12.07.2015 Aufrufe

GGS Quarterly 2 / 13

GGS Quarterly 2 / 13

GGS Quarterly 2 / 13


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and also introduces our students to an international perspectiveon management development using a highly interactivestyle of teaching that encourages critical reflection on whatis being learned.What makes <strong>GGS</strong> a fun place for you and your colleagues tocome and teach?Dr Stephen KingDirector of the Leeds MSc in BusinessManagement ProgrammeDirector of the Leeds MBA ProgrammeSenior Lecturer in Information ManagementYou have headed up this programme since 2007. From yourperspective over the years, how would you say the LeedsMSc differs from other MSc programmes in Germany?I have led the MSc Business Management since its inceptionin 2007 - so we are now in our seventh year. The programmeprovides a broad coverage of business and managementand enables young managers and professionals to gainthe knowledge and skills to move on to more senior managementroles in the future. A key feature of the programme isthe close interplay of theory and practice. Our modules aredelivered by leading professors, many with extensive consultingexperience. They are able to enrich their teaching withnumerous practical examples and help guide the students intheir application of the concepts to their own organisations.The programme is distinctive in the German market becauseit is one of the few weekend-based ManagementMScs delivered by a top university. Leeds University is amember of the prestigious „Russell Group“ of leading UKuniversities which includes the universities of Oxford andCambridge - and we regularly appear in the Times World Top100 universities table. The MSc is taught entirely in EnglishI have a waiting list of colleagues keen to teach on theprogramme - they have heard such positive stories from thecurrent faculty! We find the German culture and attitude towork (and play) very similar to our own and so it is easy forour staff to work with <strong>GGS</strong>. The <strong>GGS</strong> staff are very professionaland focus strongly on providing an excellent studentexperience. The facilities are first class. And the city of Heilbronnis a comfortable place to work and relax after class.Of course the beer is another attraction but maybe Ishouldn‘t say too much about that!How do you manage to build and maintain relationships withthe students?The University of Leeds is in the North of England andnortherners take pride in being open and friendly to others.I think that attitude permeates the university and it oftenwins awards for the way it welcomes its students - especiallyinternational students. I believe this spirit has been carriedacross to Heilbronn. We start the MSc with an Inductionweekend where we introduce the programme, the staff, andthe students to one another. We have a Jazz Brunch at a barin Heilbronn on the Sunday and everyone can relax over aglass of champagne. We limit the class size to around 20 toensure every student gets plenty of attention and guidancein their learning. Our faculty are very experienced teachersand know how to engage. Most notably, all the studentscome to Leeds in the summer for a week of company visits,presentations, workshops, and social events. By the end ofthe week the whole cohort has „bonded“ and the staff engageclosely with the activities including a grand end-of-weekdinner in one of Leeds‘ top restaurants.What do our students benefit from the most?Our students really enjoy the highly interactive learningenvironment - being taught by leading academics in smallclasses at the excellent new <strong>GGS</strong> campus. Students havetime to grow intellectually and to explore business and managementfrom many different perspectives. Each of our sixcohorts so far has bonded wonderfully and we see the studentsgain in confidence as they progress through the programme.Our students also appreciate the fact that weekendteaching allows them to continue working whilst gaininga prestigious qualification. And, crucially, they benefit not17

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