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Max JUdel & CO., Akt.-Ges. - Digitale Bibliothek Braunschweig

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Veterans Affairswww.tacoma.washington.edu/finaid/va/Academic programs at the Universityof Washington, Tacoma are approvedby the Higher Education CoordinatingBoard’s State Approving Agency (HECB)for educational benefits under Title 38 andTitle 10, United States Code. Information oneducational benefits and special exemptionprograms for veterans and their dependentsis available from the veterans coordinatorin the Office of Enrollment Services andStudent Affairs.Veterans and members of the U.S.armed forces who apply for admission toany campus of the University are subjectto the same minimum requirements asregular students and are expected to enrollin accordance with University requirements.The University complies with the standardsof progress as required by the Departmentof Veterans Affairs and the Higher EducationCoordinating Board/State ApprovingAgency. A copy of those approved standardsis available for review in the Office ofEnrollment Services and Student Affairs.Office of Student ServicesCareer Services Centerwww.tacoma.washington.edu/career/With help from the Career Services Center,students can clarify their career preferences,explore career options, target and organizea job search or investigate employment andgraduate school opportunities. The CareerServices Center provides comprehensiveservices and information resources thatenable students and alumni to make careerdecisions and find suitable employmentby enhancing their job-search skills.Services include career counseling, selfassessments,internship planning, trainingand information on job and networkingstrategies, résumé development, interviewingtips and salary negotiation. Informationresources include job and internship listings,employer information, career library andcareer information. Call (253) 692-4421 foran appointment.Student Counseling Centerwww.tacoma.washington.edu/oessa/counseling/The Student Counseling Center offersfree, confidential counseling to currentlyenrolled students by professional counselors.Students may receive counseling foracademic or personal concerns such astest or math anxiety, time management,stress management, anxiety, depression orrelationship difficulties. Counseling can alsohelp students balance the often competingdemands of school, family and work.When appropriate or necessary, referralto local resources can be provided. Toschedule an appointment, call (253) 692-4400 or (253) 692-4413 (TTY).Disability Support Serviceswww.tacoma.washington.edu/oessa/dss/The University of Washington, Tacomais committed to a continuous process ofenhancing the accessibility of its physicalfacilities and instructional programs tostudents with disabilities. Facilities andprograms are fully compliant with theAmericans with Disabilities Act. DisabilitySupport Services (DSS) functions as thefocal point for coordination of services tostudents with disabilities. In compliancewith Washington state laws, Section 504 ofthe Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II ofthe Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,UWT seeks to assist students with disabilitiesto achieve full development of their academicpotential. Any enrolled student who has atemporary or permanent physical, emotionalor psychological disability that substantiallylimits one or more than one major lifeactivity (including walking, seeing, hearing,speaking, breathing, learning or working)may be eligible for DSS services.After the student has submittedappropriate documentation of the disabilityto the DSS manager, the University providesaccommodations that are supported bythe documentation. Types of assistanceoffered by DSS include, but are not limitedto: alternative print format (audiotaping,enlarged print, Braille); alternative testingservices (additional time, scribes, use ofcomputers); assistive-listening devices (FMsystems); adaptive technology computerstations; note taking; sign-languageinterpreters; real-time captioning; auxiliaryaids and assistants; special-needs furniture;and disability parking. Students requestingservices should contact the DSS manager atleast six weeks prior to the first day of thequarter (or as soon as possible thereafter). Tolearn about UWT’s documentation policies,please contact the DSS manager at (253)692-4493 (voice); (253) 692-4413 (TTY);dssuwt@u.washington.edu (e-mail).Student Lifewww.tacoma.washington.edu/uwtlife/The Student Life office provides leadershipand assistance in a variety of areas affectingthe quality of student life at the Universityof Washington, Tacoma. Services includeworking with student clubs, organizations,associations, honor societies and studentpublications. The office also works with theASUWT student government to encourageinitiatives and to enhance the supportof active student involvement in campusactivities and leadership developmentopportunities.The Student Life manager serves as theprimary administrative liaison between thestudents and their leadership team on theone hand and the administration on theother. The Student Life manager also servesas adviser to the ASUWT, the Services andActivities Fee Committee and all registeredstudent organizations. Student Life alsooffers many resources for students to helpthem find housing, transportation, childcareand University information.For more information on how to becomeinvolved in any of the student organizationsat UWT, contact the Student Life office at(253) 692-4481 or visit its Web site.Computer Labswww.tacoma.washington.edu/cs/Students have access to two drop-incomputer labs equipped with Windowscompatibleand Apple Macintosh computers.Each is loaded with popular softwareapplications, including Microsoft Word,Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint andInternet Explorer. Multimedia workstationsand high-speed color and black-and-whiteprinters are also available. The labs are staffedby knowledgeable computer professionalswho can answer questions and provideassistance. Students have access to e-mail andthe University of Washington informationnetwork.For students with disabilities, thecomputer lab is equipped with an accessstation, featuring screen-enhancementhardware and a speech synthesizer that readskeystrokes aloud as they are typed.8 University of Washington, Tacoma | 2004-2005 Catalog

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