HIT Typ II in der operativen Medizin ... - Vascularcare.de

HIT Typ II in der operativen Medizin ... - Vascularcare.de HIT Typ II in der operativen Medizin ... - Vascularcare.de

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[122] Sheridan D, Carter C, Kelton JG: A diagnostic test for heparininducedthrombocytopenia. Blood 67 (1986) 27–30[123] Smythe MA, Warkentin TE, Stephens JL, Zakalik D, Mattson JC:Venous limb gangrene during overlapping therapy with warfarinand a direct thrombin inhibitor for immune heparin-inducedthrombocytopenia. Am J Hematol 71 (2002) 50–52[124] Stiekema JC, Van Griensven JM, Van Dinther TG, Cohen AF: Across-over comparison of the anti-clotting effects of three lowmolecular weight heparins and glycosaminoglycuronan. Br J ClinPharmacol 36 (1993) 51–56[125] Stratmann G, deSilva AM, Tseng EE, Hambleton J, Balea M,Romo AJ, Mann MJ, Achorn NL, Moskalik WF, Hoopes CW:Reversal of direct thrombin inhibition after cardiopulmonarybypass in a patient with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.Anesth Analg 98 (2004) 1635–39[126] Swartz R, Pasko D, O'Toole J, Starmann B: Improving the deliveryof continuous renal replacement therapy using regional citrateanticoagulation. Clin Nephrol 61 (2004) 134–43[127] Vargas Hein O, Kox WJ, Spies C: Anticoagulation in continuousrenal replacement therapy. Contrib Nephrol 144 (2004) 308–16[128] Vargas Hein O, von Heymann C, Lipps M, Ziemer S, Ronco C,Neumayer HH, Morgera S, Welte M, Kox WJ, Spies C: Hirudinversus heparin for anticoagulation in continuous renal replacementtherapy. Intensive Care Med 27 (2001) 673–79[129] Visentin GP, Ford SE, Scott JP, Aster RH. Antibodies from patientswith heparin-induced thrombocytopenia/thrombosis are specificfor platelet factor 4 complexed with heparin or bound to endothelialcells. J Clin Invest; 93 (1994) 81–88[130] Vun CM, Evans S, Chong BH: Cross-reactivity study of lowmolecular weight heparins and heparinoid in heparin-inducedthrombocytopenia. Thromb Res 81 (1996) 525–32[131] Walenga JM, Jeske WP, Bara L, Samama MM, Fareed J:Biochemical and pharmacologic rationale for the development ofa synthetic heparin pentasaccharide. Thromb Res 86 (1997) 1–36[132] Walenga JM, Jeske WP, Prechel MM, Bakhos M: Newer insights onthe mechanism of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. SeminThromb Hemost 30 (2004) 57–67[133] Warkentin TE, Chong BH, Greinacher A: Heparin-induced thrombocy-topenia:Towards consensus. Thromb Haemost 79 (1998) 1–7[134] Warkentin TE, Elavathil LJ, Hayward CP, Johnston MA, Russett JI,Kelton JG: The pathogenesis of venous limb gangrene associatedwith heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Ann Intern Med 127(1997) 804–12[135] Warkentin TE, Greinacher A. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia:recognition, treatment, and prevention: the Seventh ACCPConference on Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy. Chest.2004;126(3 Suppl):311S-337S[136] Warkentin TE, Kelton JG: A 14-year study of heparin-inducedthrombocytopenia. Am J Med 101 (1996) 502–7[137] Warkentin TE, Kelton JG. Delayed-onset heparin-induced thrombocytopeniaand thrombosis. Ann Intern Med 135 (2001) 502-6[138] Warkentin TE, Kelton JG: Interaction of heparin with platelets,including heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. In: Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins in Prophylaxis and Therapy of ThromboembolicDiseases. Bounameaux H, ed. Marcel Dekker, New York (1994)75–127[139] Warkentin TE, Kelton JG: Temporal Aspects of Heparin-InducedThrombocytopenia. N Engl J Med 344 (2001) 1286–92[140] Warkentin TE: An overview of the heparin-induced thrombocytopeniasyndrome. Semin Thromb Hemost 30 (2004) 273–83[141] Watson HG, Baglin T, Laidlaw SL, Makris M, Preston FE: A comparisonof the efficacy and rate of response to oral and intravenousVitamin K in reversal of over-anticoagulation with warfarin. Br JHaematol 115 (2001) 145–49[142] Westphal K, Martens S, Strouhal U, Matheis G, Lindhoff-Last E,Wimmer-Greinecker G, Lischke V: Heparin-induced thrombocytopeniatype II: perioperative management using danaparoid in acoronary artery bypass patient with renal failure. ThoracCardiovasc Surg 45 (1997) 318–20[143] Wolzt M, Levi M, Sarich TC, Bostrom SL, Eriksson UG, Eriksson-Lepkowska M, Svensson M, Weitz JI, Elg M, Wahlander K: Effectof re-combinant factor VIIa on melagatran-induced inhibition ofthrombin generation and platelet activation in healthy volunteers.Thromb Haemost 91 (2004) 1090–96Anschrift des Verfassers:Dr. med. Christian von Heymann, DEAAKlinik für Anästhesiologie undoperative IntensivmedizinCharité – Universitätsmedizin BerlinCampus Charité MitteSchumannstraße 20–2110117 BerlinVASCULAR CARE 1/2005 VOL. 8 53

[122] Sheridan D, Carter C, Kelton JG: A diagnostic test for hepar<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>ducedthrombocytopenia. Blood 67 (1986) 27–30[123] Smythe MA, Warkent<strong>in</strong> TE, Stephens JL, Zakalik D, Mattson JC:Venous limb gangrene dur<strong>in</strong>g overlapp<strong>in</strong>g therapy with warfar<strong>in</strong>and a direct thromb<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>hibitor for immune hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>ducedthrombocytopenia. Am J Hematol 71 (2002) 50–52[124] Stiekema JC, Van Griensven JM, Van D<strong>in</strong>ther TG, Cohen AF: Across-over comparison of the anti-clott<strong>in</strong>g effects of three lowmolecular weight hepar<strong>in</strong>s and glycosam<strong>in</strong>oglycuronan. Br J Cl<strong>in</strong>Pharmacol 36 (1993) 51–56[125] Stratmann G, <strong>de</strong>Silva AM, Tseng EE, Hambleton J, Balea M,Romo AJ, Mann MJ, Achorn NL, Moskalik WF, Hoopes CW:Reversal of direct thromb<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>hibition after cardiopulmonarybypass <strong>in</strong> a patient with hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombocytopenia.Anesth Analg 98 (2004) 1635–39[126] Swartz R, Pasko D, O'Toole J, Starmann B: Improv<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>de</strong>liveryof cont<strong>in</strong>uous renal replacement therapy us<strong>in</strong>g regional citrateanticoagulation. Cl<strong>in</strong> Nephrol 61 (2004) 134–43[127] Vargas He<strong>in</strong> O, Kox WJ, Spies C: Anticoagulation <strong>in</strong> cont<strong>in</strong>uousrenal replacement therapy. Contrib Nephrol 144 (2004) 308–16[128] Vargas He<strong>in</strong> O, von Heymann C, Lipps M, Ziemer S, Ronco C,Neumayer HH, Morgera S, Welte M, Kox WJ, Spies C: Hirud<strong>in</strong>versus hepar<strong>in</strong> for anticoagulation <strong>in</strong> cont<strong>in</strong>uous renal replacementtherapy. Intensive Care Med 27 (2001) 673–79[129] Visent<strong>in</strong> GP, Ford SE, Scott JP, Aster RH. Antibodies from patientswith hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombocytopenia/thrombosis are specificfor platelet factor 4 complexed with hepar<strong>in</strong> or bound to endothelialcells. J Cl<strong>in</strong> Invest; 93 (1994) 81–88[130] Vun CM, Evans S, Chong BH: Cross-reactivity study of lowmolecular weight hepar<strong>in</strong>s and hepar<strong>in</strong>oid <strong>in</strong> hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>ducedthrombocytopenia. Thromb Res 81 (1996) 525–32[131] Walenga JM, Jeske WP, Bara L, Samama MM, Fareed J:Biochemical and pharmacologic rationale for the <strong>de</strong>velopment ofa synthetic hepar<strong>in</strong> pentasacchari<strong>de</strong>. Thromb Res 86 (1997) 1–36[132] Walenga JM, Jeske WP, Prechel MM, Bakhos M: Newer <strong>in</strong>sights onthe mechanism of hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombocytopenia. Sem<strong>in</strong>Thromb Hemost 30 (2004) 57–67[133] Warkent<strong>in</strong> TE, Chong BH, Gre<strong>in</strong>acher A: Hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombocy-topenia:Towards consensus. Thromb Haemost 79 (1998) 1–7[134] Warkent<strong>in</strong> TE, Elavathil LJ, Hayward CP, Johnston MA, Russett JI,Kelton JG: The pathogenesis of venous limb gangrene associatedwith hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombocytopenia. Ann Intern Med 127(1997) 804–12[135] Warkent<strong>in</strong> TE, Gre<strong>in</strong>acher A. Hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombocytopenia:recognition, treatment, and prevention: the Seventh ACCPConference on Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy. Chest.2004;126(3 Suppl):311S-337S[136] Warkent<strong>in</strong> TE, Kelton JG: A 14-year study of hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>ducedthrombocytopenia. Am J Med 101 (1996) 502–7[137] Warkent<strong>in</strong> TE, Kelton JG. Delayed-onset hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombocytopeniaand thrombosis. Ann Intern Med 135 (2001) 502-6[138] Warkent<strong>in</strong> TE, Kelton JG: Interaction of hepar<strong>in</strong> with platelets,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombocytopenia. In: Low-Molecular-Weight Hepar<strong>in</strong>s <strong>in</strong> Prophylaxis and Therapy of ThromboembolicDiseases. Bounameaux H, ed. Marcel Dekker, New York (1994)75–127[139] Warkent<strong>in</strong> TE, Kelton JG: Temporal Aspects of Hepar<strong>in</strong>-InducedThrombocytopenia. N Engl J Med 344 (2001) 1286–92[140] Warkent<strong>in</strong> TE: An overview of the hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombocytopeniasyndrome. Sem<strong>in</strong> Thromb Hemost 30 (2004) 273–83[141] Watson HG, Bagl<strong>in</strong> T, Laidlaw SL, Makris M, Preston FE: A comparisonof the efficacy and rate of response to oral and <strong>in</strong>travenousVitam<strong>in</strong> K <strong>in</strong> reversal of over-anticoagulation with warfar<strong>in</strong>. Br JHaematol 115 (2001) 145–49[142] Westphal K, Martens S, Strouhal U, Matheis G, L<strong>in</strong>dhoff-Last E,Wimmer-Gre<strong>in</strong>ecker G, Lischke V: Hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombocytopeniatype <strong>II</strong>: perioperative management us<strong>in</strong>g danaparoid <strong>in</strong> acoronary artery bypass patient with renal failure. ThoracCardiovasc Surg 45 (1997) 318–20[143] Wolzt M, Levi M, Sarich TC, Bostrom SL, Eriksson UG, Eriksson-Lepkowska M, Svensson M, Weitz JI, Elg M, Wahlan<strong><strong>de</strong>r</strong> K: Effectof re-comb<strong>in</strong>ant factor V<strong>II</strong>a on melagatran-<strong>in</strong>duced <strong>in</strong>hibition ofthromb<strong>in</strong> generation and platelet activation <strong>in</strong> healthy volunteers.Thromb Haemost 91 (2004) 1090–96Anschrift <strong>de</strong>s Verfassers:Dr. med. Christian von Heymann, DEAAKl<strong>in</strong>ik für Anästhesiologie undoperative Intensivmediz<strong>in</strong>Charité – Universitätsmediz<strong>in</strong> Berl<strong>in</strong>Campus Charité MitteSchumannstraße 20–2110117 Berl<strong>in</strong>VASCULAR CARE 1/2005 VOL. 8 53

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