound-sensitive but notexcessively complex design.The Yara Superior knows howto play to the gallery from thevery start and delighted uswith its spirit of greatopenness, not harsh or brittle,and never booming. Theloudspeaker took acoustic alltime favourites such as “LightMy Fire” delivered by vocalistThe woofers are mounted inthe sides of the cabinet. TheVCF M8 vibration control feet(99 Euro for four pieces) areideal for delicate floors.Constanze Friend (“Covered”album, inakustik) quiteliterally, turning it into a highlysophisticated and rich, multilayeredsound collage. Full oftemperament, the YaraSuperior was one of ourfavourites for the crosscheckon page 24.CantonVento 870 DC1800 EuroDas Bassreflexrohrmündet zwischenKorpus und Sockel.Die bodennaheAnordnung bringtmehr Tiefbass, ohnedie Chassis zubelasten.Profi lDie unaufgeregteFormgebung wirktebenso klassenloswie edel. Klanglichist die Vento 870ein Meister derNatürlichkeit undFeindynamik, derauch laut jederzeitin der Spur bleibt.18 stereoplay 6/2008 www.stereoplay.de

Test &Technology | LoudspeakerDear Reader,Please note that the text passagesin English are marked in yellow.In terms of budgetarychoices, with prices rangingfrom 1600 to 2400 Euro perpair, our test loudspeakerswere relatively homogeneous.With regards to size, soundperformance and design,however, the loudspeakerswhich indeed belong to ahigher segment of the marketwere far from uniform.Let us take a look at thenew Yara II Superior by <strong>Audio</strong><strong>Physic</strong> as the perfect example.The 1 meter high floorstanderwith its stunning slendercolumn, courtesy of the sidefiringwoofers, is one of tenloudspeakers that was testedextensively, published on thefollowing pages.The Yara Superior isavailable in real wood veneerand brushed aluminium andhas a different colouredbottom plate ensuring thestable positioning of the loudspeakeras well as achieving aBottom plate speciallydesigned for decouplingbetter decoupling from thefloor. Spikes and feet of allkind, see photo above, can bescrewed into the insertsprovided.The two 7” woofers on theleft and right side of thecabinet, covered by ovalshapedgrille cloths, are fittedwith extremely rigid aluminiumdiaphragms where the magnetsare designed to support each<strong>Audio</strong> <strong>Physic</strong>Yara II Superior2000 EuroProfileThe visual appearanceof the Yara is straightforwardand yet notmainstream. The loudspeakershows thehighest degree ofmature, clear and cleansound, radiating delightin playing without everbecoming tiring on theears. A must buy!other. Due to a mechanical180 degree offset, thereciprocal movements canceleach other out, taking somestress off the stable cabinetwhich therefore takes up andrelieves substantially lessenergy.A new cone midrangedriver, designed according topurely audiophile aspects,delivers the mids whereas atraditional soft dome tweetertakes care of the higherfrequencies. All frequenciesare routed to the drivers by acrossover network featuring asound-sensitive but notexcessively complex design.The Yara Superior knows howto play to the gallery from thevery start and delighted uswith its spirit of greatopenness, not harsh or brittle,and never booming. Theloudspeaker took acoustic alltime favourites such as “LightMy Fire” delivered by vocalistThe woofers are mounted inthe sides of the cabinet. TheVCF M8 vibration control feet(99 Euro for four pieces) areideal for delicate floors.Constanze Friend (“Covered”album, inakustik) quiteliterally, turning it into a highlysophisticated and rich, multilayeredsound collage. Full oftemperament, the YaraSuperior was one of ourfavourites for the crosscheckon page 24.CantonVento 870 DC1800 EuroDas Bassreflexrohrmündet zwischenKorpus und Sockel.Die bodennaheAnordnung bringtmehr Tiefbass, ohnedie Chassis zubelasten.Profi lDie unaufgeregteFormgebung wirktebenso klassenloswie edel. Klanglichist die Vento 870ein Meister derNatürlichkeit undFeindynamik, derauch laut jederzeitin der Spur bleibt.18 stereoplay 6/2008 www.stereoplay.de

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