HIT Typ II in der operativen Medizin ... - Vascularcare.de

HIT Typ II in der operativen Medizin ... - Vascularcare.de HIT Typ II in der operativen Medizin ... - Vascularcare.de

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[24] De Vries JX, Schmitz-Kummer E, Weber E: Pharmakologie deroralen Antikoagulanzien vom Curmarintyp, in: Müller-Berghaus G,Pötzsch B. (eds.) Hämostaseologie, Springer Berlin (1999) 662–65[25] Dempfle CE: Minor transplacental passage of fondaparinux invivo. N Engl J Med 350 (2004) 1914–15[26] Donat F, Duret JP, Santoni A, Cariou R, Necciari J, Magnani H, deGreef R: The pharmacokinetics of fondaparinux sodium in healthyvolunteers. Clin Pharmacokinet 41 (2002) Suppl 2 1–9[27] Elg M, Carlsson S, Gustafsson D: Effect of activated prothrombincomplex concentrate or recombinant factor VIIa on the bleedingtime and thrombus formation during anticoagulation with a directthrombin inhibitor. Thromb Res 101 (2001) 145–57[28] Elg M, Carlsson S, Gustafsson D: Effects of agents, used to treatbleeding disorders, on bleeding time prolonged by a very highdose of a direct thrombin inhibitor in anesthesized rats and rabbits.Thromb Res 101 (3) (2001 Feb 1)159–70[29] Eriksson BI, Agnelli G, Cohen AT, Dahl OE, Mouret P, Rosencher N,Eskilson C, Nylander I, Frison L, Ogren M, METHRO III StudyGroup: Direct thrombin inhibitor melagatran followed by oralximelagatran in comparison with enoxaparin for prevention ofvenous thromboembolism after total hip or knee replacement.Thromb Haemost 89 (2003)288–96[30] Eriksson H, Wahlander K, Gustafsson D, Welin LT, Frison L,Schulman S: Thrive Investigators. A randomized, controlled, doseguidingstudy of the oral direct thrombin inhibitor ximelagatrancompared with standard therapy for the treatment of acute deepvein thrombosis: THRIVE I. J Thromb Haemost 1 (2003) 41–47[31] Eriksson UG, Johansson S, Attman PO, Mulec H, Frison L, Fager G,Samuelsson O: Influence of severe renal impairment on the pharmacokineticsand pharmacodynamics of oral ximelagatran andsubcutaneous melagatran. Clin Pharmacokinet 42 (2003) 743–53[32] Eriksson UG, Johansson S, Attman PO, Mulec H, Frison L, Fager G,Samuelsson O: Influence of severe renal impairment on the pharmacokineticsand pharmacodynamics of oral ximelagatran andsubcutaneous melagatran. Clin Pharmacokinet 42 (2003) 743–53[33] Evans HC, Perry CM, Faulds D: Ximelagatran/Melagatran: a reviewof its use in the prevention of venous thromboembolism in orthopaedicsurgery. Drugs 64 (2004) 649–78[34] Fachinformation: Exanta 24 mg Filmtabletten, AstraZeneca GmbH,22876 Wedel (Juni 2004)[35] Farner B, Eichler P, Kroll H, Greinacher A: A comparison of danaparoidand lepirudin in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.Thromb Haemost 85 (2001) 950–57[36] Fenyvesi T, Jorg I, Harenberg J: Monitoring of anticoagulanteffects of direct thrombin inhibitors. Semin Thromb Hemost 28(2002) 361–82[37] Fiaccadori E, Maggiore U, Rotelli C, Minari M, Melfa L, Cappe G,Cabassi A: Continuous haemofiltration in acute renal failure withprostacyclin as the sole anti-haemostatic agent. Intensive CareMed 28 (2002) 586–93[38] Fischer KG: Hirudin in renal insufficiency. Semin Thromb Hemost28 (2002) 467–82[39] Gabutti L, Marone C, Colucci G, Duchini F, Schonholzer C: Citrateanticoagulation in continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration: ametabolic challenge. Intensive Care Med 28 (2002) 1419–25[40] Gambaryan S, Geiger J, Schwarz UR, Butt E, Begonja A, ObergfellA, Walter U: Potent inhibition of human platelets by cGMP analogsindependent of cGMP-dependent protein kinase. Blood 103(2004) 2593–600[41] Ganzer D, Gutezeit A, Mayer G, Greinacher A, Eichler P:Prevention of thromboembolism as a cause of thromboemboliccomplications. A study of the incidence of heparin-induced thrombocytopeniatype II. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb.135 (1997) 543–49[42] Gartner BC, Seifert CB, Michalk DV, Roth B: Phenprocoumon therapyduring pregnancy: case report and comparison of the teratogenicrisk of different coumarin derivatives. Z GeburtshilfePerinatol. 197 (1993) 262–65[43] Gerotziafas GT, Depasse F, Chakroun T, Samama MM, Elalamy I:Recombinant factor VIIa partially reverses the inhibitory effect offondaparinux on thrombin generation after tissue factor activationin platelet rich plasma and whole blood. Thromb Haemost 91(2004) 531–37[44] Gill J, Kovacs MJ: Successful use of danaparoid in treatment ofheparin-induced thrombocytopenia during twin pregnancy. ObstetGynecol 90 (1997) 648–50[45] Girolami B, Prandoni P, Stefani PM, Tanduo C, Sabbion P, Eichler P,Ramon R, Baggio G, Fabris F, Girolami A: The incidence of heparin-inducedthrombocytopenia in hospitalized medical patientstreated with subcutaneous unfractionated heparin: a prospectivecohort study. Blood 101 (2003) 2955–59[46] Gogarten W, van Aken H, Büttner J, Riess H, Wulf H, Buerkle H:Rückenmarksnahe Regionalanästhesien und Thromboembolieprophylaxe/ antithrombotische Medikation. Überarbeitete Leitliniender Deutschen Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin.Anästhesiologie & Intensivmedizin 44 (2003) 218–30[47] Greinacher A, Eckhardt T, Mussmann J, Mueller-Eckhardt C:Pregnancy complicated by heparin associated thrombocytopenia:management by a prospectively in vitro selected heparinoid (Org10172). Thromb Res 71 (1993) 123–26VASCULAR CARE 1/2005 VOL. 8 49

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[24] De Vries JX, Schmitz-Kummer E, Weber E: Pharmakologie <strong><strong>de</strong>r</strong>oralen Antikoagulanzien vom Curmar<strong>in</strong>typ, <strong>in</strong>: Müller-Berghaus G,Pötzsch B. (eds.) Hämostaseologie, Spr<strong>in</strong>ger Berl<strong>in</strong> (1999) 662–65[25] Dempfle CE: M<strong>in</strong>or transplacental passage of fondapar<strong>in</strong>ux <strong>in</strong>vivo. N Engl J Med 350 (2004) 1914–15[26] Donat F, Duret JP, Santoni A, Cariou R, Necciari J, Magnani H, <strong>de</strong>Greef R: The pharmacok<strong>in</strong>etics of fondapar<strong>in</strong>ux sodium <strong>in</strong> healthyvolunteers. Cl<strong>in</strong> Pharmacok<strong>in</strong>et 41 (2002) Suppl 2 1–9[27] Elg M, Carlsson S, Gustafsson D: Effect of activated prothromb<strong>in</strong>complex concentrate or recomb<strong>in</strong>ant factor V<strong>II</strong>a on the bleed<strong>in</strong>gtime and thrombus formation dur<strong>in</strong>g anticoagulation with a directthromb<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>hibitor. Thromb Res 101 (2001) 145–57[28] Elg M, Carlsson S, Gustafsson D: Effects of agents, used to treatbleed<strong>in</strong>g disor<strong><strong>de</strong>r</strong>s, on bleed<strong>in</strong>g time prolonged by a very highdose of a direct thromb<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>hibitor <strong>in</strong> anesthesized rats and rabbits.Thromb Res 101 (3) (2001 Feb 1)159–70[29] Eriksson BI, Agnelli G, Cohen AT, Dahl OE, Mouret P, Rosencher N,Eskilson C, Nylan<strong><strong>de</strong>r</strong> I, Frison L, Ogren M, METHRO <strong>II</strong>I StudyGroup: Direct thromb<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>hibitor melagatran followed by oralximelagatran <strong>in</strong> comparison with enoxapar<strong>in</strong> for prevention ofvenous thromboembolism after total hip or knee replacement.Thromb Haemost 89 (2003)288–96[30] Eriksson H, Wahlan<strong><strong>de</strong>r</strong> K, Gustafsson D, Wel<strong>in</strong> LT, Frison L,Schulman S: Thrive Investigators. A randomized, controlled, doseguid<strong>in</strong>gstudy of the oral direct thromb<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>hibitor ximelagatrancompared with standard therapy for the treatment of acute <strong>de</strong>epve<strong>in</strong> thrombosis: THRIVE I. J Thromb Haemost 1 (2003) 41–47[31] Eriksson UG, Johansson S, Attman PO, Mulec H, Frison L, Fager G,Samuelsson O: Influence of severe renal impairment on the pharmacok<strong>in</strong>eticsand pharmacodynamics of oral ximelagatran andsubcutaneous melagatran. Cl<strong>in</strong> Pharmacok<strong>in</strong>et 42 (2003) 743–53[32] Eriksson UG, Johansson S, Attman PO, Mulec H, Frison L, Fager G,Samuelsson O: Influence of severe renal impairment on the pharmacok<strong>in</strong>eticsand pharmacodynamics of oral ximelagatran andsubcutaneous melagatran. Cl<strong>in</strong> Pharmacok<strong>in</strong>et 42 (2003) 743–53[33] Evans HC, Perry CM, Faulds D: Ximelagatran/Melagatran: a reviewof its use <strong>in</strong> the prevention of venous thromboembolism <strong>in</strong> orthopaedicsurgery. Drugs 64 (2004) 649–78[34] Fach<strong>in</strong>formation: Exanta 24 mg Filmtabletten, AstraZeneca GmbH,22876 We<strong>de</strong>l (Juni 2004)[35] Farner B, Eichler P, Kroll H, Gre<strong>in</strong>acher A: A comparison of danaparoidand lepirud<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombocytopenia.Thromb Haemost 85 (2001) 950–57[36] Fenyvesi T, Jorg I, Harenberg J: Monitor<strong>in</strong>g of anticoagulanteffects of direct thromb<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>hibitors. Sem<strong>in</strong> Thromb Hemost 28(2002) 361–82[37] Fiaccadori E, Maggiore U, Rotelli C, M<strong>in</strong>ari M, Melfa L, Cappe G,Cabassi A: Cont<strong>in</strong>uous haemofiltration <strong>in</strong> acute renal failure withprostacycl<strong>in</strong> as the sole anti-haemostatic agent. Intensive CareMed 28 (2002) 586–93[38] Fischer KG: Hirud<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> renal <strong>in</strong>sufficiency. Sem<strong>in</strong> Thromb Hemost28 (2002) 467–82[39] Gabutti L, Marone C, Colucci G, Duch<strong>in</strong>i F, Schonholzer C: Citrateanticoagulation <strong>in</strong> cont<strong>in</strong>uous venovenous hemodiafiltration: ametabolic challenge. Intensive Care Med 28 (2002) 1419–25[40] Gambaryan S, Geiger J, Schwarz UR, Butt E, Begonja A, ObergfellA, Walter U: Potent <strong>in</strong>hibition of human platelets by cGMP analogs<strong>in</strong><strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt of cGMP-<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt prote<strong>in</strong> k<strong>in</strong>ase. Blood 103(2004) 2593–600[41] Ganzer D, Gutezeit A, Mayer G, Gre<strong>in</strong>acher A, Eichler P:Prevention of thromboembolism as a cause of thromboemboliccomplications. A study of the <strong>in</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>nce of hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombocytopeniatype <strong>II</strong>. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb.135 (1997) 543–49[42] Gartner BC, Seifert CB, Michalk DV, Roth B: Phenprocoumon therapydur<strong>in</strong>g pregnancy: case report and comparison of the teratogenicrisk of different coumar<strong>in</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>r</strong>ivatives. Z GeburtshilfePer<strong>in</strong>atol. 197 (1993) 262–65[43] Gerotziafas GT, Depasse F, Chakroun T, Samama MM, Elalamy I:Recomb<strong>in</strong>ant factor V<strong>II</strong>a partially reverses the <strong>in</strong>hibitory effect offondapar<strong>in</strong>ux on thromb<strong>in</strong> generation after tissue factor activation<strong>in</strong> platelet rich plasma and whole blood. Thromb Haemost 91(2004) 531–37[44] Gill J, Kovacs MJ: Successful use of danaparoid <strong>in</strong> treatment ofhepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombocytopenia dur<strong>in</strong>g tw<strong>in</strong> pregnancy. ObstetGynecol 90 (1997) 648–50[45] Girolami B, Prandoni P, Stefani PM, Tanduo C, Sabbion P, Eichler P,Ramon R, Baggio G, Fabris F, Girolami A: The <strong>in</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>nce of hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>ducedthrombocytopenia <strong>in</strong> hospitalized medical patientstreated with subcutaneous unfractionated hepar<strong>in</strong>: a prospectivecohort study. Blood 101 (2003) 2955–59[46] Gogarten W, van Aken H, Büttner J, Riess H, Wulf H, Buerkle H:Rückenmarksnahe Regionalanästhesien und Thromboembolieprophylaxe/ antithrombotische Medikation. Überarbeitete Leitl<strong>in</strong>ien<strong><strong>de</strong>r</strong> Deutschen Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmediz<strong>in</strong>.Anästhesiologie & Intensivmediz<strong>in</strong> 44 (2003) 218–30[47] Gre<strong>in</strong>acher A, Eckhardt T, Mussmann J, Mueller-Eckhardt C:Pregnancy complicated by hepar<strong>in</strong> associated thrombocytopenia:management by a prospectively <strong>in</strong> vitro selected hepar<strong>in</strong>oid (Org10172). Thromb Res 71 (1993) 123–26VASCULAR CARE 1/2005 VOL. 8 49

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