12.07.2015 Aufrufe

Akademischer Bericht 2002 - Institut für Klinische Chemie ...

Akademischer Bericht 2002 - Institut für Klinische Chemie ...

Akademischer Bericht 2002 - Institut für Klinische Chemie ...


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• Engeler DS, John H, Rentsch KM, Ruef C, Oertle D, Suter S. (<strong>2002</strong>) Nelfinavirurinary stones. J Urol. 167:1384-5.• Hersberger, M, Marti-Jaun, J, Hänseler, E, Speck, RF (<strong>2002</strong>). Rapid detectionof the CCR2-V64I, CCR5-A59029G and SDF1-G801A polymorphisms bytetra-primer PCR. Clin Biochem. 35:399.• Hornemann T, Stolz M, Schlattner U, Wallimann T. (<strong>2002</strong>). Mutation of conservedactive-site threonine residues in creatine kinase affects autophosphorylation andenzyme kinetics. Biochem J. 363:785-92.• Horter, MJ, Sondermann, S, Reinecke, H, Bogdanski, J, Woltering, A, Kerber,S, Breithardt, G, Assmann, G, von Eckardstein, A (<strong>2002</strong>). Associations of HDLphospholipids and paraoxonase activity with coronary heart disease inpostmenopausal women. Acta Scand Physiol. 176, 123-130• Kratz, M, Gülbahçe, E, von Eckardstein, A, Cullen, P, Cignarella, A, Assmann,G, Wahrburg, U (<strong>2002</strong>). Dietary mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids havesimilar effects on LDL size in healthy human subjects of both sexes. J.Nutrition 132:715-718• Kratz, M, von Eckardstein, A, Fobker, M, Buyken, A, Posny, N, Schulte, H,Assmann, G, Wahrburg U (<strong>2002</strong>). The impact of dietary fat composition onserum leptin concentrations in healthy non-obese men and womenJ. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 87; 5008-5014• Kronenberg, F, Kuen, E., Ritz E, König, P, Kraatz, G, Lhotta, K, Mann, JFE,Müller, GA, Neyer, U, Riegel, W, Riegler, P, Schwenger, A, von Eckardstein, A(<strong>2002</strong>). Apoliprotein A-IV serum concentrations are elevated in mild andmoderate renal failure. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 13: 461-469• Langer, C, Gansz, B, Goepfert, C, Engel, T, Uehara, Y, von Dehn, G, Jansen,H, Assmann, G, von Eckardstein, A (<strong>2002</strong>). Testosterone up-regulatesscavenger receptor BI and stimulates cholesterol efflux from macrophages.Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 296: 1051-1057• Lee, M, Sommerhoff, CP, von Eckardstein, A, Zettl, F, Fritz, H, Kovanen, PT(<strong>2002</strong>). Mast cell tryptase degrades HDL and blocks its function as anacceptor of cellular cholesterol. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 22: 2086-2091• Ji, J, Pan, S, Marti-Jaun, J, Hänseler, E, Rentsch, K, Hersberger, M (<strong>2002</strong>).Single-Step Assays to Analyze CYP2D6 Gene Polymorphisms in Asians:Allele Frequencies and a Novel *14B Allele in Mainland Chinese. Clin Chem48, 983-988.• Maurer K, Ekatodramis G, Hodler J, Rentsch K, Perschak H, Borgeat A.(<strong>2002</strong>) Bilateral continuous interscalene block of brachial plexus for analgesiaafter Bilateral shoulder arthroplasty. Anesthesiology 96:762-4.• Maurer K, Ekatodramis G, Rentsch K, Borgeat A (<strong>2002</strong>). Interscalene andinfraclavicular block for bilateral distal radius fracture. Anesth Analg. 94:450-2.• Rampini SK, Schneemann M, Rentsch K, Bachli EB (<strong>2002</strong>). Camphorintoxication after cao gio (coin rubbing). JAMA 288: 45 (letter).• Reinecke, H, Bogdanski, J, Woltering, A, Breithardt, G, Gerd Assmann, G,Kerber, S, von Eckardstein, A (<strong>2002</strong>). Relation of Levels of Sex-Hormone-

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