HIT Typ II in der operativen Medizin ... - Vascularcare.de

HIT Typ II in der operativen Medizin ... - Vascularcare.de HIT Typ II in der operativen Medizin ... - Vascularcare.de

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12.07.2015 Aufrufe

Abbildung: Antikoagulatorische Wirkung von Danaparoid,Fondaparinux und den direkten ThrombininhibitorenMelagatran/Ximelagatran und Lepirudin/Desirudinim „klassischen“ Kaskaden-Modell der GerinnungVASCULAR CARE 1/2005 VOL. 8 47

OriginalieCHRISTIAN VON HEYMANN, ORTRUD VARGAS HEIN, MARC KASTRUP, STANISLAO MORGERA, SABINE ZIEMER, CLAUDIA SPIES, CHARITÉ UNVERSITÄTSMEDIZIN BERLINLiteratur:[1] Aijaz A, Nelson J, Naseer N: Managment of Heparin Allergy inPregnancy. Am J Hematology 67 (2001) 268–69[2] Amiral J, Bridey F, Wolf M, Boyer-Neumann C, Fressinaud E, VissacAM, Peynaud-Debayle E, Dreyfus M, Meyer D: Antibodies tomacromolecular platelet factor 4-heparin complexes in HIT: astudy of 44 cases. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 73 (1995) 21–28[3] Amiral J, Lormeau JC, Marfaing-Koka A, Vissac AM, Wolf M,Boyer-Neumann C, Tardy B, Herbert JM, Meyer D: Absenceof cross-reactivity of SR90107A/ORG31540 pentasaccharidewith antibodies to heparin-PF4 complexes developed inheparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 8(1997) 114–17[4] Amiral J, Wolf M, Fischer A, Boyer-Neumann C, Vissac A, Meyer D:Pathogenicity of IgA and/or IgM antibodies to heparin-PF4complexes in patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.Br J Haematol.92 (1996) 954–59[5] Aouifi A, Blanc P, Piriou V, Bastien OH, French P, Hanss M, LehotJJ: Cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass in patients withtype II heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Ann Thorac Surg. 71(2001) 678–83[6] Bauer TL, Arepally G, Konkle BA, Mestichelli B, Shapiro SS,Cines DB, Poncz M, McNulty S, Amiral J, Hauck WW, Edie RN,Mannion JD: Prevalence of heparin-associated antibodies withoutthrombosis in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery.Circulation. 95 (1997) 1242–46.[7] Bijsterveld NR, Moons AH, Boekholdt SM, van Aken BE, FennemaH, Peters RJ, Meijers JC, Buller HR, Levi M: Ability of recombinantfactor VIIa to reverse the anticoagulant effect of the pentasaccharidefondaparinux in healthy volunteers. Circulation 106 (2002)2550–54[8] Bittl JA, Strony J, Brinker JA, Ahmed WH, Meckel CR, ChaitmanBR, Maraganore J, Deutsch E, Adelman B: Treatment with bivalirudin(Hirulog) as compared with heparin during coronary angioplastyfor unstable or postinfarction angina. Hirulog AngioplastyStudy Investigators. N Engl J Med 333 (1995) 764-9[9] Bostrom SL, Hansson GF, Kjaer M, Sarich TC: Effects of melagatran,the active form of the oral direct thrombin inhibitor ximelagatran,and dalteparin on the endogenous thrombin potential invenous blood from healthy male subjects. Blood CoagulFibrinolysis 14 (2003) 457–6[10] Bove CM, Casey B, Marder VJ: DDAVP reduces bleeding duringcontinued hirudin administration in the rabbit. Thromb Haemost.75 (1996) 471–75[11] Bucha E, Kreml R, Nowak G: In vitro study of rhirudin permeabilitythrough membranes of different haemodialysers. Nephrol DialTransplant 14 (1999) 2922–26[12] Buller HR, Davidson BL, Decousus H, Gallus A, Gent M, Piovella F,Prins MH, Raskob G, Segers AE, Cariou R, Leeuwenkamp O,Lensing AW: Matisse Investigators. Fondaparinux or enoxaparinfor the initial treatment of symptomatic deep venous thrombosis:a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 140 (2004) 867–73[13] Buller HR, Davidson BL, Decousus H, Gallus A, Gent M,Piovella F, Prins MH, Raskob G, van den Berg-Segers AE, Cariou R,Leeuwenkamp O, Lensing AW: Matisse Investigators. Subcutaneousfondaparinux versus intravenous unfractionated heparin inthe initial treatment of pulmonary embolism. N Engl J Med 394(2003) 1695–702[14] Butler KD, Dolan SL, Talbot MD, Wallis RB: Factor VIII and DDAVPre-verse the effect of recombinant desulphatohirudin (CGP39393) on bleeding in the rat. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 4 (1993)459–64[15] Calatzis A, Toepfer M, Schramm W, Spannagl M, Schiffl H: Citrateanticoagulation for extracorporeal circuits: effects on whole bloodcoagulation activation and clot formation. Nephron 89 (2001)233–36[16] Canaud B, Mion C, Arujo A, N'Guyen QV, Paleyrac G,Hemmendinger S et al.: Prostacyclin (epoprostenol) as the soleantithrombotic agent in postdilutional hemofiltration. Nephron 48(1988) 206–12[17] Cines DB, Tomaski A, Tannenbaum S: Immune endothelial-cellinjury in heparin-associated thrombocytopenia. N Engl J Med 316(1987) 581–89[18] Claeys LG: Lethal heparin-associated pulmonary embolism-casereports. Angiology 53 (2002) 475–78[19] Clark SI, Porter TF, West FG: Coumarin derivatives and breastfeeding.Obstet Gynecol 95 (2000) 938–40[20] Collart F, Derouck D, Kerbaul F, Feier H, Mesana TG: Regression ofintracardiac heparin-induced thrombosis after aortic root surgery.Ann Tho-rac Surg 76 (2003) 617–19[21] Dager WE, White RH: Use of lepirudin in patients with heparininducedthrombocytopenia and renal failure requiring hemodialysis.Ann Pharmacother 35 (2001) 885–90[22] Danhof M, de Boer A, Magnani HN, Stiekema JC: Pharmacokineticcon-siderations on Orgaran (Org 10172) therapy. Haemostasis 22(2) (1992) 73–84[23] Davenport A, Will EJ, Davison AM: Comparison of the use ofstandard heparin and prostacyclin anticoagulation in spontaneousand pump-driven extracorporeal circuits in patients with combinedacute renal and hepatic failure. Nephron 66 (1994) 431–3748VASCULAR CARE 1/2005 VOL. 8

Orig<strong>in</strong>alieCHRISTIAN VON HEYMANN, ORTRUD VARGAS HEIN, MARC KASTRUP, STANISLAO MORGERA, SABINE ZIEMER, CLAUDIA SPIES, CHARITÉ UNVERSITÄTSMEDIZIN BERLINLiteratur:[1] Aijaz A, Nelson J, Naseer N: Managment of Hepar<strong>in</strong> Allergy <strong>in</strong>Pregnancy. Am J Hematology 67 (2001) 268–69[2] Amiral J, Bri<strong>de</strong>y F, Wolf M, Boyer-Neumann C, Fress<strong>in</strong>aud E, VissacAM, Peynaud-Debayle E, Dreyfus M, Meyer D: Antibodies tomacromolecular platelet factor 4-hepar<strong>in</strong> complexes <strong>in</strong> <strong>HIT</strong>: astudy of 44 cases. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 73 (1995) 21–28[3] Amiral J, Lormeau JC, Marfa<strong>in</strong>g-Koka A, Vissac AM, Wolf M,Boyer-Neumann C, Tardy B, Herbert JM, Meyer D: Absenceof cross-reactivity of SR90107A/ORG31540 pentasacchari<strong>de</strong>with antibodies to hepar<strong>in</strong>-PF4 complexes <strong>de</strong>veloped <strong>in</strong>hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombocytopenia. Blood Coagul Fibr<strong>in</strong>olysis 8(1997) 114–17[4] Amiral J, Wolf M, Fischer A, Boyer-Neumann C, Vissac A, Meyer D:Pathogenicity of IgA and/or IgM antibodies to hepar<strong>in</strong>-PF4complexes <strong>in</strong> patients with hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombocytopenia.Br J Haematol.92 (1996) 954–59[5] Aouifi A, Blanc P, Piriou V, Bastien OH, French P, Hanss M, LehotJJ: Cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass <strong>in</strong> patients withtype <strong>II</strong> hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombocytopenia. Ann Thorac Surg. 71(2001) 678–83[6] Bauer TL, Arepally G, Konkle BA, Mestichelli B, Shapiro SS,C<strong>in</strong>es DB, Poncz M, McNulty S, Amiral J, Hauck WW, Edie RN,Mannion JD: Prevalence of hepar<strong>in</strong>-associated antibodies withoutthrombosis <strong>in</strong> patients un<strong><strong>de</strong>r</strong>go<strong>in</strong>g cardiopulmonary bypass surgery.Circulation. 95 (1997) 1242–46.[7] Bijsterveld NR, Moons AH, Boekholdt SM, van Aken BE, FennemaH, Peters RJ, Meijers JC, Buller HR, Levi M: Ability of recomb<strong>in</strong>antfactor V<strong>II</strong>a to reverse the anticoagulant effect of the pentasacchari<strong>de</strong>fondapar<strong>in</strong>ux <strong>in</strong> healthy volunteers. Circulation 106 (2002)2550–54[8] Bittl JA, Strony J, Br<strong>in</strong>ker JA, Ahmed WH, Meckel CR, ChaitmanBR, Maraganore J, Deutsch E, A<strong>de</strong>lman B: Treatment with bivalirud<strong>in</strong>(Hirulog) as compared with hepar<strong>in</strong> dur<strong>in</strong>g coronary angioplastyfor unstable or post<strong>in</strong>farction ang<strong>in</strong>a. Hirulog AngioplastyStudy Investigators. N Engl J Med 333 (1995) 764-9[9] Bostrom SL, Hansson GF, Kjaer M, Sarich TC: Effects of melagatran,the active form of the oral direct thromb<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>hibitor ximelagatran,and daltepar<strong>in</strong> on the endogenous thromb<strong>in</strong> potential <strong>in</strong>venous blood from healthy male subjects. Blood CoagulFibr<strong>in</strong>olysis 14 (2003) 457–6[10] Bove CM, Casey B, Mar<strong><strong>de</strong>r</strong> VJ: DDAVP reduces bleed<strong>in</strong>g dur<strong>in</strong>gcont<strong>in</strong>ued hirud<strong>in</strong> adm<strong>in</strong>istration <strong>in</strong> the rabbit. Thromb Haemost.75 (1996) 471–75[11] Bucha E, Kreml R, Nowak G: In vitro study of rhirud<strong>in</strong> permeabilitythrough membranes of different haemodialysers. Nephrol DialTransplant 14 (1999) 2922–26[12] Buller HR, Davidson BL, Decousus H, Gallus A, Gent M, Piovella F,Pr<strong>in</strong>s MH, Raskob G, Segers AE, Cariou R, Leeuwenkamp O,Lens<strong>in</strong>g AW: Matisse Investigators. Fondapar<strong>in</strong>ux or enoxapar<strong>in</strong>for the <strong>in</strong>itial treatment of symptomatic <strong>de</strong>ep venous thrombosis:a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 140 (2004) 867–73[13] Buller HR, Davidson BL, Decousus H, Gallus A, Gent M,Piovella F, Pr<strong>in</strong>s MH, Raskob G, van <strong>de</strong>n Berg-Segers AE, Cariou R,Leeuwenkamp O, Lens<strong>in</strong>g AW: Matisse Investigators. Subcutaneousfondapar<strong>in</strong>ux versus <strong>in</strong>travenous unfractionated hepar<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>the <strong>in</strong>itial treatment of pulmonary embolism. N Engl J Med 394(2003) 1695–702[14] Butler KD, Dolan SL, Talbot MD, Wallis RB: Factor V<strong>II</strong>I and DDAVPre-verse the effect of recomb<strong>in</strong>ant <strong>de</strong>sulphatohirud<strong>in</strong> (CGP39393) on bleed<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the rat. Blood Coagul Fibr<strong>in</strong>olysis 4 (1993)459–64[15] Calatzis A, Toepfer M, Schramm W, Spannagl M, Schiffl H: Citrateanticoagulation for extracorporeal circuits: effects on whole bloodcoagulation activation and clot formation. Nephron 89 (2001)233–36[16] Canaud B, Mion C, Arujo A, N'Guyen QV, Paleyrac G,Hemmend<strong>in</strong>ger S et al.: Prostacycl<strong>in</strong> (epoprostenol) as the soleantithrombotic agent <strong>in</strong> postdilutional hemofiltration. Nephron 48(1988) 206–12[17] C<strong>in</strong>es DB, Tomaski A, Tannenbaum S: Immune endothelial-cell<strong>in</strong>jury <strong>in</strong> hepar<strong>in</strong>-associated thrombocytopenia. N Engl J Med 316(1987) 581–89[18] Claeys LG: Lethal hepar<strong>in</strong>-associated pulmonary embolism-casereports. Angiology 53 (2002) 475–78[19] Clark SI, Porter TF, West FG: Coumar<strong>in</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>r</strong>ivatives and breastfeed<strong>in</strong>g.Obstet Gynecol 95 (2000) 938–40[20] Collart F, Derouck D, Kerbaul F, Feier H, Mesana TG: Regression of<strong>in</strong>tracardiac hepar<strong>in</strong>-<strong>in</strong>duced thrombosis after aortic root surgery.Ann Tho-rac Surg 76 (2003) 617–19[21] Dager WE, White RH: Use of lepirud<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> patients with hepar<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>ducedthrombocytopenia and renal failure requir<strong>in</strong>g hemodialysis.Ann Pharmacother 35 (2001) 885–90[22] Danhof M, <strong>de</strong> Boer A, Magnani HN, Stiekema JC: Pharmacok<strong>in</strong>eticcon-si<strong><strong>de</strong>r</strong>ations on Orgaran (Org 10172) therapy. Haemostasis 22(2) (1992) 73–84[23] Davenport A, Will EJ, Davison AM: Comparison of the use ofstandard hepar<strong>in</strong> and prostacycl<strong>in</strong> anticoagulation <strong>in</strong> spontaneousand pump-driven extracorporeal circuits <strong>in</strong> patients with comb<strong>in</strong>edacute renal and hepatic failure. Nephron 66 (1994) 431–3748VASCULAR CARE 1/2005 VOL. 8

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