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Forschung an der GSaME - Status und Ergebnisse 2012

Forschung an der GSaME - Status und Ergebnisse 2012

Forschung an der GSaME - Status und Ergebnisse 2012

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Eberspächer, P.; Haag, H.; Rahäuser, R.; Schlechtendahl, J.; Verl, A.; Bauernh<strong>an</strong>sl, T.;Westkämper, E.: Automated Provision <strong>an</strong>d Exch<strong>an</strong>ge of Energy Information throughout theProduction Process. In: Proccedings of the 19th International Conference on Life CycleEngineering (LCE), <strong>2012</strong>Rahäuser, R.; Eberspächer P.; Schlechtendahl, J; Klemm, P.; Verl, A.; Meier, M.: TotalEnergy Saving Analysis Method for Cool<strong>an</strong>t Supply Systems. In: Proceedings of 10th GlobalConference on Sustainable M<strong>an</strong>ufacturing (GCSM), <strong>2012</strong>Wentsch, K. S.; Zheng, L.; Xu, J.; Abdou Ahmed, M.; Graf, T.: Passively mode-lockedYb 3+ :Sc 2SiO 5 thin-disk laser. In: Optics Letters Vol. 37, No. 22, <strong>2012</strong>Ricaud, S.; Jaffres, A.; Wentsch, K. S:; Sug<strong>an</strong>uma, A.; Vi<strong>an</strong>a, B.; Loiseau, P.; Weichelt, B.;Abdou Ahmed, M.; Voss, A.; Graf, T.; Rytz, D.; Hönninger, C.; Mottay, E.; Georges, P.; Druon,F.: Femtosecond Yb:CALGO thin-disk oscillator. In: Optics Letters, Vol. 37, No. 19, <strong>2012</strong>Wentsch, K. S.; Weichelt, B.; Zheng, L.; Xu, J.; Abdou Ahmed, M.; Graf, T.: ContiniouswaveYb-doped Sc 2SiO 5 thin-disk laser. In: Optics Letters, Vol. 37, No. 1, <strong>2012</strong>Wentsch, K. S.; Abdou Ahmed, M.; Graf, T.: New crystals for ultrafast thin-disk lasers.Stuttgarter Lasertage <strong>2012</strong>Druon, F.; Vi<strong>an</strong>a, B.; Ricaud, S.; Papadopoulos, D.; Jaffres, A.; Sug<strong>an</strong>uma, A.;Loiseau, P.;Weichelt, B.; Wentsch, K. S.; Abdou Ahmed, M.; Voss, A.; Graf, T.; Hönninger, C.; Mottay,E. ; George, P.: Yb:CALGO for high-power femtosecond laser applications. StuttgarterLasertage <strong>2012</strong>Ricaud, S.; Jaffres, A.; Sug<strong>an</strong>uma, A.; Vi<strong>an</strong>a, B.; Loiseau, P.; Weichelt, B.; Wentsch, K. S.;Abdou Ahmed, M.; Voss, A.; Graf, T.; Ritz, D.; Hönninger, C.; Mottay, E.; Georges, P.; Druon,F.: CW <strong>an</strong>d femtosecond Yb:CALGO thin disk oscillator. Europhoton, Stockholm, <strong>2012</strong>Weichelt, B.; Wentsch, K. S.; Voss, A.; Abdou Ahmed, M.; Graf, T.: Experimentalinvestigations on high-power zero-phonon line pumped thin-disk lasers. 2 nd Disk LaserWorkshop, Stuttgart, <strong>2012</strong>Cluster H – Nachhaltigkeit in <strong>der</strong> ProduktionSlowak, A.; Regenfel<strong>der</strong>, M: Creating Value, not Wasting Ressources - SustainableInnovation Strategies, Presentation at 6th International Conferenceon Indicators <strong>an</strong>d Concepts of Innovation -Sustainability of Innovation,Innovation of Sustainability (ICICI <strong>2012</strong>), Konst<strong>an</strong>zDully, S.; Schiffleitner, A.; Regenfel<strong>der</strong>, M.: Implementing Product-Related Hazardous Subst<strong>an</strong>ces M<strong>an</strong>agement by <strong>an</strong> Reporting-Oriented Project M<strong>an</strong>agementApproach, Proceedings of 10th Global Conference on Sustainable M<strong>an</strong>ufacturing (GCSM)<strong>2012</strong>: Towards Implementing Sustainable M<strong>an</strong>ufacturing, Ist<strong>an</strong>bulRegenfel<strong>der</strong>, M.; Faller, J.; Perthes, H.; Dully, S. (<strong>2012</strong>): Practical Demonstrator Automotive– M<strong>an</strong>ufacturing of Security-Relev<strong>an</strong>t Component with Plastic Recyclate in Automotive in <strong>an</strong>Industrial Network, Proceedings of Joint International Congress <strong>an</strong>d Exhibition ElectronicGoes Green (EGG) <strong>2012</strong>+, Berlin115

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