12.07.2015 Aufrufe

Akademischer Bericht 2002 - Institut für Klinische Chemie ...

Akademischer Bericht 2002 - Institut für Klinische Chemie ...

Akademischer Bericht 2002 - Institut für Klinische Chemie ...


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10.1.10 Artikel in populärwissenschaftlichen Zeitungen und in derTagespresseKeine10.2 Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten im Druck10.2.1 Originalpublikationen in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften:• Chroni, A, Liu, T, Gorshkova, I, Kan, H-Y, Uehara, Y, von Eckardstein, A,Zannis, VI (2003). The central helices of APOA-I can promote ABCA1-mediated lipid efflux: amino acid residues 220-231 of the wild-type APOA-I arerequired for lipid efflux in vitro and HDL formation in vivo. J. Biol. Chem. Inpress• Hersberger M, Patarroyo-White S, Qian X, Arnold K, Rohrer L, Balestra ME,Innerarity TL (2003). Regulatable Liver Expression of the Rabbit ApoB mRNA–Editing Enzyme Catalytic Polypeptide 1 (APOBEC-1) in Mice LackingEndogenous APOBEC-1 Leads to Aberrant Hyperediting. Biochem J, 2003;369 (2), 255-262.• Neff D, Ruschitzka F, Hersberger M, Enseleit F, Hürlimann D, Noll G, LüscherTh, Hänseler E (2003). Detection of a Novel Exon 4 Low-Density LipoproteinReceptor Gene Deletion in a Swiss family with Severe FamilialHypercholesterolemia. Clin Chem Lab Med, 2003;41:266-71.• Hornemann T., Kempa S., Himmel M., Fürst D.O., Wallimann T. (2003).Muscle type creatine kinase interacts with central domains of the M-bandproteins myomesin and M-protein. JMB (in Press)• Julier, K, da Silva R, Garcia C, Bestmann L, Frascarolo P, Zollinger A,Chassot P-G, Schmid ER, Turina MR, von Segesser M, Pasch T, Spahn DR,Zaugg M (2003). Preconditioning by Sevoflurane Decreases BiochemicalMarkers for Myocardial and Renal Dysfunction in Coronary Artery Bypass.Graft Surgery: A Double-blinded Placebo-controlled Multicenter Study.Anesthesiology, in press• Rentsch, KM (2003). Sensitive and specific determination of eight antiretroviralagents in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography-massspectrometry. Journal of Chromatography, in press• von Eckardstein, A, Crook, D, Elbers, J, Ragoobir, J, Ezeh, B, Helmond, F,Miller, N, Dieplinger, H, Coelingh Bennink, H, AssmannG (2003). Tibolonelowers HDL cholesterol by increasing hepatic lipase activity but does notimpair cholesterol efflux. Clin. Endocrinol., in press• Zitzmann, M, Gromoll, J, von Eckardstein, A, Nieschlag, E (2003). The CAGrepeat polymorphism in the androgen receptor gene modulates body fat massand serum levels of leptin and insulin in men. Diabetologia, in press

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